*****BREAKING***** Crooked Hillary Gave Slick Willie in Domestic Violence Case in The White House.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
A BLACK EYE...Or is that racist to say that under the newspeak rules of "liberals" today! :p


Hillary Clinton 'gave Bill a black eye' in White House, book claims
Apparently many D voters WANT a sickly, corrupt, criminal and also violent POTUS.
Apparently many D voters WANT a sickly, corrupt, criminal and also violent POTUS.

actually, what we want is a not-crazy person who hires wife-beaters and white supremacists for his campaign.

But you guys couldn't even meet that low standard. You passed up a dozen sensible candidates to get this nut.

Twenty years ago? Like when Trump pulled out his wife's hair?

To My Two Best Buds,

By any objective and logical analysis, the choice between Donald and Cankles is a bad one, but logic dictates that Trump is better, since he does not possess a long long long history of lying, corruption, and criminal activities IN GOVERNMENT.
Hold on a second don't you tinfoil retards keep saying that Hillary is a murderer?

If you really do believe that, why are you spending time on small peanut story about her punching Bill?
Crooked Hillary is probably not able to give Slick Willie a black eye nowadays with her health issues, etc. But he deserves a few! :p

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