Bolton & Democrats .. Sweet Love

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
The FBI said, "Michael Corleone did this, Michael Corleone did that. So I said, 'yeah, sure'"
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

I think Democrats want to hear from John Bolton, something a lot of them have been saying for a while now. But, since Senate Democrats have no power to call witnesses, that would be left to Republicans....and some of them (especially the moderates) might be willing to call him. The calls are getting louder. I don't think that qualifies as a setup.

Trump’s impeachment: Romney signals vote for witnesses may have a chance, other Republicans just want Bolton’s book
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
are you playing dumb or do you really not understand why the Dems are rallying around Bolton?
Democrats... I'm lovin their desperation... :)
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton, bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?
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So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

I think Democrats want to hear from John Bolton, something a lot of them have been saying for a while now. But, since Senate Democrats have no power to call witnesses, that would be left to Republicans....and some of them (especially the moderates) might be willing to call him. The calls are getting louder. I don't think that qualifies as a setup.

Trump’s impeachment: Romney signals vote for witnesses may have a chance, other Republicans just want Bolton’s book

Democrats failed in the House and they will fail in the Senate, then they'll whine and continue to be obnoxious and negative losers.. such is life... :wink_2:
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

The Dems are just sayin' "baby, we really do respect you" while they shag Bolton into flipping on Trump. Once he finishes his role reprising Blasey-Ford, they'll dump him. He's trashed what remained of his reputation for nothin'!
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

:popcorn: ... you seem happy... a real positive attitude..
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

:popcorn: ... you seem happy... a real positive attitude..
You're a bootlicking idiot and not worthy of anymore of my time.
Democrats... I'm lovin their desperation... :)

No desperation detected. If you told me in August (after the Mueller report) that Trump was going to be impeached, I'd have said "not gonna happen". But then, Ukraine happened.
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

I think Democrats want to hear from John Bolton, something a lot of them have been saying for a while now. But, since Senate Democrats have no power to call witnesses, that would be left to Republicans....and some of them (especially the moderates) might be willing to call him. The calls are getting louder. I don't think that qualifies as a setup.

Trump’s impeachment: Romney signals vote for witnesses may have a chance, other Republicans just want Bolton’s book

Democrats failed in the House and they will fail in the Senate, then they'll whine and continue to be obnoxious and negative losers.. such is life... :wink_2:

Yet here we are. The House voted to impeach Trump. Before Christmas, there was almost no chance of a full trial in the Senate. It was spike and acquit. But Nancy held the articles. Then the emails came out and suddenly there was the prospect of a trial in the Senate. At least arguments on both sides, but almost no chance of witnesses. Yes, you had a few moderate Republicans that mouthed platitudes about witnesses but likely that it wasn't going to happen. Then in the last 48 hours, word of Bolton's book lands and suddenly, there are moderate Republicans who know a white-wash will not look good for their party in November saying that they might want to hear from him and maybe other witnesses as well. Add to that a less than stellar defense by the President's D team (I mean let's face, when you trot Pam Bondi out, you may as well say I got nothing), and all the sudden, things are a little more cloudy.

Sure, almost no possibility 67 Senators will vote to remove him from office, but you can't help but wonder about the drip, drip, drip of news and if it will continue.
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

The Dems are just sayin' "baby, we really do respect you" while they shag Bolton into flipping on Trump. Once he finishes his role reprising Blasey-Ford, they'll dump him. He's trashed what remained of his reputation for nothin'!

I haven't passed final judgement on Bolton quite yet . So far though he does appear just another Trump parasite... :dunno:
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

:popcorn: ... you seem happy... a real positive attitude..
You're a bootlicking idiot and not worthy of anymore of my time.

:laugh:... if this means you're leaving .. have fun..
Bolton is butt hurt. He fashions himself a tough guy and a man of war. But then Trumpy came along and made the tough guy cry, belittling him all the way out the door. The only thing he didn't do is take his shoes and make him walk home. That makes Bolden's testimony off limits on three counts. First, it is classified and confidential. Second, he's an unfit witness who harbors ill will against Trump. Third, he's promoting a book. He's an asshole. And if he did testify and made Trump look like a star, he'd still be an asshole. If there were rules against assholes testifying, this thing would have never got started.
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

Politics do make strange bedfellows. Although Bolton may be a pompous NaziCon asshole - we deserve to hear what he has to say. I've never like him - but I've never thought of him as a liar. What are Republicans afraid of? If no witnesses or documents are allowed, Trump* may not be convicted - but he will NOT be exonerated. He will be forever branded with the stain of being impeached combined with an unfair SHAM trial. Republicans had better consider whether to pay now - or on Election Day 2020. I don't agree with Bolton's politics or policies - but I think he's a man of honor and principles. To say that Democrats have gone from hate to loving Bolton misses the point of why we want him to testify. Let him testify!
Bolton still sucks Trump or he doesnt ... 50/50 chance,

why are Trumpbots afraid to know the answer?
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:

The Dems are just sayin' "baby, we really do respect you" while they shag Bolton into flipping on Trump. Once he finishes his role reprising Blasey-Ford, they'll dump him. He's trashed what remained of his reputation for nothin'!

I haven't passed final judgement on Bolton quite yet . So far though he does appear just another Trump parasite... :dunno:

Bolton is rather too Dr. Strangelove for my tastes.

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