BREAKING: Barack Obama's shocking ties to Moammar Gadhafi!!!

I know! Sick, right?

Safer than a ferry in waters it wasn't designed for.

By sending in a US naval vessel with a bright red bullseye on it, so the Libyans have something to REALLY get excited about shooting? sending in a ship that can get them the hell out of the region.
Big red bullseye?
Excuse me....whereever our military is they have a big red bullseye on it.
Why is it an issue when it comes to saving Americans?

Jarhead, putting a US naval ship in Tripoli makes that bullseye a much more attractive target than putting it in Cork.

It's not an issue of "saving Americans". Americans were saved - all 167 of them.

No sir. They were not saved.
They fled....and not as quickly as they were hoping as they were held up by incimate weather.
There IS a difference. sending in a ship that can get them the hell out of the region.
Big red bullseye?
Excuse me....whereever our military is they have a big red bullseye on it.
Why is it an issue when it comes to saving Americans?

Jarhead, putting a US naval ship in Tripoli makes that bullseye a much more attractive target than putting it in Cork.

It's not an issue of "saving Americans". Americans were saved - all 167 of them.

No sir. They were not saved.
They fled....and not as quickly as they were hoping as they were held up by incimate weather.
There IS a difference.

They were saved. You think they called for that ferry themselves?
In this case, sitting was safer. That's why the boat didn't leave -- it was unsafe waters. I guess you could send in a large US naval vessel - and put a great big bullseye on it while you're at it.

Or you contact the Libyan government and ask for permission to get your people out....and if they say get them for even MORE reason.

You see...I dont see that as being militaristic.

I see it as government doing for the people what they are supposed to do.....protect Americans.

And if Libya saw that ship as one with a target......then we do what we need to do....defend our people and our property.

First of all, I have no doubt that the State Department attempted to contact the Libyan government. They didn't need permission to get people out - they simply got people out. It didn't require special permission.

So they were on a ferry, awaiting departure in a fashion similar to the thousands at the Tripoli airport. Sending more Americans - with guns - into the situation would certainly be provocative and would do nothing to actually get the people out. They needed a boat capable of carrying them, and any such US Naval boat would be a really fantastic target.

Could we protect it? Probably. How many US servicemen do we risk doing so?

As a veteran I will say this......

servicemen and women do not see it as a risk when they are asked to serve Americans that are in a dangerous situation. They see it as their responsibility...and an honor to be asked to serve.

You see it as a risk for the military to protect the lives of Americans who are involuntarily in an unstable war zone?

Then exactly what is the role of the military in your eyes? To simply take territory?
Shocking ties? I knew this before the 08 election. Are people seriously only finding out now?

Our media is pretty darn sad.
Jarhead, putting a US naval ship in Tripoli makes that bullseye a much more attractive target than putting it in Cork.

It's not an issue of "saving Americans". Americans were saved - all 167 of them.

No sir. They were not saved.
They fled....and not as quickly as they were hoping as they were held up by incimate weather.
There IS a difference.

They were saved. You think they called for that ferry themselves?

Is it an American owned and operated Ferry?

There is a difference between going in and saving compared to telling someone where to go.
A BIG difference.
They were not saved. They were ordered to evacuate.
A moving boat is making progress to safe territory.
A sitting boat is making no progress.

What do you believe is a safer situation?

The American people have been safely evacuated

Ferry carrying Americans able to leave Libya -

Once again, Obama's decision has proved to be the right one and you "bow to our savior" attitude is sickening.

And, of course, if someone decided to capitalize on those Americans stuck in one area and kill them knowing that it is such an easy would be saying "Obama did everything he could but you cant predict how a crazy murderer may act"

I have to move on with my day and try not to lose any more brain cells reading this mind bogglingly idiotic after-the-fact bullshit -- but here is a final thought .....

This whole thing began with a moron claiming Obama had ties to Gadhafi. It is so ludicrous on its face that it is a farce and also has gone without a shread of realistic proof. This is not Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon and if that is how far you have to stretch to make that claim then i too may have some kind of ties to him. Of course i am not POTUS and it would not make the front page of the Detroit Free Press, but in the end is also IRRELEVENT. But it might keep me from being a cop.

like i said it is not about left or right it is about common sense. I do not think Obama is a savior nor a saint, but thinking he would purposfully leave americans in a hostile and UNPREDICTABLE environment is just wrong and anyone supporting that theory should go play a game of DROP-THE-SOAP in their local prison shower as their punishment.
Or you contact the Libyan government and ask for permission to get your people out....and if they say get them for even MORE reason.

You see...I dont see that as being militaristic.

