BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

He was great on Morning Joe.

When asked: How will you reduce the deficit?

His answer: We will introduce "term limits".

Yes, but what's your plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Spending cap.

Yes, but what's the plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Balance the budget.

Yes, but what's the plan to, oh, never-mind. What do you think about Afghanistan?

His answer: We need to bring all our troops home now. (Republicans are going to like that one).

And finally, I wonder if he believes in "magical creation" like his father does? His father, possibly the only doctor in the US who believes that the science of evolution is wrong and "magical creation" is a fact. Does the apple fall far from the tree?

He did not do well on Morning Joe. In all fairness he may have been tired.
Wasn't it Clinton and Kerry who were so vocally rattling their swords about going into Iraq?

Two of the most powerful dem's wanting to go in and kick some serious ass!

But hey, the dem's now had NOTHING to do with it!

Yep...and they were smart enough to just threaten to do it, not actually do it. Kept Saddam in line. Sigh...imagine, if Dubya had half a brain or he wasn't such a vindictive twerp we'd not be in Iraq at all.
They both voted to go in, you friggin' idiot!

He was great on Morning Joe.

When asked: How will you reduce the deficit?

His answer: We will introduce "term limits".

Yes, but what's your plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Spending cap.

Yes, but what's the plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Balance the budget.

Yes, but what's the plan to, oh, never-mind. What do you think about Afghanistan?

His answer: We need to bring all our troops home now. (Republicans are going to like that one).

And finally, I wonder if he believes in "magical creation" like his father does? His father, possibly the only doctor in the US who believes that the science of evolution is wrong and "magical creation" is a fact. Does the apple fall far from the tree?

Which goals/suggestions do you oppose rdean?
Excuse me?...Expanding bureaucracy and spending is now "right wing", because of the supposed rationale for doing so?

Oh, brother! :rolleyes:

Oh what, Right-wingers don't spend any money to run their preferred programs?

Did you think invading and occupying another country didn't cost anything?

What specific "left-wing" programs did the Neo-Cons introduce?

Did they raise taxes? Did they increase regulation of business? Did they impose extra tariffs and duties on trade? Did they create a government-run means of production?

No, they didn't do any of these things. Just because they spent money on the programs that they DID run, doesn't make them "left-wing" by any means.

You can't just disown the people YOU voted for because they were incompetent, and then pretend that they were left-wing all along.

Sorry, that kind of Orwellian logic might play with your average FoxNews/Rush Limbaugh ditto-head (who will accept whatever Glenn Beck says as gospel), but that won't fly with the rest of the population.
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I think Rand has a bit of an image problem. He sounds a bit like a typical arrogant kid of a politician.

From GMA:

ROBIN: Some people find it a bit ironic that your victory party last night was at a private country club in Kentucky. Doesn’t that kind of send a mixed message there?

PAUL: I think at one time people used to think of golf and golf courses and golf clubs as being exclusive. But I think in recent years now you see a lot of people playing golf. I think Tiger Woods has helped to broaden that in the sense that he’s brought golf to a lot of the cities and to city youth, and so no, I don’t think it’s nearly as exclusive as people once considered it to be.

This dipshit is digging himself a hole here brother. Yeah, The GOP went Right-wing! LOL!!!!! He couldn't have his head more shoved up his ass than with that comment. That's the problem, they are not right-wing (True Conservative) or Constitutional (Libertarian) enough. These guys are crack jobs for real bro.~BH

Of course, if you don't understand the difference between Libertarians and "Right-Wingers" you would feel that way.

Why don't you check out the Nolan chart that I posted earlier. It may enlighten you.

I don't need a chart to understand the difference that I assure you is much more clear to me than your dumb ass. ~BH
That was the house vote....How'd things shake out in the Senate, party-wise?

C'mon....You can tell us....We already know...:eusa_whistle:

He won't. We both know him too well brother. Good point though. ~BH

Most Democrats voted against the war. Overwhelmingly most Republicans voted against it. Why do people argue with something as irrefutable as simple mathematics? It's maddening.
Barack Obama is president because he was against going into Iraq. That was how he beat Hillary Clinton.

Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH
He won't. We both know him too well brother. Good point though. ~BH

Most Democrats voted against the war. Overwhelmingly most Republicans voted against it. Why do people argue with something as irrefutable as simple mathematics? It's maddening.
Barack Obama is president because he was against going into Iraq. That was how he beat Hillary Clinton.

Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

No, he did not run on pulling us out of Afghanistan.
Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

Umm, he raised troops levels in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

And he has scheduled withdrawl of our troops from Iraq to begin next year.

Obama was always against the war in Iraq and in support of the war in Afghanistan. He never made any claim otherwise.
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He won't. We both know him too well brother. Good point though. ~BH

Most Democrats voted against the war. Overwhelmingly most Republicans voted against it. Why do people argue with something as irrefutable as simple mathematics? It's maddening.
Barack Obama is president because he was against going into Iraq. That was how he beat Hillary Clinton.

Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

He reduced troop levels in Iraq and increased them in Afghanistan...just like he was elected to do

Aghanistan was involved in terrorism....Iraq was not
Paul is not going to win the general election.

Go check the vote totals for the entire election.

The dems came out in big numbers compared to the Rs

And yet Kentucky is notorious, despite having more registered Democrats, for voting Republican in federal elections, and it's not a good year for Democrats.
I think Rand has a bit of an image problem. He sounds a bit like a typical arrogant kid of a politician.

From GMA:

ROBIN: Some people find it a bit ironic that your victory party last night was at a private country club in Kentucky. Doesn’t that kind of send a mixed message there?

PAUL: I think at one time people used to think of golf and golf courses and golf clubs as being exclusive. But I think in recent years now you see a lot of people playing golf. I think Tiger Woods has helped to broaden that in the sense that he’s brought golf to a lot of the cities and to city youth, and so no, I don’t think it’s nearly as exclusive as people once considered it to be.


How very arrogant of him to say that more people like golf, and country clubs aren't as exclusive as they used to be.
Is Rand Paul wearing a rug?

Jury is out, his hair looks a little funny but so does my favorite senator's hair an he doesn't wear a rug. Sherrod Brown always looks like a big mess.

We'll find out when we see an interview outside.
I don't need a chart to understand the difference that I assure you is much more clear to me than your dumb ass. ~BH

Really? OK, why don't you explain what you believe to be the difference between a "Libertarian" and a "Right-Winger".

You don't ask the questions fuckO. I am not hear to amuse your dumb ass. Your idiot Obama is a liar. We are still in Iraq = FRAUD. ~BH
Most Democrats voted against the war. Overwhelmingly most Republicans voted against it. Why do people argue with something as irrefutable as simple mathematics? It's maddening.
Barack Obama is president because he was against going into Iraq. That was how he beat Hillary Clinton.

Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

No, he did not run on pulling us out of Afghanistan.

Great, Still in Iraq though bro. = Liar. ~BH

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