BLM Losing Support From Democrats Over Defunding Police Issue - Biden Supporting it


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Democrat Congressmen all over the US are not going along with BLM and other leftwing radicals on their senseless calls for police to be defunded. Sure, some Democrat nitwits (DeBlasio-New York, Garcetti-LA, Minneapolis city council) have defunded their cops, but their positions aren't getting much support overall.

For Theresa Greenfield, the Democratic candidate trying to unseat GOP Sen. Joni Ernst in a state President Trump won by 9 points in 2016, the media’s focus over the past few months on the country’s violent racial unrest and demands to defund the police, are a heavy weight pulling in the wrong direction.

A new Pew Research Center national poll, conducted June 16-22 and released this week, found that 73% of respondents thought local police funding should stay about the same or be increased, while 42% of African Americans and 21% of whites favored cutting it.

Greenfield is not alone in trying to side-step the defund-the-police movement. “I do not support defunding the police,” said Sen. Gary Peters, a Michigan Democrat facing off against GOP combat veteran John James, when first asked about his position on the issue in early June.

Sen. Doug Jones, an Alabama Democrat considered the most vulnerable Democrat this cycle, said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Defunding and disbanding is not something I would ever, ever support.” Several other Democratic challengers in close swing-state Senate contests, also have rejected the defund-the-police movement, while supporting nuanced reforms.

“This is not the approach we need,” Mark Kelly, a former NASA astronaut challenging GOP Sen. Martha McSally in Arizona, said in mid-June. Cal Cunningham, the Democratic challenger leading North Carolina GOP Sen. Thom Tillis by 10 points in a recent CNBC poll, in mid-June said, “Twenty-first century policing reform will require increased investment in law enforcement, not defunding it.”

BUT, with all the opposition to police defunding (Get ready for the BIG ONE right here) >> Guess who has just moved in the opposite direction > from opposing defunding police, to SUPPORTING IT. None other that Democrat presidential candidate JOE BIDEN. That's right. Jumbled Joe, once again, has uttered some words that has everyone scratching their heads, and wondering how this guy ever got to be a serious candidate.

In an interview with the left-wing outlet This Now, Biden said the police are over-militarized and “become the enemy” when they go into neighborhoods in armored, military-style Humvees. He also clarified in the same interview, that he would “absolutely” be willing to direct police funds elsewhere to mental health care, affordable housing and other Democratic priorities. Wow. Maybe, they should have locked him up in the basement a bit longer. :rolleyes:

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Democrat Congressmen all over the US are not going along with BLM and other leftwing radicals on their senseless calls for police to be defunded. Sure, some Democrat nitwits (DeBlasio-New York, Garcetti-LA, Minneapolis city council) have defunded their cops, but their positions aren't getting much support overall.

For Theresa Greenfield, the Democratic candidate trying to unseat GOP Sen. Joni Ernst in a state President Trump won by 9 points in 2016, the media’s focus over the past few months on the country’s violent racial unrest and demands to defund the police, are a heavy weight pulling in the wrong direction.

A new Pew Research Center national poll, conducted June 16-22 and released this week, found that 73% of respondents thought local police funding should stay about the same or be increased, while 42% of African Americans and 21% of whites favored cutting it.

Greenfield is not alone in trying to side-step the defund-the-police movement. “I do not support defunding the police,” said Sen. Gary Peters, a Michigan Democrat facing off against GOP combat veteran John James, when first asked about his position on the issue in early June.

Sen. Doug Jones, an Alabama Democrat considered the most vulnerable Democrat this cycle, said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Defunding and disbanding is not something I would ever, ever support.” Several other Democratic challengers in close swing-state Senate contests, also have rejected the defund-the-police movement, while supporting nuanced reforms.

“This is not the approach we need,” Mark Kelly, a former NASA astronaut challenging GOP Sen. Martha McSally in Arizona, said in mid-June. Cal Cunningham, the Democratic challenger leading North Carolina GOP Sen. Thom Tillis by 10 points in a recent CNBC poll, in mid-June said, “Twenty-first century policing reform will require increased investment in law enforcement, not defunding it.”