I see it as government doing for the people what they are supposed to do.....protect Americans.

And if Libya saw that ship as one with a target......then we do what we need to do....defend our people and our property.

First of all, I have no doubt that the State Department attempted to contact the Libyan government. They didn't need permission to get people out - they simply got people out. It didn't require special permission.

So they were on a ferry, awaiting departure in a fashion similar to the thousands at the Tripoli airport. Sending more Americans - with guns - into the situation would certainly be provocative and would do nothing to actually get the people out. They needed a boat capable of carrying them, and any such US Naval boat would be a really fantastic target.

Could we protect it? Probably. How many US servicemen do we risk doing so?

As a veteran I will say this......

servicemen and women do not see it as a risk when they are asked to serve Americans that are in a dangerous situation. They see it as their responsibility...and an honor to be asked to serve.

You see it as a risk for the military to protect the lives of Americans who are involuntarily in an unstable war zone?

yes, when deciding whether to use military force I think you need to balance the risk to those being deployed against the potential reward. I'm still not sure what we see as the "reward" here, but the risk to me is obvious. Whether or not individual soldiers perceive it as a risk isn't particularly relevant to the calculation - they will do as they are told, and excel at whatever task they've been given.

Then exactly what is the role of the military in your eyes? To simply take territory?

To protect and defend our country.
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It's like down deep you Republicans are actually desperate to see Obama in office another 4 years.

You keep pathetically reaching on these crazy stories and trying to pass it off as rational discussion.

Stick to the real world problems, like the economy, shrinking of the middle class, unemployment, Obamacare, you could maybe even with a difficult election on those issues but instead you keep this type of garbage on the forefront and essentially guarantee another run away democrat presidential victory like in 2008.
I am amused that you are taking your cue from Gadhafi. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

OH!!! Well maybe you can explain, being you are an ex-Navy officer.

Other nations got their people out. We've still got 600 stranded in a port. The official "excuse" is the water and weather is too rough.

The Navy, USMC and Coast Guard can't handle that water? Or Obama won't allow them to?

First of all, I am not "ex-Navy", I am retired Navy. Second of all, I trust the knowledge and expertise of our Surface Navy and Coasties. You apparently do not. You want to blame this on Obama back in Washington D.C. and expect us to follow you right along with your stupid notions that Obama is PERSONALLY ORDERING our Navy to NOT pick up our citizens for............what reason again? :eusa_eh:

You know DADT has been repealed.

You can go back in.
A moving boat is making progress to safe territory.
A sitting boat is making no progress.

What do you believe is a safer situation?

The American people have been safely evacuated

Ferry carrying Americans able to leave Libya -

Once again, Obama's decision has proved to be the right one and you "bow to our savior" attitude is sickening.

And, of course, if someone decided to capitalize on those Americans stuck in one area and kill them knowing that it is such an easy would be saying "Obama did everything he could but you cant predict how a crazy murderer may act"

Obviously an assessment of the safety of the people on the ferry vs the safety of sending a ferry out into rough seas was made and it was decided that they were safer in port. If the ferry had sunk in rough seas....rightwing outrage at the decision to send them out would be all over

Looks like that assessment was correct.....Americans are safe
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All true patriotic Americans should heap praise on Pres. Obama for orchestrating the heroic rescue of U.S. citizens out of Lybia. :clap2:


Bow down to him....juat as it seems RW is doing.
Praise the savior. He did it again!
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

FoxViews must have bought NewsMax to get such a deep infectious Tabloid disease.
The American people have been safely evacuated

Ferry carrying Americans able to leave Libya -

Once again, Obama's decision has proved to be the right one and you "bow to our savior" attitude is sickening.

And, of course, if someone decided to capitalize on those Americans stuck in one area and kill them knowing that it is such an easy would be saying "Obama did everything he could but you cant predict how a crazy murderer may act"

Obviously an assessment of the safety of the people on the ferry vs the safety of sending a ferry out into rough seas was made and it was decided that they were safer in port.

Looks like that assessment was correct.....Americans are safe

I do not recalll ANYONE saying that Obama should have ordered the ferry to leave port.
To be frank...despite the great power you see him as having, I likely doubt he had the power to order a NON american vessel to do anything.

All we are saying is it would have been a better move to use our military to ensure no time was wasted getting them the hell out of there.

But what the hell...only 167 Americans.

Why should he risk pissing off the left by using the mil;itary to ensure the lives of 167 Americans were safe.

He preferred gambling and hoping no one blew the dam ferry up as it sat in the port fotr 72 hours with a big target on it saying.."167 defensless Americans sitting right here"

Well...he won the lets hail the king!

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