Boycott Israel

Israeli settlements are considered a war crime under international law.

No fair!!!
Only Palestinians are allowed to commit war crimes.

Firing rockets from civilian areas at civilian areas.

That's a two-fer!
Firing rockets into their own area?

Firing rockets from "Palestian" civilian areas into Israeli civilian areas.

With the occasional misfire that kills "Palestinian" civilians.

Is that a two-fer or a three-fer?
Is this your duck day?

The way you keep ducking, must be......
Arab sports boycotts against Israel are not new. However, the growing tendency of allowing Arab states with anti-Semitic policies of hosting international sports events should concern all decent people who genuinely believe in sportsmanship and human equality.

*In the meantime, an initiative by Lior Aizenberg, an Israeli Chess player, together with the Stand With Us Organization, is underway to counter the boycott. They have founded the World Alternative Championship, inviting top Chess players from around the world to compete in Israel and also allow 7 year Liel to showcase her amazing talent. Follow the link to assist them with the initiative.

(full article online)

Arab Countries Tainting International Competition by Banning Israel
EU slams Israeli government attempts to conflate terrorism and BDS

European Union (EU) foreign minister Federica Mogherini sent a strongly-worded rebuke to Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, slamming his ministry’s “vague and unsubstantiated” claims that Brussels is financing “terrorism” and the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

The letter, sent to Erdan on 5 July and obtained by Haaretz, also criticises the Israeli government for seeking to conflate “terrorism with the boycott issue”, efforts Mogherini described as “inopportune and misleading”, and liable to create “unacceptable confusion in the public eye regarding these two distinct phenomena”.

Mogherini was responding to a report published in May by the Strategic Affairs Ministry titled “The millions given by EU institutions to NGOs with ties to terror and boycotts against Israel”.

The report alleged that “in 2016 the EU funded fourteen European and Palestinian NGOs which openly and clearly promote BDS”, adding that “several of the BDS-promoting NGOs that receive direct and indirect EU funding are linked to EU-designated terrorist organizations”.

EU slams Israeli government attempts to conflate terrorism and BDS
BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations

But as Tablet confirmed , the group also helps facilitate tax-exempt donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other groups the U.S. State Department designates as terror organizations.

The US Campaign, Tablet has learned, is the fiscal sponsor of a group called the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the main West Bank and Gaza-based cohort advocating for sanctions against Israel. The BNC was created in 2007 in Ramallah with the intention of serving as the Palestinian arm of the international BDS campaign. According to the BNC’s website, one of the group’s members is the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, commonly known as PNIF. Among PNIF’s members are five different groups designated by the US as terrorist organizations, including Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Palestine Liberation Front, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Since its founding, the BNC has frequently and openly collaborated with known leaders of these terror organizations: In 2015, for example, the BNC held a press conference to pressure the Palestinian government not to import gas from Israel, featuring a speech by Khalida Jarrar, then a member of the Palestinian parliament for the PFLP and still an active official in the terror group. A video of the BNC-hosted press conference features Jarrar seated alongside BNC secretariat member Omar Barghouti.
At a July 13, 2018 meeting of the denomination’s House of Bishops — the upper house of the General Convention — Harris testified in favor of a resolution that called on Israel to safeguard the rights of Palestinian children. Predictably, the resolution, which was approved, failed to condemn Hamas and the Palestinian Authority for teaching young Palestinians to hate Israelis and using children’s television programming to promote violence against Jews.

During the proceedings, Harris told her fellow bishops that during a recent visit to Israel “a teenager, I think he was 15, was walking down the street and asked a military vehicle … a question.” Harris didn’t say when or where this confrontation took place, but did report that the Israeli soldiers got angry at the question that was asked.

“He began to run as they threatened him, and they shot him in the back four times,” Harris said. “He fell on the ground and they shot him again another six.” In other words, a boy was shot in the back 10 times for asking Israeli soldiers a question that they didn’t like.

And yet the first that the world heard of this atrocity was from Harris herself speaking at a church meeting a few years after the alleged incident happened. That doesn’t make any sense. Since when would Palestinian leaders fail to broadcast such an atrocity to the world?

(full article online)

An Episcopalian Blood Libel in Austin

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