Bloomberg News Caught on Tape Telling Reporters to Preserve Access to China’s ‘Nazis’


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
It goes without saying, the man responsible for this black outrage is a democrat, as all of the super-billionaires such as Bezos, Soros, Gates, and the Koch brothers(yesssiree the Kochs are really radical democrats who have labored tirelessly to subvert the republican party to the agenda of the radical left from within it!)are. Bloomberg, Gates, Bezo's, ect all favor those Nazi's over you conservative Americans, Bezo's and Bloomberg own two of the most influential newspapers published anywhere on earth, that is the important thing you need to take away from this...

“Six years ago, Bloomberg News killed an investigation into the wealth of Communist Party elites in China, fearful of repercussions by the Chinese government,” reports the far-left NPR.

Bloomberg “successfully silenced the reporters involved. And it sought to keep the spouse of one of the reporters quiet, too.”

So according to NPR, the Chinese ambassador got wind of an embarrassing story and warned Bloomberg not to publish. The story was published, but the reporter, Mike Forsythe, who is now with the far-left New York Times, began receiving death threats that were “relayed through other journalists.” This forced Forsythe and his wife, Leta Hong Fincher, to flee Hong Kong.

The problem with Bloomberg began when “the reporting team pursued the next chapter, focusing on Chinese leaders’ ties to the country’s richest man, Wang Jianlin.”

This story was killed. It never ran.

According to NPR, the reasons were finally revealed in an October 2013 conference call led by Bloomberg’s then-editor-in-chief and co-founder, Matthew Winkler (pictured). Someone recorded the call, and NPR says it obtained the recording.

The alleged transcript reveals what any serious media watcher already knows: America’s elite media kowtow to the communist Chinese in the exact same way the media kowtowed to the communist Soviet Union decades ago. These greedy, power-hungry media freaks love communism, love communists, and are desperate to be their useful idiots — even at the expense of truth, their own integrity, what’s best for their own country, and what’s best for humanity:
“It is for sure going to, you know, invite the Communist Party to, you know, completely shut us down and kick us out of the country,” Winkler said. “So, I just don’t see that as a story that is justified.”
Winkler returned to those fears repeatedly. “The inference is going to be interpreted by the government there as we are judging them,” Winkler said. “And they will probably kick us out of the country. They’ll probably shut us down, is my guess.”
Winkler suggested reporters could find a uniquely “Bloomberg” way to cover the wealth of Chinese ruling elites. But he added a caution about covering the regime.
“It has to be done with a strategic framework and a tactical method that is … smart enough to allow us to continue and not run afoul of the Nazis who are in front of us and behind us everywhere,” Winkler said, according to the audio reviewed by NPR and verified by others. “And that’s who they are. And we should have no illusions about it.

“There’s a way to use the information you have in such a way that enables us to report, but not kill ourselves in the process and wipe out everything we’ve tried to build there[.]” [emphasis added]

So all news organizations should be cut off from China so we will have no idea what goes on over there?

There are plenty youtube channels covering what others wont.
So all news organizations should be cut off from China so we will have no idea what goes on over there?

There are plenty youtube channels covering what others wont.
Covering news in, and from China? Bloomberg had the reporter in question run out of China, he received death threats for running the first part of the story, and Bloomberg had him fired, and then he threatened the reporters wife too! How about this news and info comng from China courtesy of CNN, its naked Red Army propaganda, and CNN is currently running it as straight news.... Democrats are the enemy of the people, not the news.....
CNN accused of 'literally publishing Chinese propaganda'

So all news organizations should be cut off from China so we will have no idea what goes on over there?

There are plenty youtube channels covering what others wont. networks....should cut all ties with China...our news networks today are huge corporations involved with all kinds of things other than the news....Disney wants access to China so does ABS ESPN and the NBA...
So yes if you want the media to stay free of Chinese propaganda they need to cut ties with the RED MENACE....and now is a good time to do that.....Apple and Nike also need to leave China....and don't forget China just booted out all of the reporters anyway.....wake up China is our enemy...
Trump cut ties with China by removing USA Dr. Linda Quick from the China CDC so she couldn't keep an eye on new virus they discovered. Stupid!!!

Trump & his elite friends widespread use of nondisclosure agreements in America is what silenced this reporter like he did Stormy Daniels. NDA's should be banned!!!
Trump cut ties with China by removing USA Dr. Linda Quick from the China CDC so she couldn't keep an eye on new virus they discovered. Stupid!!!

Trump & his elite friends widespread use of nondisclosure agreements in America is what silenced this reporter like he did Stormy Daniels. NDA's should be banned!!!

Bullshit... CDC under Trump had a TEAM ready to go to CHINA in early Jan.. The Chi-coms refused to let them in... You're waaay behind on facts and toxified with hate...
Trump cut ties with China by removing USA Dr. Linda Quick from the China CDC so she couldn't keep an eye on new virus they discovered. Stupid!!!

Trump & his elite friends widespread use of nondisclosure agreements in America is what silenced this reporter like he did Stormy Daniels. NDA's should be banned!!!

Bullshit... CDC under Trump had a TEAM ready to go to CHINA in early Jan.. The Chi-coms refused to let them in... You're waaay behind on facts and toxified with hate...
Bullshit - Trump pulled our CDC out of China. Before December 31, 2019 when Trump learns of Covid-19. Then on Jan 15, 2020 Trump signed an initial pact agreeing with China instead of getting our CDC back on the inside. Trump bowed to XI instead of preparing US for Covid-19!!!

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