Boehner Makes Republicans 'Tools and Dupes' of Netanyahu's Election Campaign


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

One of the defining precepts of the American Republic from its earliest days to today has been that the president of the United States represents the country in its dealings with the world. It is a view which the Supreme Court unambiguously endorsed in 1936 in United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp:

"In this vast external realm, with its important, complicated, delicate and manifold problems, the President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and Congress itself is powerless to invade it. As Marshall said in his great argument of March 7, 1800, in the House of Representatives, 'The President is the sole organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations.'"​

This consensus, respected by both parties for much of American history, is why John Boehner's sly decision to offer Benjamin Netanyahu a congressional platform to attack President Obama's negotiations with Iran may represent a watershed moment both for the Republican Party and American support for Israel. It's unclear whether the invitation says more about Republicans' confusion about who precisely they've been sent to Washington to represent, or more about the weakening influence of the conservative pro-Israel group AIPAC as pro-peace, pro-Israel groups like J Street andJewish Voice for Peace have come on the scene. What seems clear is that when even Chris Wallace of Fox News is calling the Netanyahu-Boehner manoeuvre behind President Obama's back "wicked," then something has gone very wrong with the Republican sense of the national interest.

More: Boehner Makes Republicans 'Tools and Dupes' of Netanyahu's Election Campaign - David Miles

I agree with Chris Wallace of Fox News. It is "wicked"...
Really, here you are posting this. so who's the tool?

do you think before you post?
Tip: Stop electing incompetent amateurs with no experience president.

Man I'd be embarrassed .... to be Obama and Democrats bitch and post dumb stuff like this
hey he still has something around a 30% of rabid cult followers who approves of his crapping all over us and everyone else in the world
Tip: Stop electing incompetent amateurs with no experience president.

Man I'd be embarrassed .... to be Obama and Democrats bitch and post dumb stuff like this
hey he still has something around a 30% of rabid cult followers who approves of his crapping all over us and everyone else in the world

A troll is gonna troll I guess, its sad really I'm glad I'm not the OP.
Tip: Stop electing incompetent amateurs with no experience president.

Man I'd be embarrassed .... to be Obama and Democrats bitch and post dumb stuff like this
hey he still has something around a 30% of rabid cult followers who approves of his crapping all over us and everyone else in the world

A troll is gonna troll I guess, its sad really I'm glad I'm not the OP.

Yep, not one of them has any honor, pride and hates their fellow countrymen and women
it's funny how every thing to a letter netanyahjoo said the evil muslims are doing, israel has and continues to do and actually started the whole jihad crap of God's chosen few to conquer the world. moses calphate the sate of Israel into a bloody existance of genocide. then they do it again in 48 as justice for holocaust? how does that make sense or is justice for everybody else? then they secretly develop way too many nukes against the "worlds" wishes. they've preemptively attacked their neighbors on many occasions including attack our liberty ship and liberty here to speak against this war state of caliphate because then we'd be anti semitic not any muslim? really? talk about fools being brain washed believing Jewish fables of nobility? wow. is all i can say. then they tax us like muslim koran says to with 4 billion going to a healthy jewish state? why? ask yourselves, what has isreal ever done for u.s.?
Tip: Stop electing incompetent amateurs with no experience president.

Man I'd be embarrassed .... to be Obama and Democrats bitch and post dumb stuff like this
hey he still has something around a 30% of rabid cult followers who approves of his crapping all over us and everyone else in the world

A troll is gonna troll I guess, its sad really I'm glad I'm not the OP.

Yep, not one of them has any honor, pride and hates their fellow countrymen and women

I think for most of them it begins with self hate and loathing.
What a jaw-droppingly pathetic, bizarre take on Netanyahu's magnificent speech.

You see, part of the problem is that our "President" is increasingly showing that he is anti-West and dangerously soft on Islamic extremism (heck, he won't even use the term), and he's pushing for a deal that would allow Iran to have nuclear weapons in 10 years (or less, if they back out of Obama's idiotic deal, which, by the way, the deal would allow them to do).
What a jaw-droppingly pathetic, bizarre take on Netanyahu's magnificent speech.

You see, part of the problem is that our "President" is increasingly showing that he is anti-West and dangerously soft on Islamic extremism (heck, he won't even use the term), and he's pushing for a deal that would allow Iran to have nuclear weapons in 10 years (or less, if they back out of Obama's idiotic deal, which, by the way, the deal would allow them to do).

Just imagine what all you don't know. Just imagine...

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