Boycotts and browbeating of Israel: What’s changed since the last Gaza war?

Where have I failed acknowledge Palestinian violence in this thread?

Where did I say you had?

By the way, 1600-1800 dead civilians, 415 of which were children.

Is this the part where you tell me it's their own fault?

If that's your definition of measured, I don't know what else to say.

Benjamin Netanyahu's moral compass is so fucked up, I'm surprised he can make it to the bathroom to take a piss in the morning.

Lame deflection. Where did I say you had failed to acknowledge Palestinian violence in this thread?
Oh, and by the way ... the suffering of those hapless "refugees" must be laid at the door of their own failed leadership and the exhortations of those who use them as cannon fodder.
Kimura, Israel are fighting a war for their survival against terrorists who want all of them all dead. Innocent civilians have died, and I feel sad about this too, but that is what happens during such conflicts, just because the world is outraged doesn't change that facts. If Israel were targeting Innocent people the death toll would be considerably higher.
Why is is that people like you cannot grasp the concept that Hamas have shoot rockets and place children in those areas to die as human shields. Just a bit of research and a simple understanding of Hamas and what they stand for should tell you that.

Then you have the casualty figures.

"An analysis by the New York Times looked at the names of 1,431 casualties and found that "the population most likely to be militants, men ages 20 to 29, is also the most overrepresented in the death toll. They are 9% of Gaza's 1.7 million residents, but 34% of those killed whose ages were provided."

That alone shows that the bombing is not indiscriminate. It all comes down to the same thing again and again, basically children will unfortunately get killed because of Hamas's strategy of placing them in danger, then people like you will cry out and blame Israel, which incidentally is why Hamas are doing what there doing. They know that there are plenty of gullible people who will see the deaths of innocents, particularly children and will automatically go against Israel.

I truly want there to be peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis but I know deep down inside that it will never happen. This is not a war over land and anyone who honestly believes that or thinks that it can be solved by a two state solution has no idea about the conflict. It is a religious war plain and simple.

Kimura, I appreciate that you feel disgusted when you see innocent people dying but you really need to get it out of your head that Israel are deliberately targeting innocent people. If that was the case then logic would tell you that after nearly a month conflict the casualty figures would have been in the tens of thousands at least.

The causality figures weren't higher because the US told Israel to stop once the causalities became unacceptable to the international community. Obama made the call and reeled Bibi in. The IDF ground offensive stayed within the outskirts of Gaza. The Israeli public simply will not tolerate high casualties. Even some of the Israelis here will agree with me on this.

You are drooling from both sides of your mouth.
In the same post you claim "Obama made the call" (got a link?) and then that "the Israeli public simply will not tolerate high casualties." So which was it and couldn't it be that Bibi saw nothing more to be gained by continuing the incursion? Isn't it possible that Hamas got his message and he let them save face? Do you really know so little about the players and the region and for that matter, Bibi?
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Not the Holocaust itself, but the concrete manifestation of blind hatred accompanied by murderous behavior.
Jews have plenty more in history to remember than just WWII Germany.
Jews who actually lost family don't PONDER on terrorism, they REACT to it.

The Jewish people have suffered throughout history. Where I part ways with some Jews is when they say Jewish suffering is unique. I find that ahistorical and not based in reality at all.

Speaking of Tel Aviv and people living in a fantasy land, Israel didn't react to Aza's attacks on S'derot for YEARS because, ah, what they heck, just a bunch of poor Jews.
But attack Tel Aviv ONCE, and the Israelis went BONKERS!
And voila, sudden response.

I guess some Jew boy from the Knesset can just go to Aza and ask someone politely to stop the attacks.

Both sides target civilians, it's tragic and ghoulish.
You are drooling from both sides of your mouth.
In the same post you claim "Obama made the call" (got a link?) and then that "the Israeli public simply will not tolerate high casualties." So which was it and couldn't it be that Bibi saw nothing more to be gained by continuing the incursion? Isn't it possible that Hamas got his message and he let them save face? Do you really know so little about the players and the region and for that matter, Bibi?

I don't need to post a link. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, Israel is a client state. Bibi will push only as far as he can before a US President pulls on the leash. The US will go along with the Israeli position until the international community starts to make noise. He's still a politician in the end. Quite frankly, I think Obama enabled Bibi in a way.

