Blue cities are suffering from the policies of the democrat party, and I don't care...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another great column from Kurt Schlichter on why we shouldn't care about the blue cities devolving into 3rd world hell holes.....

The residents of blue cities vote for they get what they voted for, and I don't care....

What we’re seeing in the Democrat cities is a total breakdown of civilization. That’s not an exaggeration. You don't have a civilization when normal people can’t walk down the street without having to dodge junkies, piles of human waste, and knife-wielding maniacs. You have chaos. But chaos is OK with the inhabitants of the Democrat big cities. I know that because they keep electing people who allow their cities to be chaotic. I’m supposed to be outraged and upset by this, but my caring bandwidth is limited. I can only care about so much, and what I cannot do is care more about the plight that the blue voters have placed themselves in than the blue voters who elected the Democrats who allow this to happen do.


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