Book by Journalist: Former GOP Senator says the repub party has become a Cult

the left will show DeSantis just as much or even more hatred than they did Trump .. the only man that has occupied the WH effecting your life today is the one living there now ..

Sure they will. But Trump is a known quantity, while the left doesn't have a clue who Desantis is or what he might do. Plus, Desantis doesn't have the same stigmas attached to him as does President Trump. The left would be traveling through unknown territory.

Like they say, "Be careful what you ask for." :laughing0301:
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Simpson was one of the most respected Senators in DC. His word matters. A quote from the book"

President Donald Trump has "poisoned our democracy,"
Never heard of him. A cult because this character doesn't approve, huh?

Not of interest.
Simpson is campaigning for Liz Cheney. Enough said?

Liz Cheney's campaign is sort of pointless, I'd say. How long does she think this 6 January committee and her love affair with the libs will last?

Further, in the next congress, there will be one of two results. Either the D's will win, which will keep her as a powerless minority member, or two , the R's will win in which case there is a snowball's chance in hades that she will be given any responsible position in the next Congress.
Yeah, Alan Simpson is a famous old Rino that worked for Obama.

Simpson was one of the most respected Senators in DC. His word matters. A quote from the book"

President Donald Trump has "poisoned our democracy,"
the party you follow without question is like a cult too with many of you democrats......

Simpson was one of the most respected Senators in DC. His word matters. A quote from the book"

President Donald Trump has "poisoned our democracy,"
The GOP has been a cult long before Trump.

Since the days of the Southern Strategy and the rise of the Christo-fascist immoral majority, the ranks of the GOP have filled with racists, white supremacists, anti-immigrant nativists, hateful bigots, and Dominion theology extremists.

Trump is the product of the GOP – its populist, anti-democratic illiberalism the perfect breeding ground for the white grievance politics and racist replacement theory Trump exploited.
desantis didn't try to overturn an election...yet. So he is one up on trump.
DeSantis is worse than Trump and more dangerous than Trump.

Like Trump, DeSantis is an enemy of our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the political acumen to advance the right’s neo-fascist authoritarian agenda.
DeSantis is worse than Trump and more dangerous than Trump.

Like Trump, DeSantis is an enemy of our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the political acumen to advance the right’s neo-fascist authoritarian agenda.
In other words...desantis differs frim trump in that he is not a 5 year old in an old man's body and....he has a brain.

desantis of Florida and Youngkin of Virginia are both dangerous spawn of trumpism.
DeSantis is worse than Trump and more dangerous than Trump.

Like Trump, DeSantis is an enemy of our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

Unlike Trump, DeSantis has the political acumen to advance the right’s neo-fascist authoritarian agenda.
and so it begins ! thanks for verifying that the left will show just as much hate and maybe more for DeSantis if he wins the nomination ...

Simpson was one of the most respected Senators in DC. His word matters. A quote from the book"

President Donald Trump has "poisoned our democracy,"
Tell us where you disagree with your fellow Democrats.

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