Border patrol agents works’ in vain.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Border Patrol Agents putting their lives in danger chasing Illegal Aliens across the deserts that are coming here for jobs they are not legally allowed to have. They chase illegals looking for work and drug smugglers get through with drugs that hit our streets and destroying American lives. Our Government are aiding and abetting accomplices to illegal immigration by not enforcing our immigration laws and cracking down on businesses that hire Illegal Aliens. Estimated 8 million Illegal Aliens in our workforce is a crime and an American tragedy when 11.6 million Americans are unemployed. Less than 5% of Illegal Aliens workforce actually work on farms.
Border Patrol Agents work is in vain because they have not been able to stop million from crossing because our asinine Government is not doing the job they were hire to do. Enforce our immigration laws and crack down on businesses that hire illegal workers. It makes absolutely no sense to spend billions trying to stop them at the border and then do absolutely nothing after they set foot on our streets. This tells me that our federal and state Government need reforming badly.
We make drugs illegal and our jails are full of dealers and users but we cannot arrest and deport those in the country illegally. Drugs are illegal and illegal immigration is illegal. Illegal immigration is not the problem, our asinine Government is. We have not had anyone in our Government enforcing our immigration laws since Hoover, Eisenhower and Truman.
How do we check if they have a criminal record in Mexico or in this country when they don’t use their real names. If they are stopped on the streets we cannot ask for identification because it abuse their civil rights.
Obama’s administration has stopped more crossing at the border and deported more than ever and millions are leaving but still there are 12 million plus still here. Don’t sound like progress to me.
Our legal immigration system is not working because of illegal immigration. 4.1 million Mexicans are waiting to enter this country legally.
pro tip for patriots:

Legal immigration needs to be stopped as much as illegal immigration.

Our economy is bleeding to death with both.
pro tip for patriots:

Legal immigration needs to be stopped as much as illegal immigration.

Our economy is bleeding to death with both.

Once again you prove yourself an idiotic, unamerican, piece of shit.

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