Not Good For Obama: New Rassmussen Poll Has Obama 41%---Ron Paul 37%


May 29, 2010
Of course Ron Paul won't get the nomination if Sarah Palin enters the race but the White House has got to be worried with this poll. It's Ron Paul for god sakes. He is terrible and he is a pacifist like Neville Chamberlain. He is against a strong military unlike Palin who is. He wants to close our bases overseas which is foolish. Ron Paul will be there when primary / caucus season rolls around.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™
Palin or the Fairy from Texastan will be your next President.
I suspect Perry was (S)elected. Palin is only there to cause confusion.
Have fun.
I just got some kick ass tomato......or tomatow...or tomatoe ('MATER DANGIT)seeds from a buddy in Grenada.......Cool.
Have fun.
Rasmussens polls are a joke. His are accurate and one of two to predict the 2008 popular vote correctly. That guy and his proven accuracy is a joke.
Rasmussens polls are a joke. His are accurate and one of two to predict the 2008 popular vote correctly. That guy and his proven accuracy is a joke.

information fAiL s0n...........Rasmussen was bullseye in November 2008.

How Did We Do? - Rasmussen Reports™

And, to the lefty k00ks, Rasmussen sucks of course, but back in October on 2008 when Obama surged ahead of McCain, every far left kook on the internet was falling all over themselves to post up the Rasmussen numbers.

A dead skunk would poll ahead of the dilettante that currently occupies the oval office. He's not the blank canvas he was in 2008. Hope and change has turned out to be a great slogan, and that's about it. He has a record now, and it stinks.
Rass is about as trustable as news corp

The leftists on the board are laughably predicable. Faced with polls they don't like they attack the credibility of the media or polling organization without ever addressing the overall point, and it's transparently pathetic.

The fact is Gallup and NBC polls have shown similar results.

What makes you believe that the president isn't polling this bad? Are you really that blind to the dismal results of a Stimulus plan that this president hailed as the legislation that was going to, and this was said by Obama several times, add millions of jobs?

"But the real story in the numbers is that the president continues to earn between 41% and 49% of the vote no matter which Republican is mentioned as a potential opponent. This suggests that the race remains a referendum on the incumbent more than anything else."
Of course Ron Paul won't get the nomination if Sarah Palin enters the race but the White House has got to be worried with this poll. It's Ron Paul for god sakes. He is terrible and he is a pacifist like Neville Chamberlain. He is against a strong military unlike Palin who is. He wants to close our bases overseas which is foolish. Ron Paul will be there when primary / caucus season rolls around.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

No to Palin and Paul. Hope Perry steps in and speaks to the issues...
Of course Ron Paul won't get the nomination if Sarah Palin enters the race but the White House has got to be worried with this poll. It's Ron Paul for god sakes. He is terrible and he is a pacifist like Neville Chamberlain. He is against a strong military unlike Palin who is. He wants to close our bases overseas which is foolish. Ron Paul will be there when primary / caucus season rolls around.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

No to Palin and Paul. Hope Perry steps in and speaks to the issues...

Perry will get crushed, if he even runs.
Of course Ron Paul won't get the nomination if Sarah Palin enters the race but the White House has got to be worried with this poll. It's Ron Paul for god sakes. He is terrible and he is a pacifist like Neville Chamberlain. He is against a strong military unlike Palin who is. He wants to close our bases overseas which is foolish. Ron Paul will be there when primary / caucus season rolls around.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

No to Palin and Paul. Hope Perry steps in and speaks to the issues...

Perry will get crushed, if he even runs.
Based on what? Elaborate.
Of course Ron Paul won't get the nomination if Sarah Palin enters the race but the White House has got to be worried with this poll. It's Ron Paul for god sakes. He is terrible and he is a pacifist like Neville Chamberlain. He is against a strong military unlike Palin who is. He wants to close our bases overseas which is foolish. Ron Paul will be there when primary / caucus season rolls around.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

No to Palin and Paul. Hope Perry steps in and speaks to the issues...

Perry will get crushed, if he even runs.

Actually, Perry is the strongest candidate the GOP could run.

First, let's look at records. He has 12 years as governor of Texas and has been re-elected three times. Compare that to Romney (who quit after one term) Palin (who quit halfway through her term) or Pawlenty (Two terms). He has created jobs in his state despite the recession.

Second- Perry is the guy who can appeal to all the factions of the GOP. Tea-Partiers hate Romney, Establishment Republicans hate Bachmann, Security Republicans hate Ron Paul, Religious Conservatives hate Guiliani. Perry gets good marks from all these groups because he's been consistant and a leader.

Third, he's exciting. I watched his speech from back in June, and I could think of the way he inspired the way Reagan inspired back in 1980.

Fourth, he'll mop the floor with Obama. Of course, if the economy keeps going as it is, anyone can.
Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™
Ron Paul?
Rudy Giuliani is another potential candidate who is considered a long shot for the nomination but is competitive with the president. The former mayor of New York City trails Obama by five, 44% to 39%.

Obama is in big trouble
You Libs know why?
How long can you keep supporting this mess?
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I welcome the Republicans to choose Ron Paul or Rudy G as their standard-bearer

No....Obama is not in trouble if that's the best the GOP can do
I welcome the Republicans to choose Ron Paul or Rudy G as their standard-bearer

No....Obama is not in trouble if that's the best the GOP can do

Right winger Why do you support Obama so much?
what has he done for this country and your child's future that you feel that Ron Paul and or Rudy cannot do a better job?
Your next president is going to be Rick Perry or the senator from Florida
Marco Rubio
The problem with Ron Paul is that when it comes to phone polls, everybody knows his name

When it comes time to actually pull the lever for Ron Paul...nobody wants anything to do with him

Paul will draw single digits in the GOP primary with no delegates

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