What are the stated goals of BLM? Do you know? It’s NOT violence.

"We are a collective of liberators"

Sounds violent to me.

Wait...aren’t you the same guy sniveling about context a few posts back?

We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.
Geez Seawytch, using words like "liberators", "movement" and "front", it almost sounds warlike.

They sound like wannabe Sandinistas. The rhetoric is pretty provocative.
You see what you want to see. The question is, why would you want to see that?

Every member of BLM who was there that day says they responded with nonviolence. "We came to march," Straughn says. "Some people assume Black Lives Matter is a violent organization, and we didn't want to give that impression. We came unarmed. We came with nothing but peace in our hearts and aggressive words for the Nazis. We knew that if we tried to engage them violently, we would be crucified by the media."

If BLM being described as nonviolent sounds strange to you, then you're probably watching too much Fox News. The movement has been wildly misunderstood partly because of how it's caricatured and demonized by right-wing media. "We absolutely don't consider Black Lives Matter a hate group," says Heidi Beirich, the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence project, which tracks hate groups. "Black Lives Matter is not a racist group; anyone can join. It's a movement to expand civil rights for the oppressed in this society. It's a peaceful protest against oppression. There's simply no equivalence between Black Lives Matter and a hate group. It's truly offensive to equate them."

The policy of nonviolence is shared by BLM activists around the country. "I refuse to cede the moral high ground to the supremacy we fight," says Brittany Packnett, an activist and co-founder of Campaign Zero, which aims to end police violence. "We don't need to become that which we are fighting."

A Year Inside the Black Lives Matter Movement

No. Don't even bother.

Black Lives Matter's Violence Undermines Its Credibility
More Hypocrisy from Black Lives Matter
FBI says "black identity extremists" are violent threat because of their views on police
Black Lives Matter Protest Turns Violent In St. Paul
Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia
2015 Baltimore protests - Wikipedia
2016 Milwaukee riots - Wikipedia
Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott - Wikipedia
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia
2017 St. Louis protests - Wikipedia

Right. You're going to see what you want to see. You're happy to attribute to an entire group, the actions of a handful of individuals.

I guess we can then say that Tea Party "patriots" are violent cop killers, right?

Report: Suspects Covered Officers' Bodies With 'Don't Tread On Me' Flags
Wow is this terrorist organization completely out of touch...

1. What makes BLM believe they hold authority to “issue” anything to the public?

2. What makes BLM think that anyone cares what a terrorist organization has to say?

3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM.

Black Lives Matter issues Super Bowl ‘travel alert’ warning about alleged St. Paul police brutality

The answer to number 1 is the First Amendment.

The answer to number 2 is, you are helping spread the warning. You cared enough to post this.

As to number 3, that’s just ignorant.
"We are a collective of liberators"

Sounds violent to me.

Wait...aren’t you the same guy sniveling about context a few posts back?

We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.
Geez Seawytch, using words like "liberators", "movement" and "front", it almost sounds warlike.

They sound like wannabe Sandinistas. The rhetoric is pretty provocative.
You see what you want to see. The question is, why would you want to see that?

Every member of BLM who was there that day says they responded with nonviolence. "We came to march," Straughn says. "Some people assume Black Lives Matter is a violent organization, and we didn't want to give that impression. We came unarmed. We came with nothing but peace in our hearts and aggressive words for the Nazis. We knew that if we tried to engage them violently, we would be crucified by the media."

If BLM being described as nonviolent sounds strange to you, then you're probably watching too much Fox News. The movement has been wildly misunderstood partly because of how it's caricatured and demonized by right-wing media. "We absolutely don't consider Black Lives Matter a hate group," says Heidi Beirich, the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence project, which tracks hate groups. "Black Lives Matter is not a racist group; anyone can join. It's a movement to expand civil rights for the oppressed in this society. It's a peaceful protest against oppression. There's simply no equivalence between Black Lives Matter and a hate group. It's truly offensive to equate them."

The policy of nonviolence is shared by BLM activists around the country. "I refuse to cede the moral high ground to the supremacy we fight," says Brittany Packnett, an activist and co-founder of Campaign Zero, which aims to end police violence. "We don't need to become that which we are fighting."

A Year Inside the Black Lives Matter Movement

No. Don't even bother.

