Breaking! Colin Powell dies

I liked him as did most Americans...
He wasn't really a political creature...he was a soldier first and foremost. He did his job well... even as an officer. His wife hated political did he but he did his job as best he could always. He was what a true leader should be.

I wish those around him could have learned that lesson.
So unless you're 84, there's no reason to get your shots, right?

I guess it's a good this he was fully-vaccinated. Otherwise he could have died worse.
I said wane, I did not say they lose all protection from them Galt.... So yes, more so than most all of us younger, those 65 and above who have not had covid, most certainly, should get vaccinated and be getting their booster shot after 6 months! No question, seniors are more protected with vaccination than without vaccination.
It is too bad that Colin Powell did not run for President in 2000. He may have defeated the worthless W. in the primaries though I doubt it. The Republican establishment was firmly behind W.

If Powell had stayed retired, his legacy would have been assured. But like Rudy, he threw it all away for a lie. He made a fool of himself in front of the UN using discredited information to get us to invade Iraq. He knew or should have known that the whole WMD excuse to invade Iraq was a lie. Hell, anyone who listened to Scott Ritter and others knew this whole WMD was a Lie.

RIP, Colin Powell. You should have resigned instead of being a mouthpiece for a lie.
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And yet Powell promoted W’s illegal war, while knowingly lying to the American people about WMD. The left quickly forgot about this after he came out against the R Party and dumb Don.

Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew About Iraq 15 Years Ago and What He Told the U.N.

Not this liberal.

The man lied through his teeth at the UN.

While I appreciated his distain for trump, that never absolved him of all his lies that helped get us into the mess in Iraq.

trump was his line in the sand but he should have drawn that line with the bush boy and refused to lie through his teeth to the world at the UN about wmds in Iraq.

Now that he's dead, his soul has to justify his life. He can't lie.

He has a lot of very bad karma to work though.
It is too bad that Colin Powell did not run for President in 2000. He may have defeated the worthless W. in the primaries though I doubt it. The Republican establishment was firmly behind W.

If Powell had retired, his legacy would have been assured. But like Rudy, he threw it all away for a lie. He made a fool of himself in front of the UN using discredited information to get us to invade Iraq. He knew or should have known that the whole WMD excuse to invade Iraq was a lie. Hell, anyone who listened to Scott Ritter and others knew this whole WMD was a Lie.

RIP, Colin Powell. You should have resigned instead of being a mouthpiece for a lie.

Yep. Powell probably should have resigned. That dilemma that Powell faced with regard to his oath and loyalty to the CiC is probably the reason he didn't want to be president.