Body ~ Mind ~ Soul --- Being Human


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA
We humans tend to be complex creatures and this threa dis to focus on those many aspects of what it means to be a human. How to be a healthy human that is on the path of development and hopefully improvement through out one's lifetime.

Yeah, it might also seem a place to put those interesting click-bait articles we come across, but many aren't worth a thread of their own, yet along with being of interest, also inter-connect with other ones.

So I'll lead off with this one;

Try these 9 easy exercises to train your brain to be more productive

Yes, you really can “rewire” your brain for optimal performance at work and home.​


What Gaming Does to Your Brain—and How You Might Benefit​

Here are some ways to think about addiction, improved neurological function, and your overall relationship with video games on a better, more intuitive level.

Inherited Learning? It Happens, but How Is Uncertain​

Studies suggest that epigenetics allows some learned adaptive responses to be passed down to new generations. The question is how.

Why Talented People Don’t Use Their Strengths​


How To Manage Your Mood​


Could Multiple Personality Disorder Explain Life, the Universe and Everything?​

A new paper argues the condition now known as “dissociative identity disorder” might help us understand the fundamental nature of reality

Crows Are Self-Aware and 'Know What They Know,' Just Like Humans​

Almost no other species has that kind of higher intelligence.
In what now feels like an annual update, crows are even more surprisingly smart than we thought. But do they have true consciousness? Research shows that crows and other corvids “know what they know and can ponder the content of their own minds,” according to STAT. This is considered a cornerstone of self-awareness and shared by just a handful of animal species besides humans.

In new research published in Science, German scientists put crows through a series of puzzling tasks. During those tasks, the scientists measured neural activity in different kinds of neurons with the goal of tracking how crows were sensing and reasoning through their work. They sought to study a specific kind of thinking called sensory consciousness, and they chose birds in particular as an evolutionary history pivot.


What Made Early Humans Smart​

Walking upright made our ancestors easy prey. It also made them get smart.​


Talking to Jeremy DeSilva about human evolution was so fun. As was reading his recent book, First Steps: How Upright Walking Made Us Human. I learned something new and fascinating on every page. Do you picture our hominin ancestors as hunters? I did. Not so much. “They were the hunted,” DeSilva writes. Let’s take another look, as modern paleoanthropologists have, at the Taung child’s skull, one of paleontology’s most famous fossils, the remains of a child from the species, Australopithecus africanus, discovered in 1924. A reanalysis of the Taung child, DeSilva tells us, showed talon marks in its eye sockets. “A bird of prey, probably a crowned eagle, must have plucked the Taung child from the ground and carried it off to be eaten.” See, I told you. Fun!


What Made Early Humans Smart - Issue 102: Hidden Truths - Nautilus


How Einstein Learned Physics​

Einstein was a student long before he became a celebrity. There is a lot to glean from his education and unique approach to learning.

Not sure I can agree with this, but FWIW;
(Think, Need, Want, Guess, Hope, Suppose)

Six Verbs That Make You Sound Weak (No Matter Your Job Title)​

Sometimes it’s the smallest words and phrases that shape how you’re perceived around the office. Here are a few to watch out for at every level.

A few operating here might need this ...

How to Stop Catastrophizing: An Expert’s Guide​

A clinical psychologist suggests a three-pronged plan for tackling anxiety and approaching each day logically and positively.


How Political Opinions Change​

A clever experiment shows it's surprisingly easy to change someone’s political views, revealing how flexible we are.

It's a great moment for click bait, so depositing a few here;

How Not to Care When People Don’t Like You​

Everyone is disliked by someone. Don’t let it slow you down.

To Tell Someone They’re Wrong, First Tell Them They’re Right​

A philosopher’s 350-year-old trick to get people to change their minds is now backed up by psychologists.

Break the Cycle: How to Stop Having the Same Argument Again and Again and Again​

Few things are more frustrating than re-running the same fight with your partner or family. Here’s how to resolve it once and for all.


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