Bottom Line: The Left Believe the Declaration of Independence Is A Lie

I can't recall many on the right(?) advocating for the Declaration of Independence.
They sometimes agree that all men are created equal- yet go off the rails when it's actually put into observance-

Besides the grievances, the DoI states a philosophy of life- how many here actually even try to live by it?
Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

The subsisting government guides the society that breeds the nefarious people we endure.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

Not today’s Left.

Are you sure?
Boy are you dumb

Today’s Left would have burnt down the 13 colonies. They would not have enough time to write.
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.

You need a history lesson

It was CONSERVATIVES who supported the Crown

That is their bottom line. America is a lie and founded on lies. America didn't begin in 1776, it began in 1619 when the first so called kidnapped Africans arrived.

This is what they are taught and what they believe.

Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.

The constitution is a lie, has been for a long long time
I can't recall many on the right(?) advocating for the Declaration of Independence.
They sometimes agree that all men are created equal- yet go off the rails when it's actually put into observance-

Besides the grievances, the DoI states a philosophy of life- how many here actually even try to live by it?
Conservatives support the idea of all people being created equal.

Liberals think some people can't succeed on their own and need government other people's expense.

Which sounds more in line with the DoI to you?
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Is your lying pathological, or does it have a financial incentive?
Your ignorance is hanging out- the left, originally, was anti-central gov't- it ain't rocket science to read simple English.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

Not today’s Left.

Are you sure?
Boy are you dumb

Today’s Left would have burnt down the 13 colonies. They would not have enough time to write.
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.

You need a history lesson

It was CONSERVATIVES who supported the Crown
Wrong. Conservatives want to keep government to a minimum...that's why they rebelled against the all-powerful Crown and created a government intended to operate at the bare minimum of interference with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Conservatives today are classical liberals.
If and when America falls
If and when America fails it will be because of authoritarian demagogues like Trump making a mockery of what the founders tried to create..............and halfwits like you who are too brainwashed to understand Ben Shapiro is a pseudo-intellectual hack filling the heads of the simple minded with fatuous nonsense.
Prove I'm wrong. Leftist bullshit propaganda is disallowed.
I don't have any propaganda- that you are afraid of the truth is your problem- there is NO discernible difference in policy- they both subscribe to the same bullshit but use different rhetoric to sell it- that you can't see that *proves* you have no idea what you're talking about.

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