BUT, with all the opposition to police defunding (Get ready for the BIG ONE right here) >> Guess who has just moved in the opposite direction > from opposing defunding police, to SUPPORTING IT. None other that Democrat presidential candidate JOE BIDEN. That's right. Jumbled Joe, once again, has uttered some words that has everyone scratching their heads, and wondering how this guy ever got to be a serious candidate.

In an interview with the left-wing outlet This Now, Biden said the police are over-militarized and “become the enemy” when they go into neighborhoods in armored, military-style Humvees. He also clarified in the same interview, that he would “absolutely” be willing to direct police funds elsewhere to mental health care, affordable housing and other Democratic priorities. Wow. Maybe, they should have locked him up in the basement a bit longer. :rolleyes:

I am getting ads from President Trump on FB all the time advising me of Biden's plan to defund the police , that he got from BLM. This is huge issue in 2020
I am getting ads from President Trump on FB all the time advising me of Biden's plan to defund the police , that he got from BLM. This is huge issue in 2020
No question about it. Biden is really going off the rails on this one. I honestly wonder if he'll be the candidate in November, or maybe, if he were to win, they keep him as a prop, and whoever is the Vice President, would be the real president.
I am getting ads from President Trump on FB all the time advising me of Biden's plan to defund the police , that he got from BLM. This is huge issue in 2020
No question about it. Biden is really going off the rails on this one. I honestly wonder if he'll be the candidate in November, or maybe, if he were to win, they keep him as a prop, and whoever is the Vice President, would be the real president.

Yes, I believe the same, that Biden is a trojan horse for whatever radical leftist he either chooses as VP running mate or is chosen for him. Speaking to your OP, the truth of the matter is apparent: normal and even close to normal Americans cannot stomach the sociopathic anti-civilization 2020 democratic party running platforms. I suspect that a tsunami sized defection by democrat voters will sweep from sea to shining sea, in secret.
Yes, I believe the same, that Biden is a trojan horse for whatever radical leftist he either chooses as VP running mate or is chosen for him. Speaking to your OP, the truth of the matter is apparent: normal and even close to normal Americans cannot stomach the sociopathic anti-civilization 2020 democratic party running platforms. I suspect that a tsunami sized defection by democrat voters will sweep from sea to shining sea, in secret.
Democrats make a big mistake by deferring to the nutcase far-left (AOC, Omar, BLM, etc). Never a good methodology in an election year.
Yes, I believe the same, that Biden is a trojan horse for whatever radical leftist he either chooses as VP running mate or is chosen for him. Speaking to your OP, the truth of the matter is apparent: normal and even close to normal Americans cannot stomach the sociopathic anti-civilization 2020 democratic party running platforms. I suspect that a tsunami sized defection by democrat voters will sweep from sea to shining sea, in secret.
Democrats make a big mistake by deferring to the nutcase far-left (AOC, Omar, BLM, etc). Never a good methodology in an election year.

The democrats have made many mistakes, most self-destructive among them being their marriage with the radical leftist ideology/theology of postmodernist philosophy. Since then, every last platform and paradigm the democrats run on contradicts itself and ends up for them being absolutely suicidal. One can only sustain such self-cannibalizing insanity for so long. I do believe we're seeing the final end of the democratic party on the not so distant horizon. We can only watch as the democrats swallow themselves . . .
The democrats have made many mistakes, most self-destructive among them being their marriage with the radical leftist ideology/theology of postmodernist philosophy. Since then, every last platform and paradigm the democrats run on contradicts itself and ends up for them being absolutely suicidal. One can only sustain such self-cannibalizing insanity for so long. I do believe we're seeing the final end of the democratic party on the not so distant horizon. We can only watch as the democrats swallow themselves . . .
True. Their craziness in everything from the Kavanaugh circus, to the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment circus, BLM, riots, statues, etc. is tearing them apart.
The democrats have made many mistakes, most self-destructive among them being their marriage with the radical leftist ideology/theology of postmodernist philosophy. Since then, every last platform and paradigm the democrats run on contradicts itself and ends up for them being absolutely suicidal. One can only sustain such self-cannibalizing insanity for so long. I do believe we're seeing the final end of the democratic party on the not so distant horizon. We can only watch as the democrats swallow themselves . . .
True. Their craziness in everything from the Kavanaugh circus, to the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment circus, BLM, riots, statues, etc. is tearing them apart.

Couldn't happen to a finer bunch.

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