Boehner may have to cut deal with Pelosi to save his job

I thout this would happen.
Is he doing her already?
With this coming out, I am impelled to contact my Congressman and telling them to oust the clown.
Why doesn't Benedict Boehner just switch over to the Democratic Party??? He'd be right at home.
My guess is that article is a liberal's pipe dream. If Boehner doesn't have the votes from his own party I don't see him putting up a fight. He'll either toe the line for conservatives if he wants to put off any call for a vote and keep his position. If a vote comes up and he doesn't have Republican support he'll resign.
My guess is that article is a liberal's pipe dream. If Boehner doesn't have the votes from his own party I don't see him putting up a fight. He'll either toe the line for conservatives if he wants to put off any call for a vote and keep his position. If a vote comes up and he doesn't have Republican support he'll resign.
No. a liberal's pipe dream is that he continues to be Speaker of the House and give in to Obama like he's doing now.
Ok, so you guys oust Boehner. Then what?

The Speaker is elected by the House, with an absolute majority. That's why this all gets worked out in backrooms beforehand - the party system relies on party unity when electing a Speaker.

Who do you think can get 218 votes as Speaker after you split the party between the Boehner loyalists and the nutbars?
Ok, so you guys oust Boehner. Then what?

At least that'll give the traitor something to really cry about.

So you think that the people we elect to run this country should be more focused on petulence than a functioning aystem?

Perhaps you should focus on the concept of the people being elected actually represent their constituents instead of trying to impress people with big words that you apparently don't know the definition of.

The landslide wins by Republicans in the house and senate in '12 and '14 were due to people wanting this insanity stopped. That's hardly 'petulant'. All people want is for the Republicans who they voted in office, including Benedict Boehner to represent them, not be rubber stamps for the Democrats continual insanity.

Ohhh, but hey, elected officials representing their constituents, ahhh...that's just 'petulant'
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Doesn't matter who replaces him, tea bagger knuckledragger nation will whine about the new guy because he hasn't fired on Fort Sumter yet.

It will be so good to get past this moment in history when the far right radicals think they can actually turn the clock backwards to 1954 when they were all happy and mommy and daddy were together watching Daddy Knows Best on tv.

A mythical time for them when blacks, Hispanics, women, and gays knew their place and women didn't have to work. When commies were easy to hate and duck and cover was fun at school.

God how they can't stand reality.
Ok, so you guys oust Boehner. Then what?

At least that'll give the traitor something to really cry about.

So you think that the people we elect to run this country should be more focused on petulence than a functioning aystem?

Perhaps you should focus on the concept of the people being elected actually represent their constituents instead of trying to impress people with big words that you apparently don't know the definition of.

The landslide wins by Republicans in the house and senate in '12 and '14 were due to people wanting this insanity stopped. That's hardly 'petulant'. All people want is for the Republicans who they voted in office, including Benedict Boehner to represent them, not be rubber stamps for the Democrats continual insanity.

Ohhh, but hey, elected officials representing their constituents, ahhh...that's just 'petulant'


Two things. First of all, I think you might want to check on your dates there. Did you mean 2010 and 2014, by any chance? The Dems gained 8 seats in the House in 2012, and only lost 2 in the Senate.

But more importantly, your claims of some sort of popular mandate to oust Boehner are pretty silly. You are aware that John Boehner won his elections in 2010, 2012, and 2014, right?

He seems to be just what "the people" he represents want.
My guess is that article is a liberal's pipe dream. If Boehner doesn't have the votes from his own party I don't see him putting up a fight. He'll either toe the line for conservatives if he wants to put off any call for a vote and keep his position. If a vote comes up and he doesn't have Republican support he'll resign.
No. a liberal's pipe dream is that he continues to be Speaker of the House and give in to Obama like he's doing now.
A liberal pipe dream is someday republicans taking an interest in responsible governance.

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