Blame the Russians?

You can choose up to five options.

  • The Democrats are victims of hacking led by the Russians.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The hacking was likely led by US intelligence groups. The Russians may have been a player.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • The Republicans cheated.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blame the Russians "flows" well. It's a diversion. Blame the snitch not the crook.

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • This is the first step for world domination by Russian and USA coalition.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The accusation is just another excuse. From Obama to his fans, nothing but excuses since election.

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • The Russians were motivated by their distaste for a black and female President.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liberals champion projection. This is no exception.

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Putin and Trump have a man-crush for one another.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • The accusation is damage control for long-term survival of the Democrat party, who R treading water.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Who'd have thought the Democrats would project and play the victim role (DLM - Democrat Lives Matter)? Perhaps they're just being realistic (cough!). Anyway, you can choose up to five options.
The US government should praise the Russians for exposing (thought Wikileaks) the massive corruption of the Democrat Party and Crooked Hillary. Our Liberal press sure as hell didn't do it.
Let's wait and find out what the CIA says Russian actually did and let's see how they came to that conclusion. Then decide.
The pubs would have played the snowflake victim card if they lost.

This is American politics, and it is hardball.

You wusses left and right need to grow the fuck up.
The US government should praise the Russians for exposing (thought Wikileaks) the massive corruption of the Democrat Party and Crooked Hillary. Our Liberal press sure as hell didn't do it.

I agree, but I don't believe the hacking was headed by Russians.
In our inverted totalitarian corporate state the masses have been programed to blame each other.
Let's wait and find out what the CIA says Russian actually did and let's see how they came to that conclusion. Then decide.

International hacking is a major problem and should be dealt with as any threat.

As far as the election goes it is a moot point. Very few people paid attention to the leaks and fewer yet had their votes changed.

Before the Wikileaks revelations the Real Clear Politics average polls had the Crooked Hillary jackass at 48% of the vote and that is what she got on election day. The hacks did nothing to change the vote.

This is nothing but typical Moon Bat bullshit. We see this kind of hate and stupidity from the Moon Bats all the time. They are the scum of America.
had there been hacking of the actual election, which there wasn't from what's been reported so far, this is nothing but the dems blaming their loss not on their own tactics or ideology, but on 'the other'

whoever hacked the DNC and hillary's campaign, be it the Russians or whoever, leaked their own e-mails. when your own tactics and message can't stand up to the light of day, it's not 'the other's" fault, it's you.

their manipulation was outed and, without that element, they lost. one could say that when running an election in which the electorate knew more than they normally would what that candidate's supporters were actually doing and thinking, instead of only getting the garbage manufactured for their manipulation, that candidate ended up losing.

Very few people paid attention to the leaks

The Groper Elect found time to mention them at nearly every rally. They were in the news every day.

Did you change your mind because of the revelations of the filthy ass DNC and Crooked Hillary? I didn't.

By the time the Wikileaks happen most people had already made up their minds as the Real Clear Politics polls showed.

Crooked Hillary lost because she ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open borders, let in a million friggin Muslims and demonize the NRA. The fact that she conspired to fix the Moon Bat Primaries didn't have much to do with people not voting for her.

It is a good thing that we had the information published. It is good to know about the corruption of our politicians, don't you agree? The Democrats are real scumbags and the Wikileaks gave us Americans a good insight into how corrupt they really are. Cool beans!
Very few people paid attention to the leaks

The Groper Elect found time to mention them at nearly every rally. They were in the news every day.

Did you change your mind because of the revelations of the filthy ass DNC and Crooked Hillary? I didn't.

By the time the Wikileaks happen most people had already made up their minds as the Real Clear Politics polls showed.

Crooked Hillary lost because she ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open borders, let in a million friggin Muslims and demonize the NRA. The fact that she conspired to fix the Moon Bat Primaries didn't have much to do with people not voting for her.

It is a good thing that we had the information published. It is good to know about the corruption of our politicians, don't you agree? The Democrats are real scumbags and the Wikileaks gave us Americans a good insight into how corrupt they really are. Cool beans!

Glad you were not paying attention.

Glad you were not paying attention.

