BLEXIT is on its way...Liberals should get ready to be depressed!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Sensible American voters are waking up to the Democrat scheme of Planned Victim Classes and the maintaining of the Democrat Plantation. Improvement is coming!

It’s about time. Under Obama it felt like the dems were purposefully resurrecting a racial unrest that was being relieved with decades of non segregational policies. They did it to forward the gay agenda “as equal to 1960s racial oppression” of course. And with help from MSNBC & CNN they resurrected racial riots I hadn’t seen since the early 1970s.

Glad to see blacks waking up to dem attacks on nuclear families & faith too (HUGE in the black community).
Don't assume they will become Republicans.
Whatever. I fled the dems when gay marriage was forced on the 50 states without their permission & the same day their Whitehouse promoter had his “in your face!” rainbow light display on the public Whitehouse. His ordering girls in school to shower with deranged boys less than a year later was more audacious salt in the Public’s wounds.

Form a “whatever” party. Just no more support for the party of the demented sex cult that catapults its agendas on the taught nerve strings of actual oppressed races of people. .
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Don't assume they will become Republicans.
That is mentioned by one of the Blexiters in the video. As long as they defect from the Democrat Party at the polls, they will be strengthening the Republican tally against the Democrats...until a significant third party emerges. Development of a significant third party will take decades, if not generations.

You're hand in hand with the Russians AGAIN

You're hand in hand with the Russians AGAIN
Says a liberal who espouses communes. You are deeper in bed with the Ruskies than any conservative.

Can we get back to the topic now?
When have I EVER "espoused communes" you lying Putin bot?
If you are far left you are for handouts & freebies even to able bodied freeloader people at the expense of those that work their asses off. Come to think of it, Russia encourages more individual industriousness than many on the left. So the left espousing the Russian system would actually be a step towards conservativism.

To the topic, I believe blacks are tired of being lulled into 1960s rewarmed casserole of racial outrage & handouts when they really want to see the fresh fruits of their own hard work like every other decent American.
Whatever. I fled the dems when gay marriage was ...

You really need to put up a 'bi-curious' ad on a singles site and just get it over with.
Sure. Meanwhile I’m telling you what drove me from the party of deviant sex cult. Didn’t draw me to it. Did you miss that part?

The part I didn't miss is your neurotic obsession with homosexuality. It's in every one of your posts. Do you think about anything else?
Whatever. I fled the dems when gay marriage was ...

You really need to put up a 'bi-curious' ad on a singles site and just get it over with.
Sure. Meanwhile I’m telling you what drove me from the party of deviant sex cult. Didn’t draw me to it. Did you miss that part?

The part I didn't miss is your neurotic obsession with homosexuality. It's in every one of your posts. Do you think about anything else?
not when discussing the democratic platform which seems to revolve wholly around the LGBT agenda. Unfortunately.
I see the village idiots are going down the line giving "funnies" to the conservatives and "winners" to their pea-brain comrades. What a puerile bunch the left has generated.
Their only redeeming value is providing a bit of humor. I laugh at their silly asses on a regular basis.

You're hand in hand with the Russians AGAIN
I've never been hand-in-hand with the Russians, you twit. I'm merely trying to teach you some elementary grade logic.
If: Communists wear green hats.
And: Johnny has on a green hat.
Then: Johnny must be a communist.

This is the way nitwits like you think.
Sensible American voters are waking up to the Democrat scheme of Planned Victim Classes and the maintaining of the Democrat Plantation. Improvement is coming!

Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.

We must cut federal taxes in all ways by massive amounts in percentage to stop this stupid and dishonest ways conservatives do things. Can we agree? I guarantee you this will reduce all of the massive corruption we have.

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