Botulism Outbreaks


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Hey, dat's nacho cheese!...

California botulism outbreak linked to petrol station's nacho cheese
Sat, 20 May 2017 - An outbreak of botulism in California is linked to cheese sauce from a family-run petrol station.
Health officials have stopped Valley Oak Food and Fuel selling food. Cases of botulism, a rare and sometimes fatal form of food poisoning, were first reported on 5 May and in total nine people are confirmed to have it. One of the victims is reportedly so ill she cannot speak or keep her eyes open. Dr Oliva Kasirye of the Sacramento County Public Health Department told reporters that preliminary testing showed the cheese was carrying botulism.


Nachos with jalapenos and cheese​

The family of one of the affected patients has already filed a lawsuit against the petrol station, claiming neglect. Botulism poisoning is caused by toxins released by a type of bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Human digestive processes cannot break down the toxic chemical, which moves to the nervous system. Symptoms emerge in adults 18-36 hours after eating contaminated food.

In this case, it is thought the nacho cheese sauce may have been canned. Tinned food is a risk for botulism because the bacterium grows best when there is no oxygen around. In adults, symptoms - including difficulty walking or swallowing, impaired vision and potential convulsions or paralysis - will emerge between 18 and 36 hours after eating the contaminated food. Depending on how quickly botulism is detected and how much of the bacterium has been swallowed, botulism may be treated with an anti-toxin drug.

California botulism outbreak linked to petrol station's nacho cheese - BBC News
Well the gas station convenience store had the poisoned goods, but that still does not tell us anything about where the canned cheese spread came from.
Tol' ya dat's nacho cheese...

Botulism outbreak: Man sickened by nacho cheese dies
Wednesday 24th May, 2017 — One of at least 10 people apparently sickened by nacho-cheese dip sold at a California gas station has died, health officials said Monday.
The San Francisco County coroner’s office identified the victim as Martin Galindo-Larios Jr., 37. An online fundraising page that claimed to have been set up by his family said he was married and the father of two small children. Authorities declined to release other information on his death, including when it occurred. Family members did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.


One of at least 10 people apparently sickened by nacho-cheese dip sold at a California gas station has died, health officials said Monday​

California health officials say the illnesses appear caused by botulism carried in nacho-cheese dip sold at a gas station in the Sacramento suburb of Walnut Grove. In a statement, the California Department of Public Health said the container and cheese dip were removed May 5, and authorities believe the contamination poses no further risk to the public.

Botulism, a kind of food poisoning, can lead to paralysis, breathing difficulty and sometimes death. Authorities said Friday that all 10 people sickened were hospitalized. Spokesmen with the state health agency said they had no immediate updates on the conditions of the nine surviving victims.

Botulism outbreak: Man sickened by nacho cheese dies
Botulism happens from poor canning technique.

The poison forms within the can.

If this is the case, why are California health officials working to determine if the gas station mishandled the food items or if the manufacturers or distributors are at fault?
it also comes from holding foods at too low a heat for too long. So putting cheese in a dispenser that doesn't hold at 220 or whatever the required heat is, and not dumping it out every night.

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