On a side note, I think the Israelis underestimated the tunnel network. They seemed better trained this time around. If I was a betting man, I'd say Hezbollah provided some training to Hamas.
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Where did I say you had?

By the way, 1600-1800 dead civilians, 415 of which were children.

Is this the part where you tell me it's their own fault?

If that's your definition of measured, I don't know what else to say.

Benjamin Netanyahu's moral compass is so fucked up, I'm surprised he can make it to t[he bathroom to take a piss in the morning.

Lame deflection. Where did I say you had failed to acknowledge Palestinian violence in this thread?
Oh, and by the way ... the suffering of those hapless "refugees" must be laid at the door of their own failed leadership and the exhortations of those who use them as cannon fodder.

Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles.

By the way, 1600-1800 dead civilians, 415 of which were children.

Is this the part where you tell me it's their own fault?

If that's your definition of measured, I don't know what else to say.

Benjamin Netanyahu's moral compass is so fucked up, I'm surprised he can make it to t[he bathroom to take a piss in the morning.

Lame deflection. Where did I say you had failed to acknowledge Palestinian violence in this thread?
Oh, and by the way ... the suffering of those hapless "refugees" must be laid at the door of their own failed leadership and the exhortations of those who use them as cannon fodder.

Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles...

Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald
Lame deflection. Where did I say you had failed to acknowledge Palestinian violence in this thread?
Oh, and by the way ... the suffering of those hapless "refugees" must be laid at the door of their own failed leadership and the exhortations of those who use them as cannon fodder.

Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles...

Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station. The horror of what's transpired in Gaza clearly hasn't registered with you or some others in this thread. Go over to VICE News, they have journalists on the ground there, it's a fucking horror show.

Hamas was a pariah in the Arab World, now they're being viewed as heroes. The Israelis really shit the bed on this one, what's coming next is worse than Hamas. As the Palestinians continue to spiral into desperation, the extremists will probably come into the fray, which is worse than Hamas (largely corrupt thugs with the death to Israel meme).
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Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles...

Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station.

Perhaps it has for the weak-minded liberal types but new and irrefutable evidence supports Israel's long-standing claim of Hamas imbedding their launch sites among non-combatants and using numerous UN "schools" as armories. You can cover your eyes and ears and hum Kumbaya but even West Bank Palestinians can no longer support Hamas's use of civilians as cannon fodder. Evidently you can.
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Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station.

Perhaps it has for the weak-minded liberal types but new and irrefutable evidence supports Israel's long-standing claim of Hamas imbedding their launch sites among non-combatants and using numerous UN "schools" as armories. You can cover your eyes and ears and hum Kumbaya but even West Bank Palestinians can no longer support Hamas's use of civilians as cannon fodder. Evidently you can.
The first part of this article is the threat to Israel if the current cease fire is broken, the latter part deals with war crimes.
Israel-Gaza conflict: Sale of military equipment to Israel linked to success of peace talks, claims Vince Cable - Middle East - World - The Independent
Kimura, claiming that Obama stopped Israel is irrelevant. Do you really think that Bibi doesn't realize that the world will cause an outcry once Israel starts defending themselves and that Obama will have to put pressure on him publicly. Bibi would have known that the world would react like that and would not have started the operation without the intention of completing it, and that is what he did.

The fact still remains that after a month of conflict the casualty figures in no way even remotely representative of indiscriminate killing considering the operation. You and everyone else can shout all you want but you can't change the reality. You have fallen hands down for Hamas's sick PR tactics, and as I mentioned previously anyone who thinks that Israel are targeting innocent civilians is ignorant on the conflict.
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Lame deflection. Where did I say you had failed to acknowledge Palestinian violence in this thread?
Oh, and by the way ... the suffering of those hapless "refugees" must be laid at the door of their own failed leadership and the exhortations of those who use them as cannon fodder.

Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles...

Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Who told you that?

[ame=]Palestinians killed in West Bank Gaza solidarity march - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles...

Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station. The horror of what's transpired in Gaza clearly hasn't registered with you or some others in this thread. Go over to VICE News, they have journalists on the ground there, it's a fucking horror show.
Hamas was a pariah in the Arab World, now they're being viewed as heroes. The Israelis really shit the bed on this one, what's coming next is worse than Hamas. As the Palestinians continue to spiral into desperation, the extremists will probably come into the fray, which is worse than Hamas (largely corrupt thugs with the death to Israel meme).

