Boardwalk Empire


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I have developed a love-hate relationship with Boardwalk Empire. At this point, I'm only watching because I want to see Nucky die. They've killed off two of the three characters I like: Jimmy and Owen. I suspect Richard will get it as I like him, too.

Die Nucky Die.
Haven't watched a single episode of that yet.

Next Dexter episode comes on line in about an hour.
Sopranos in Atlantic City circa Volstead Act with better fashion sense.
Then they'll have to rewrite history. Andrew Mellon wasn't offed by a bootlegger in the early 1920s.
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The show sucks this year

No characters worth watching
* Spoiler Alert *

The bit with Al Capone at the end made the episode.
I have developed a love-hate relationship with Boardwalk Empire. At this point, I'm only watching because I want to see Nucky die. They've killed off two of the three characters I like: Jimmy and Owen. I suspect Richard will get it as I like him, too.

Die Nucky Die.

I put Richard's chance of death at 25%. He seems to be more a force of nature than a person. One thing I am sure of though, if he lives, Gillian Darmody has to die.
I think Richard will survive this Season; I'd love to see him take out Gillian.
J'adore Sporadicus...but not for the history lesson.
Specifically, Crixus' Huge Pecs.

He's quite droolworthy.
I'll miss her and John Hannah next season. They really chewed up the scenery.
The show sucks this year

No characters worth watching

Gyp Rosetti makes me ill. He needs killing, ick..

I also kind of want Gillian Darmody to go too, I'd rather see the kid raised by Richard. I still like Nucky and the show. I can't stop watching it.

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