Black Lives Matter's Violence Undermines Its Credibility
More Hypocrisy from Black Lives Matter
FBI says "black identity extremists" are violent threat because of their views on police
Black Lives Matter Protest Turns Violent In St. Paul
Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia
2015 Baltimore protests - Wikipedia
2016 Milwaukee riots - Wikipedia
Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott - Wikipedia
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia
2017 St. Louis protests - Wikipedia

Right. You're going to see what you want to see. You're happy to attribute to an entire group, the actions of a handful of individuals.

I guess we can then say that Tea Party "patriots" are violent cop killers, right?

Report: Suspects Covered Officers' Bodies With 'Don't Tread On Me' Flags

Wow. So you're trying to move the goalposts. You lose.

See ya later!
Last edited:
What a routine.

We need to follow Lincoln's plan from 157 years ago.
Put all of them on a boat and ship them the hell out of here.

Gee, but we would miss them so much. They are such key part of our society. Just Imagine how life would be without BLM.

Oh, I agree, It would create a void in life. Just look at how going from a
6 month long covered wagon trip to the West Coast being replaced by a
3-day jaunt by auto has denied us the chance to get back to nature.
The only colored people
"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950? Racist mother fuckers.
Good grief...you were too lazy to even read the first sentence of the article before commenting?
Black Lives Matter issued a “travel alert” this week warning black people and other people of color to “exercise caution” while visiting the Minneapolis/St. Paul-area for Super Bowl LII.
I was literally paraphrasing BLM themselves. And you literally just called BLM “racist mother fuckers”.
In the Dumbocrats 21st Century (where the fragile little butthurt snowflakes fall apart if someone doesn’t praise them the way they desire), everything “ain’t cool”. There is literally nothing acceptable by you facists other than “All Hail Obama” or “Praise the Dumbocrat Party”.

Here’s the thing snowflake - we couldn’t care any less what you irrational, emotional, uninformed, uneducated, ignorant pussies think about words. We have liberty in this nation (including the 1st Amendment) and we will say what we want, when we want. And there isn’t a damn thing you ultra-sensitive idiots can do about it.

Watch: Colored. Coon. Cotton Picker. Pickaninny. N*gger. :finger3:
Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.
No only do I do it “IRL” (you’re not a teen sweetie - stop with the idiotic teeny-bopper abbreviations), but I even say it at work. Yep. In the office. In the very heart of corporate America. Said it a few months ago and it got epic laughs. True story. Deal with it.
BLM is the militant arm of the dem party.
I disagree.

BLM is disgusting, divisive and a cancer in this society.

But they have to be held accountable for their own fuck ups. They, BLM and its supporters, are responsible for all the shit they cause.

It's not right to saddle the left OR the right with these brainless fucking assholes.
today maybe. but it keeps changing and everything that could be remotely considered racist is taken off the table immediately the the race card out in force.

if you don't know them or their mindset, calling people racist for saying colored people vs. people of color - well that's on you and i'm not gonna follow that idea or path. doesn't mean i'm going to say either one, just get some thicker skin and stop demanding people live their life on your terms.
It often seems the PC police get more ridiculous by the day.
Here's an example of how gross ignorance can quickly cause problems over innocent speech:

At a city hall meeting in Washington, D.C. [This happened in Jan 1999].

David Howard, the mayor's white ombudsman, said he would have to be "niggardly" with the scarce funds in the department's budget. One of his two interlocutors, Marshall Brown, who is black, left the room in anger. Mr. Howard offered his resignation, and Mayor Anthony Williams accepted it.

Niggardly means stingy. Its roots are in ancient languages. There is no evidence the word has any relation to the racial slur it may sound like. To say that being insulted by the use of "niggardly" is showing sensitivity to a racial epithet is to say that pride is a pathetic trait not worth having.

