Boehner and GOP STILL in favor of Bush tax cuts

Let's remember that these tax cuts were rammed through a republican controlled congress by RECONCILATION. The very process the republicans tried to convince americans would lead to our damnation if used during the health care debate. The sunset clause is there for a reason -- to let the dumb stupid tax increases expire especially for the top 1%. I understand that the rest of the tax cuts wil probably be extended. good. but let's quit providing welfare to the rich.

How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:

IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

It's the spending that isn't paid for and should be, why not cut that out, all we would have to do is cut spending to the level it was 10 years ago and the personal income tax could be done away with.
How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:

IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

It's the spending that isn't paid for and should be, why not cut that out, all we would have to do is cut spending to the level it was 10 years ago and the personal income tax could be done away with.

I agree that spending needs to be reduced. But how about ol' GW and his republican controlled congress -- they spent like druken sailors -- not paid for, and threw in a enormous tax cut to boot.

What would you cut to reduce the deficit?
Let's remember that these tax cuts were rammed through a republican controlled congress by RECONCILATION. The very process the republicans tried to convince americans would lead to our damnation if used during the health care debate. The sunset clause is there for a reason -- to let the dumb stupid tax increases expire especially for the top 1%. I understand that the rest of the tax cuts wil probably be extended. good. but let's quit providing welfare to the rich.

How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:

IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

Another supporter of selective equal treatment by the government....
How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:

IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

Another supporter of selective equal treatment by the government....

what' you have a problem with equal treatment?
IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

Another supporter of selective equal treatment by the government....

what' you have a problem with equal treatment?

Do you have reading comprehension problems??

Selective equal treatment.. .I.E. equal treatment when it benefits you, and unequal treatment when it benefits you

Example of equal treatment... every citizen is taxed at the exact same rate on every dollar earned in the calendar year

Example of unequal treatment... approximately half of all citizens pay no income taxes and the other half pay all collected income taxes to support programs for the half that did not pay... or... citizen X pays a 10% tax rate and citizen Y pays a 35% tax rate

I have zero problem with true equal treatment... and fully accept the positives and the negatives that come with equal treatment
IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

It's the spending that isn't paid for and should be, why not cut that out, all we would have to do is cut spending to the level it was 10 years ago and the personal income tax could be done away with.

I agree that spending needs to be reduced. But how about ol' GW and his republican controlled congress -- they spent like druken sailors -- not paid for, and threw in a enormous tax cut to boot.

What would you cut to reduce the deficit?

Can't argue with you concerning Bush and the GOP; curse on both parties; I'd bring the troops home, end farm subsidies,abolish foreign welfare and start phasing out welfare/entitlements at the Federal level but I wouldn't do that while foreigners are getting our tax dollars, use that money to transcend away from the welfare state. I would end Medicare Part C and D as well as Obamacare though, that is billions that is going to subsidize the insurance/pharmaceutical industry, I'd end the tax credit on group health insurance and instead give it to individuals, coupling health insurance with a job has to rank as one of the stupidest things that happened in the 20th Century.

I'd cut a LOT of things,lol.
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Let's remember that these tax cuts were rammed through a republican controlled congress by RECONCILATION. The very process the republicans tried to convince americans would lead to our damnation if used during the health care debate. The sunset clause is there for a reason -- to let the dumb stupid tax increases expire especially for the top 1%. I understand that the rest of the tax cuts wil probably be extended. good. but let's quit providing welfare to the rich.

How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:
Why are Republicans so deathly-afraid of a prosperous-economy.....AGAIN??!!!

Let's remember that these tax cuts were rammed through a republican controlled congress by RECONCILATION. The very process the republicans tried to convince americans would lead to our damnation if used during the health care debate. The sunset clause is there for a reason -- to let the dumb stupid tax increases expire especially for the top 1%. I understand that the rest of the tax cuts wil probably be extended. good. but let's quit providing welfare to the rich.

How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:
Why are Republicans so deathly-afraid of a prosperous-economy.....AGAIN??!!!


So taking money out of the private sector now would improve the economy,in your opinion?:eusa_eh:

Maybe that's what got us out of the Great Depression; The Revenue Acts of 1932 and 1934:eusa_doh:
So letting you keep more of your own money that you EARN is welfare??

No.. sorry.. wrong answer asshole....