I have to say that one who had no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians were criminal...But this time it was Israel who started this round of fighting by Netanyahu who used the pretext of the three murdered kids to Simply Bomb and Terrorize and break the marriage of Fatah and Hamas before it was consummated which might lead to peace...

Rather than disarming the militants by a troop invasion, the cowardly Netanyahu and his right wing cohorts decided to bomb and be safe from Israeli casualties...

This is the kind of Nation Israel is...Narcissistic, Self-righteous and Criminal and UN Criminal indictments are on their way as Internet videos are collected as irrefutable evidence...
Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station. The horror of what's transpired in Gaza clearly hasn't registered with you or some others in this thread. Go over to VICE News, they have journalists on the ground there, it's a fucking horror show.
Hamas was a pariah in the Arab World, now they're being viewed as heroes. The Israelis really shit the bed on this one, what's coming next is worse than Hamas. As the Palestinians continue to spiral into desperation, the extremists will probably come into the fray, which is worse than Hamas (largely corrupt thugs with the death to Israel meme).

I have to say that one who had no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians were criminal...But this time it was Israel who started this round of fighting by Netanyahu who used the pretext of the three murdered kids to Simply Bomb and Terrorize and break the marriage of Fatah and Hamas before it was consummated which might lead to peace...

Rather than disarming the militants by a troop invasion, the cowardly Netanyahu and his right wing cohorts decided to bomb and be safe from Israeli casualties...

This is the kind of Nation Israel is...Narcissistic, Self-righteous and Criminal and UN Criminal indictments are on their way as Internet videos are collected as irrefutable evidence...

First of all, there WAS a ground invasion. Secondly, air-strikes to "soften up" the enemy is how wars are waged these days, due to technology.
Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station.

Perhaps it has for the weak-minded liberal types but new and irrefutable evidence supports Israel's long-standing claim of Hamas imbedding their launch sites among non-combatants and using numerous UN "schools" as armories. You can cover your eyes and ears and hum Kumbaya but even West Bank Palestinians can no longer support Hamas's use of civilians as cannon fodder. Evidently you can.
The first part of this article is the threat to Israel if the current cease fire is broken, the latter part deals with war crimes.
Israel-Gaza conflict: Sale of military equipment to Israel linked to success of peace talks, claims Vince Cable - Middle East - World - The Independent

That's really very sweet but refutes nothing in my post.
That said, you should know that Vince Cable, Britain's Liberal Democrat (leftist) business secretary, is under fire for approving what Britain's loony lefties deem a "very weak" threat to Israel. Ironically the threat, as weak as it appears to be, could motivate Hamas to restart the conflict. I suspect that is what those loony lefties really want.
As for the UN probe ... well, the UN may well have been complicit in Hamas's use of UNRWA "schools" as armories. Stay tuned. :lol:
Yes, it's the civilians fault they got themselves killed! They should have moved out the way of those precision guided missiles...

Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Who told you that?

[ame=]Palestinians killed in West Bank Gaza solidarity march - YouTube[/ame]

Um ... these guys:

"I have never seen a situation like it, where you have so many Arab states acquiescing in the death and destruction in Gaza and the pummelling of Hamas," the former US diplomat Aaron David Miller, who advised Presidents Clinton and Bush on the Middle East, told the New York Times on 30 July. Their silence, he said, "is deafening".

But their silence isn't the worst part; their complicity is...

Remember: Israel controls only three sides of the strip. Who controls the fourth?

From Egypt to Saudi Arabia, the Arab World Has Abandoned the Palestinians | Mehdi Hasan
Israel keeps shooting itself in the foot with all of these attacks.

[ame=]Israel Boycott Gains Traction As Gaza Assault Continues - YouTube[/ame]
Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station. The horror of what's transpired in Gaza clearly hasn't registered with you or some others in this thread. Go over to VICE News, they have journalists on the ground there, it's a fucking horror show.
Hamas was a pariah in the Arab World, now they're being viewed as heroes. The Israelis really shit the bed on this one, what's coming next is worse than Hamas. As the Palestinians continue to spiral into desperation, the extremists will probably come into the fray, which is worse than Hamas (largely corrupt thugs with the death to Israel meme).