A word, a hair-trigger racial sensitivity, a job lost
someone please explain the logic in BLM and NAACP issuing warnings--a travel at your own risk--not against other blacks for MURDERING blacks--but against white discrimination !!!!
--this is how IDIOTIC these blacks are!!

you can't explain it --so don't try
Ive seen the videos. the police shoot them in the back as they run away. Its wrong.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police

anyone with a fourth grade math level or above knows blacks should fear other blacks at an astronomically higher rate than police/whites/etc
compared to blacks murdering/shooting blacks, cops shoot blacks at almost a 0 rate
Your obsession with race is a bit sick. Skin colour has no bearing on criminal or violent tendencies.
I am responding to the myths/lies/falsehoods/etc that ONLY whites are evil
that's all we ever hear
you can't deny the math:
blacks commit more per capita at many times the rate--not just a little:
hate crimes
stating facts is not racist
I'm an activist/defender/etc of the white race which is constantly denigrated --while the other races are NOT--but as we see in the undeniable MATH, the blacks commit more hate crimes/etc per capita
What a load. USMB is replete with endless
pejoratives aimed at Blacks. Your attack is one of thousands that flood message boards and other social media daily. You are a shameless liar.
today maybe. but it keeps changing and everything that could be remotely considered racist is taken off the table immediately the the race card out in force.

if you don't know them or their mindset, calling people racist for saying colored people vs. people of color - well that's on you and i'm not gonna follow that idea or path. doesn't mean i'm going to say either one, just get some thicker skin and stop demanding people live their life on your terms.
It often seems the PC police get more ridiculous by the day.
Here's an example of how gross ignorance can quickly cause problems over innocent speech:

At a city hall meeting in Washington, D.C. [This happened in Jan 1999].

David Howard, the mayor's white ombudsman, said he would have to be "niggardly" with the scarce funds in the department's budget. One of his two interlocutors, Marshall Brown, who is black, left the room in anger. Mr. Howard offered his resignation, and Mayor Anthony Williams accepted it.

Niggardly means stingy. Its roots are in ancient languages. There is no evidence the word has any relation to the racial slur it may sound like. To say that being insulted by the use of "niggardly" is showing sensitivity to a racial epithet is to say that pride is a pathetic trait not worth having.

A word, a hair-trigger racial sensitivity, a job lost
Tom Willey price in Dallas got mad because someone said "black hole" in a council meeting.
someone please explain the logic in BLM and NAACP issuing warnings--a travel at your own risk--not against other blacks for MURDERING blacks--but against white discrimination !!!!
--this is how IDIOTIC these blacks are!!

you can't explain it --so don't try
Ive seen the videos. the police shoot them in the back as they run away. Its wrong.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police

anyone with a fourth grade math level or above knows blacks should fear other blacks at an astronomically higher rate than police/whites/etc
compared to blacks murdering/shooting blacks, cops shoot blacks at almost a 0 rate
Your obsession with race is a bit sick. Skin colour has no bearing on criminal or violent tendencies.
I am responding to the myths/lies/falsehoods/etc that ONLY whites are evil
that's all we ever hear
you can't deny the math:
blacks commit more per capita at many times the rate--not just a little:
hate crimes
stating facts is not racist
I'm an activist/defender/etc of the white race which is constantly denigrated --while the other races are NOT--but as we see in the undeniable MATH, the blacks commit more hate crimes/etc per capita
What a load. USMB is replete with endless
pejoratives aimed at Blacks. Your attack is one of thousands that flood message boards and other social media daily. You are a shameless liar.
facts are lies??!!! hahahahah
sure--I got it
Ive seen the videos. the police shoot them in the back as they run away. Its wrong.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police

anyone with a fourth grade math level or above knows blacks should fear other blacks at an astronomically higher rate than police/whites/etc
compared to blacks murdering/shooting blacks, cops shoot blacks at almost a 0 rate
Your obsession with race is a bit sick. Skin colour has no bearing on criminal or violent tendencies.
I am responding to the myths/lies/falsehoods/etc that ONLY whites are evil
that's all we ever hear
you can't deny the math:
blacks commit more per capita at many times the rate--not just a little:
hate crimes
stating facts is not racist
I'm an activist/defender/etc of the white race which is constantly denigrated --while the other races are NOT--but as we see in the undeniable MATH, the blacks commit more hate crimes/etc per capita
What a load. USMB is replete with endless
pejoratives aimed at Blacks. Your attack is one of thousands that flood message boards and other social media daily. You are a shameless liar.
facts are lies??!!! hahahahah
sure--I got it
The lying I was referring to is where your friend said White's are constantly denigrated.
When objective Whites speak out against RW racism aimed at people of color...you get butthurt and cry foul. But thats not denigration against Whites...That's Christian liberalism calling you RW devils out.

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