Bogus Political "Bomshells"


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Most political junkies depend on the media to provide information and validation for our often well-developed opinions. However when their "BOMBSHELLS" fizzle there are rarely admissions of fake news, especially when the POTUS is the target of their phony righteous indignation. The stories just slip away and the media perps simply move on to the next one. When the NYTimes front-paged the tale of Deutsche Bank covering up potential money-laundering possibly involving the Trump clan, they claimed to have 5 whistleblowers but only 1 former employee was named and she turned out to have run the same scam when Bank America let her go years earlier.

Needless to say in the months since the story broke there has been no evidence produced to support her allegations, no other source identified, and absolute silence from the NYTimes and others who played along. They have reduced themselves to tabloid rags worthy only of bird cage lining and it is highly recommended that no one hold their breath waiting for the truth from our MSM.

Suspicious Trump and Kushner transactions flagged by Deutsche bank, report claims

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