Let's just equalize the tax rate to put everyone up to the top 1% rate for every dollar earned... then you'll see an outcry for lower taxes from the ones who want the high rates for the 'rich' for their little vengeance fantasies
Vengeance fantasies????

You're QUITE-obviously MUCH-too-young to remember the Clinton Years/1993 Deficit Reduction.​

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

You need to move-along and quit embarrassing yourself. You've got nothing to offer....least-of-all a first-person point-of-reference.

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Had the Fed. raised the prime, the bubbles in the real estate markets would not have happened to ever collapsed in the first place, perhaps those conservative economists were onto something.
Boehner and GOP STILL in favor of Bush tax cuts

As they should be.
Yeah....everyone notices how much good they're doing.

Let's remember that these tax cuts were rammed through a republican controlled congress by RECONCILATION. The very process the republicans tried to convince americans would lead to our damnation if used during the health care debate. The sunset clause is there for a reason -- to let the dumb stupid tax increases expire especially for the top 1%. I understand that the rest of the tax cuts wil probably be extended. good. but let's quit providing welfare to the rich.

How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:

IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

That much is OBVIOUS, to those who're (actually) paying-attention.

[ame=]YouTube - Maddow: GOP plan to extend tax cuts for the rich[/ame]​
So letting you keep more of your own money that you EARN is welfare??

No.. sorry.. wrong answer asshole....

Let's just equalize the tax rate to put everyone up to the top 1% rate for every dollar earned... then you'll see an outcry for lower taxes from the ones who want the high rates for the 'rich' for their little vengeance fantasies
Vengeance fantasies????

You're QUITE-obviously MUCH-too-young to remember the Clinton Years/1993 Deficit Reduction.​

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

You need to move-along and quit embarrassing yourself. You've got nothing to offer....least-of-all a first-person point-of-reference.


Another winger site and misinformation from the troll

There was not any elimination of the federal deficit.. this has been shown to you and other over and over and over again... there was a reduction in deficit, but please start looking at total government spending and not just the advertised budget... you have much to learn about something called intergovernmental spending

The economy did not grow because of increased taxation.. where this load of bull-prunes comes from is a complete mystery... Try understanding that things such as the tech boom and the dot-bomb boom and bust did not come about because of Clinton and the congress's taxation policies

And support of a system based in unequal treatment is indeed vengeance fantasy... class envy.. class warfare.. or whichever other term you wish to use....
How is allowing someone; weather they make $30000 or $30000000 a year; to keep more of what they earned, welfare?:eusa_eh:

IT IS WELFARE because the tax cuts ARE NOT PAID FOR. THEY WILL BE PAID OUT THE TAXES OTHERS PAY. Now does that really make sense to you. Someone making 300k or more a year will go from 35% to 39% bracket - 4%, I don't think that will send them to the bread line.

Another supporter of selective equal treatment by the government....

What'd I tell you??

Go sit-down, somewhere. You don't know what-the-Hell you're talkin'-about.

what' you have a problem with equal treatment?

Do you have reading comprehension problems??
The subject (here) is MATH-related....and, you're obviously MATH-CHALLENGED!!!

You've got nothin' to offer.

Go away.


Then please show your math that equates the relationship to raising taxes to an increased national economy... and just showing coincidence in timing between increased taxation and an uptick in economic activity does not suffice...

we'll be waiting, troll

You're unsubstantiated bullshit is being called out, again
Had the Fed. raised the prime, the bubbles in the real estate markets would not have happened to ever collapsed in the first place.....
.....And, mortgage-brokers wouldn't have made nearly the killings, on fees (they did), after Phil Gramm had deregulated The Game!!!

[ame=]YouTube - American Casino documentary film trailer[/ame]​
So letting you keep more of your own money that you EARN is welfare??

No.. sorry.. wrong answer asshole....

Let's just equalize the tax rate to put everyone up to the top 1% rate for every dollar earned... then you'll see an outcry for lower taxes from the ones who want the high rates for the 'rich' for their little vengeance fantasies
Vengeance fantasies????

You're QUITE-obviously MUCH-too-young to remember the Clinton Years/1993 Deficit Reduction.​

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

You need to move-along and quit embarrassing yourself. You've got nothing to offer....least-of-all a first-person point-of-reference.


Another winger site and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....


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