Boehner walks away from debt talks

Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run b a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

What are you talking about? Republicans are the ones offering the Compromise. The Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling. We will do that if you do immediate spending cuts and put a balance budget amendment up for a vote.

You are just upset that Republicans are actually trying to get something out of this deal. How dare they make the President compromise for something he wants.

I think there's some frustration over the Republicans using lame American-specific procedural tactics to achieve their ends. No other country votes on a budget . . . and then has a separate vote on whether to raise funds for it. Likewise, I know of no other foreign counterpart to the filibuster.

And let me preempt you: the Democrats are no better as they've abused the same tools when they could.

When adults act like children, I just can't help but shake my head.

Ironically (or maybe not), conservatives seem to enjoy childish behavior in their reps and their favorite AM talk radio hosts since so many conservatives always seem to cheer when one of them has a public tantrum.

If these guys were kids (in terms of age and not just behavior) an adult would have no other choice than to give them a time out (or a spanking).
Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run by a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

Tea Party----------------The People Who Pay The Taxes..

When adults act like children, I just can't help but shake my head.

Ironically (or maybe not), conservatives seem to enjoy childish behavior in their reps and their favorite AM talk radio hosts since so many conservatives always seem to cheer when one of them has a public tantrum.

If these guys were kids (in terms of age and not just behavior) an adult would have no other choice than to give them a time out (or a spanking).

Why don't you so called "adults" pay your taxes? The TEA PARTY pays their taxes. See what I mean jellybean??
FOX is reporting that Zero wanted $1.2 trillion in new “revenue” (taxes) for $1 trillion in cuts. How would the deficit ever come down with that kind of thinking?
Why should democrats even have a say in this? They have not put anything on paper regarding a budget in over 800 days......

The senate and the president will have a say in this. The House will do what the teaparty wants them to do and America will object and say so at the voting booth.

Do you believe that the Republicans' corporate masters are just going to let the tea party poopers screw up the economy?

This may just be kabuki theater performance which is meant to create the a show that Boehner is hanging tough and holding out for the best deal possible
You are just upset that Republicans are actually trying to get something out of this deal. How dare they make the President compromise for something he wants.

Something he wants? You mean the privilege of being granted statutory authority to cut the checks backing up the financial obligations to which Congress has already committed the United States?
"there's simply too much debt on America's credit card." - President Barack H. Obama July 22, 2011

This president's solution to a maxed out credit card is to transfer that debt onto another credit card--a ill-conceived strategy that all too many Americans know doesn't work. Unlike many Americans, though, the credit card that its being transferred to isn't interest free for a year.

Leftists on this board are so transparent in their blind loyalty to this president. To say the solution to crushing debt is more debt--which is what every liberal on this board and the president has been preaching--is moronic, plain illogical and stupid.

Obama knew this as a senator, or he was playing politics rather.
Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run b a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

What are you talking about? Republicans are the ones offering the Compromise. The Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling. We will do that if you do immediate spending cuts and put a balance budget amendment up for a vote.

You are just upset that Republicans are actually trying to get something out of this deal. How dare they make the President compromise for something he wants.
Unfortunately, the Senate Democrats don't have to do anything. This is a House Republican initiative to reduce spending by threatening the nation with default. If it blows up in their face, it is they who will face the consequences at the polls. However all Americans will face the consequences long before the next election.
The entitlements that need to be cut is welfare and SSI checks for minorities.

Hahaha. I guess the Army is too black and brown for your taste. Can minority retired military still get their checks? Should whites still get welfare and SSI?
It must be frustrating for Boehner to have to work with such a liberal shitbag who is never going to want to make serious cuts and only wants to raise taxes.
Then perhaps the President should stop resisting cutting the budget now.

UM, he offered TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in cuts, including military, entitlements, etc.

Not what you're describing as "resisting cutting the budget", not at all !!

Looks like Boehner, the tan man, turned yellow !!!
THAT'S the color someone turns, when the Teabaggers have 'em by the balls????


Well.....he'll be cryin'-himself-to-sleep, TONITE!!! (Right after he closes all the D.C. bars.)​
"there's simply too much debt on America's credit card." - President Barack H. Obama July 22, 2011

This president's solution to a maxed out credit card is to transfer that debt onto another credit card--a ill-conceived strategy that all too many Americans know doesn't work. Unlike many Americans, though, the credit card that its being transferred to isn't interest free for a year.

Leftists on this board are so transparent in their blind loyalty to this president. To say the solution to crushing debt is more debt--which is what every liberal on this board and the president has been preaching--is moronic, plain illogical and stupid.

Obama knew this as a senator, or he was playing politics rather.

Rightist on this board who think moving taxes back to Clinton levels will stop job growth forget that 22 million jobs were added during the Clinton years. I say let it default and let the right run for cover.

When adults act like children, I just can't help but shake my head.

Ironically (or maybe not), conservatives seem to enjoy childish behavior in their reps and their favorite AM talk radio hosts since so many conservatives always seem to cheer when one of them has a public tantrum.

If these guys were kids (in terms of age and not just behavior) an adult would have no other choice than to give them a time out (or a spanking).

Earlier Obama walked out of the talks stating "Don't call my bluff.", but neither of these actions were 'public' tantrums.

Boehner stated in the press conference they agreed to 80 billion in revenue previously, Obama came back and asked 400 billion more, which would have included a raise in taxes.
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Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run b a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

What are you talking about? Republicans are the ones offering the Compromise. The Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling. We will do that if you do immediate spending cuts and put a balance budget amendment up for a vote.

You are just upset that Republicans are actually trying to get something out of this deal. How dare they make the President compromise for something he wants.
Unfortunately, the Senate Democrats don't have to do anything. This is a House Republican initiative to reduce spending by threatening the nation with default. If it blows up in their face, it is they who will face the consequences at the polls. However all Americans will face the consequences long before the next election.

The House gave them a bill and Harry Reid shot it down.

Nether Obama nor the Dems in the Senate are doing a darned thing.

They wanted a tax increase so they could brag about it. The Repugs didn't fall for their tricks, so now they're down to crying about how the GOP is the one not doing anything.
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