Boris Johnson signals he will ignore US demands and give Huawei access to 5G network


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If America shares security information with the U.K you are risking your own security now. This is madness.

Boris Johnson signals he will ignore US demands and give Huawei access to 5G network

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has put himself on a collision course with President Trump by signaling he is prepared to allow Huawei to provide “non-core” elements of the country’s 5G phone network.

American national security officers in London to lobby British officials insist that allowing the Chinese company to provide technology for critical infrastructure was “nothing short of madness.”

The United Kingdom has been reviewing security concerns and could make a decision next week with a growing number of ministers in favor of granting Huawei partial access.

Johnson did little to dispel speculation that the Chinese company would get the green light, warning in a BBC interview that refusal risked delaying an election pledge.
Trump may be right about Huawei, But since Trump is considered a friggin moron by the world leaders don't take him seriously. What idiot would?
Trump may be right about Huawei, But since Trump is considered a friggin moron by the world leaders don't take him seriously. What idiot would?
The idiots are the ones who don't take him seriously, Mr. Law. Wherever President Trump goes, there goes a winning economy winning even more. ;) And that's out of this world for the United States of America. :woohoo:
The Five Eyes pact has served us well over the years. All good things will eventually come to an end but this one seems a bit premature to me.

Putin and Xi must be smiling.

I heard them talking about this on CNBC early this morning. The guest said the Huawei equipment is already embedded in their systems. Said that it would be costly to replace and that they were looking for software solutions.
Boom, announced today and is happening.

This is how it works. Trump has little standing in this and his diminished status reduces the strength of his threats. Its a credibility issue.

The country still requires a trade deal with the US but they wont start on that till next year.

So Johnson weighs up the pros and cons and decides that is a long way down the track. Trump may well be gone by then and even if he wins the World will have bigger problems than some internet hardware in a few parts of the UK
On one hand, we have coordinated intelligence gathering/sharing for generations with the UK. Just read about the five eyes. So that's of value to the UK. On the other hand, we bugged Merkel, a member of NATO, so our hands are not clean. But given the clear choice here, I'm surprised that GB chose China.

Not Making America Great Again AFAIC.
DECOUPLING: Huawei closing enterprise hardware division in the UK.

“ Huawei has been on the US ‘non-entity’ list since last year, a status that prevents US companies from doing business with it without a licence. This effective blacklisting has limited Huawei’s access to key US technologies such as the Android operating system, with Samsung recently revealing it would end sales of smartphone components to Huawei.”

Huawei is a Communist front vampire corporation that gained its strength by sucking Nortel dry via corporate espionage.

Only losers whine for Huawei.

Huawei means "China has promise." And once it seemed that was true, but, now that we know that the nation is a Lying Outlaw Slaver Nation that treats the world like it's toilet, it's clear that China needs to reconsider their conduct. Loosing a pandemic on their best customer is probably the very height of poor customer service and all the lying and stealing makes it impossible to overlook. Trump is right, its time to continue to move our business elsewhere at a orderly pace.

We've cut our trade loss with the Lying Outlaw Slavers of Beijing by $36B so far this year, that is, by 18%. That's a damn good start!


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