I have to say that one who had no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians were criminal...But this time it was Israel who started this round of fighting by Netanyahu who used the pretext of the three murdered kids to Simply Bomb and Terrorize and break the marriage of Fatah and Hamas before it was consummated which might lead to peace...

Rather than disarming the militants by a troop invasion, the cowardly Netanyahu and his right wing cohorts decided to bomb and be safe from Israeli casualties...

This is the kind of Nation Israel is...Narcissistic, Self-righteous and Criminal and UN Criminal indictments are on their way as Internet videos are collected as irrefutable evidence...

First of all, there WAS a ground invasion. Secondly, air-strikes to "soften up" the enemy is how wars are waged these days, due to technology.

Dropping bombs on a UN Shelter and shelling beaches were acts of Terrorism...

Your reply exemplifies what I said: Narcissistic, Self-Righteous and Criminal...
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Perhaps they should pull the rug out from under their "duly elected gov't" who arrogantly puts them at risk just to score media points with weak-minded liberal types.
Perhaps not waging war with Israel from Gaza is the smarter course.
Perhaps you have noticed the lack of support for Gaza from their brethren on the West Bank. Hopefully you can understand the message other Palestinians are sending to Hamas and the Gazans.

Editorial: Hamas, exploiter of kids | Boston Herald

Liberal types, lol. Israel targeted a market, bombed a UN school (after receiving 17 warnings) and there's people that have lost entire families. Where I come from we call that indiscriminate bombing. I'm sorry, with all due respect, you can't make excuses and sweep shit like this under the rug, that train has left the station. The horror of what's transpired in Gaza clearly hasn't registered with you or some others in this thread. Go over to VICE News, they have journalists on the ground there, it's a fucking horror show.
Hamas was a pariah in the Arab World, now they're being viewed as heroes. The Israelis really shit the bed on this one, what's coming next is worse than Hamas. As the Palestinians continue to spiral into desperation, the extremists will probably come into the fray, which is worse than Hamas (largely corrupt thugs with the death to Israel meme).

I have to say that one who had no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians were criminal...But this time it was Israel who started this round of fighting by Netanyahu who used the pretext of the three murdered kids to Simply Bomb and Terrorize and break the marriage of Fatah and Hamas before it was consummated which might lead to peace...

Rather than disarming the militants by a troop invasion, the cowardly Netanyahu and his right wing cohorts decided to bomb and be safe from Israeli casualties...

This is the kind of Nation Israel is...Narcissistic, Self-righteous and Criminal and UN Criminal indictments are on their way as Internet videos are collected as irrefutable evidence...

For one who claims to have "no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians" you conveniently ignore it in your constant rush to express your hate for Israel.
The Israelis knew something was up and that Hamas was about to launch a major offensive. Those tunnels into Israel were to be the conduit for a jihadist attack. Luckily Israel destroyed many if not most of them and is on high alert, probably blunting that assault. You conveniently ignore the fact that so much of what Hamas is given is used not for rebuilding houses nor the care of Gazans as intended but rather to build tunnels and offensive weapons.
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This is what Israel always claimed, and Israel has all the right to question the UN for that.
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I have to say that one who had no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians were criminal...But this time it was Israel who started this round of fighting by Netanyahu who used the pretext of the three murdered kids to Simply Bomb and Terrorize and break the marriage of Fatah and Hamas before it was consummated which might lead to peace...

Rather than disarming the militants by a troop invasion, the cowardly Netanyahu and his right wing cohorts decided to bomb and be safe from Israeli casualties...

This is the kind of Nation Israel is...Narcissistic, Self-righteous and Criminal and UN Criminal indictments are on their way as Internet videos are collected as irrefutable evidence...

First of all, there WAS a ground invasion. Secondly, air-strikes to "soften up" the enemy is how wars are waged these days, due to technology.

Dropping bombs on a UN Shelter and shelling beaches were acts of Terrorism...

Your reply exemplifies what I said: Narcissistic, Self-Righteous and Criminal...

The UN has no shelters in Gaza but rather "schools" in which Hamas stores their weapons and from which Hamas fires their rockets. For one who claims to have "no use for Hamas' tactics of constant rockets which in turn caused many deaths of their-own civilians" you conveniently ignore that fact in your constant rush to express your hate for Israel. :cool:

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