Brazile Seems Intent on Finishing Off Hillary


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
And validating how MSM is a branch of the DNC.

“Her coughing fits, especially a long one on Labor Day, and a history of falling were pointed out by the popular Drudge Report, some Republicans and smaller, conservative-leaning sites to suggest she was not being honest about her health.

But her campaign always denied anything was wrong — allergies, the candidate and her flacks insisted, caused the persistent coughs, and major news organizations mostly nodded their heads and stayed mum, accepting the official denials without skepticism.

The dam cracked a bit on Labor Day, when an NBC reporter filed a 91-word, four-paragraph story that said Clinton had been unable to finish her speech in Ohio because of a coughing fit.

The truth was dangerous, so the Praetorian Guard sprang to Clinton’s defense. The NBC reporter, Andrew Rafferty, was mocked and insulted, first by the campaign, and then by journalists, including some MSNBC commentators who turned on their colleague as if he had violated a secret oath.

CNN joined the Clinton amen chorus, and at the Washington Post, political writer Chris Cillizza denounced the topic of Clinton’s health as “a totally ridiculous issue” and declared it a “sure-fire loser” for Trump.

“It’s hard to plausibly insist, based on the available data, that Clinton is ill,” insisted Cillizza, who is now at CNN.”
Wow. We dodged a truly dangerous situation where her lunatic VP might already be President.

Uncle Vlad save the Republic!
For a conservative, having Hillary around is the gift that keeps on giving. Sorta like Trump is for the Dems. How does she not know her day is over?
It's going to be a fun time, when Mueller has jailed the swamp-rats from both sides!
Obama "used the party to provide for political expenses like gifts to donors, and political travel," Brazile wrote, adding that the politician also used DNC funds for "his pollster and focus groups" later into his second term although he couldn't run for president again.

"This was not working to strengthen the party. He left it in debt. Hillary bailed it out so that she could control it, and Debbie went along with all of this because she liked the power and perks of being a chair but not the responsibilities," Brazile wrote.

She added that although she believed Obama, Clinton and Schultz loved the Democratic Party dearly, they "leeched it of its vitality and were continuing to do so."
“I knew that these three did not do this with malice. I knew if you woke any of them up in the middle of the night to ask them how they felt about the Democratic Party they would answer with sincerity that they loved this party and all it had done for the country and for them. Yet they had leeched it of its vitality and were continuing to do so,” Brazile wrote.

Brazile, who assumed the DNC role in the interim following Schultz's resignation in 2016 after a trove of leaked emails showed the committee conspired to sabotage Senator Bernie Sanders's campaign, has been facing heat for speaking critically against members in her own party in recent months.

"As I saw it, these three titanic egos–Barack, Hillary, and Debbie–had stripped the party to a shell for their own purposes,” Brazile wrote.
Tucker to Crooked Brazil: "If you believe the Russians hacked the DNC servers, why didn't the DNC allow the FBI to examine those servers? Why were they given over to a vendor and not the U.S. government's investigators?"

Exactly. If they were so concerned about “Russian influence,” then why didn’t they seek the FBI’s help? The Trump-Russia story is a truckload of BS, and the Democrats know it.
Weatherman is half right, which is better than usual.

Donna, finish of Clinton.

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