I didn't vote for either Crooked Hillary or Trump for President because both are big government Liberals.

The fact that Crooked Hillary was as corrupt and dishonest as they come was interesting but didn't change my mind on anything because I had already come to the conclusion she was a piece of shit.

How about you? Did anything in the Wikileaks revelations of the dishonesty of the DNC or Crooked Hillary change your mind?
Let's wait and find out what the CIA says Russian actually did and let's see how they came to that conclusion. Then decide.


Not only is story bogus- although I recognize how desperately you need some way to assuage your angst....

...but, arguendo, even if they did.....the leaks/hacks had NO....not any......efficacy.

Need proof?


....the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election-

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????

Speak up, doggie!
Very few people paid attention to the leaks

The Groper Elect found time to mention them at nearly every rally. They were in the news every day.

Did you change your mind because of the revelations of the filthy ass DNC and Crooked Hillary? I didn't.

By the time the Wikileaks happen most people had already made up their minds as the Real Clear Politics polls showed.

Crooked Hillary lost because she ran on a terrible platform to raise taxes, have open borders, let in a million friggin Muslims and demonize the NRA. The fact that she conspired to fix the Moon Bat Primaries didn't have much to do with people not voting for her.

It is a good thing that we had the information published. It is good to know about the corruption of our politicians, don't you agree? The Democrats are real scumbags and the Wikileaks gave us Americans a good insight into how corrupt they really are. Cool beans!

Glad you were not paying attention.

No one was, you dunce!

Everyone knew for decades that Bill's wife was a congenital liar and career criminal.

This, from the NYTimes 20 years ago:
"Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar."
Essay;Blizzard of Lies stupid must you be not to have caught on in 20 years???????

Glad you were not paying attention.

I didn't vote for either Crooked Hillary or Trump for President because both are big government Liberals.

The fact that Crooked Hillary was as corrupt and dishonest as they come was interesting but didn't change my mind on anything because I had already come to the conclusion she was a piece of shit.

How about you? Did anything in the Wikileaks revelations of the dishonesty of the DNC or Crooked Hillary change your mind?

The point isn't that the election was a choice between a giant douche and shit sandwich, it was. The point is the wiki leaked hacked emails was a story every day, It was a story every day because people were interested.

I got stoned and voted for the libertarian guy, I don't know why........
Let's wait and find out what the CIA says Russian actually did and let's see how they came to that conclusion. Then decide.


Not only is story bogus- although I recognize how desperately you need some way to assuage your angst....

...but, arguendo, even if they did.....the leaks/hacks had NO....not any......efficacy.

Need proof?


....the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election-

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????

Speak up, doggie!

Why? Mostly because I have no crystal ball that allows me to see all. That and I found their Oct. 7th statement vague enough for Moscow to maintain an air of innocence in the whole matter.
Poor Dem's the entire world is against them, Russia, Brexit voters, the FBI, Comey, Trump, the Deplorables, angry white men, why...why :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Let's wait and find out what the CIA says Russian actually did and let's see how they came to that conclusion. Then decide.


Not only is story bogus- although I recognize how desperately you need some way to assuage your angst....

...but, arguendo, even if they did.....the leaks/hacks had NO....not any......efficacy.

Need proof?


....the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election-

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????

Speak up, doggie!

Why? Mostly because I have no crystal ball that allows me to see all. That and I found their Oct. 7th statement vague enough for Moscow to maintain an air of innocence in the whole matter.

1. Strange response,doggie.....the question asked was "...where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????"
And your response is "Why? Mostly because I have no crystal ball that allows me to see all."

Jeeeezzzz.....must everything be repeated in tiny words to you Leftists???

2. I documented that correlation between the leaks/stories and the election is less than is, in fact, a negative correlation:
a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

...and you refuse to see that.
You must be a reliable Democrat voter, huh?

It's the Russians' fault.
It's the Republicans' fault.
It's Julian Assange's fault.
It's Hillary's campaign staff's fault.
It's Hillary's Ex-State Dept Staff's fault.
It's Huma Abedin's Fault.
It's Ant'ny Weiner's fault.
It's James Comey's fault.

The only one who has not been blamed so far is the only one who is to blame...


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