Boris Johnson to resign as British Prime Minister.

Johnson wants to remain in office until his party elects a new P.M. in October.
He has to, he's the PM until the Tory party elects a new leader. The problem is, they forever sack the only ones decent enough to run the shit show.

UK politics is getting like American politics, people aren't fighting over delivering results etc.., they're fighting over character. For example, people have to be off their fucking tits if they think Biden is delivering good results.

The only decent Tory is Jacob Rees-Mogg.
He has to, he's the PM until the Tory party elects a new leader. The problem is, they forever sack the only ones decent enough to run the shit show.

UK politics is getting like American politics, people aren't fighting over delivering results etc.., they're fighting over character. For example, people have to be off their fucking tits if they think Biden is delivering good results.

The only decent Tory is Jacob Rees-Mogg.

They don’t like him because he speaks posh.

What about Nigel Farage for PM?
The worse part is those two bit Limey morons really expect us to believe this is about 'partygate' and some gropey queer minister. It's about the failed sanctions on Russia, Johnson's endless warmongering and the negative impact on the British economy.
We have had some bluster, of course. Talking heads deliver anti-woke soundbites on demand. Cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg is permanently up for a fight against ‘wokery’ in the civil service, most recently declaring war on ‘absurd’ staff-training courses, including one called ‘Check yo’ privilege’.

Culture secretary Nadine Dorries can be relied on to put the boot into the ‘left-wing snowflakes’ who are ‘killing comedy, tearing down historic statues’ and ‘removing books from universities’.

Former party chair Oliver Dowden crossed the Atlantic to tell us that the new Maoism promoted by ‘woke warriors’ was ‘pernicious’.

And Kemi Badenoch, who resigned today from her equalities post, has pushed back against both critical race theory and gender ideology.

Because of party gate, and employing a sexual groper as chief whip.

But they hated him anyway.
That's the nonsense they are selling, they won't admit the truth. It all goes back to the destructive policies toward Russia that harmed the West more than Russia. Too stupid and stubborn to reverse course. I guess when Europe freezes this winter they might finally get around to facing reality.

'Partygate' and a bad minister are petty issues in the face of inflation, fuel prices, and everything else. Sad Limeys are falling for this media farce.
He started out wanting to do the right thing.
He soon learned he must do as told.

JFK learned the hard way.
All presidents since do as told. By whom?
Follow the $$$
Freedom is an illusion.

Try not paying your taxes.
I can’t understand gibberish
They don’t like him because he speaks posh.

What about Nigel Farage for PM?
Well, despite being in the wrong party to begin with, although he would be ideal for the job, his weakness is is that everything he says and does is right, when it comes to the crunch, his spine folds.

This was noticeable in the elections, in the final hours, his spine folded and he just came out with the same crap the other parties were parroting, as though to try and win votes. He would do well as an MP, but not a PM.
Nope. It's only treason if you lose.


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