Blame me!


Sep 23, 2010
The Left owes me big time:

Progressive talking heads, including President Obama, recently adopted the idiom “a majority of the American people” in order to misrepresent public sentiment concerning their radical positions; suffice it to say that, in these cases, the truth has been quite the opposite.

“Taking Our Temperature”?
Erik Rush Saturday, April 6, 2013

?Taking Our Temperature??

For years I pointed out that Democrats on talk shows always spoke for "the American people” when they were only speaking for Democrats, or one of their special interest constituencies. Then-Senator Biden and Senator Schumer pioneered the scam. There was a time when they could not put a sentence together without including the phrase the American people.

I never worried too much when Schumer play fast and loose with the language because he is nothing more than a two-bit NY hustler who would kill for a little face time on TV. His “the American people” record goes back to defending Clinton’s impeachment disgrace. I did not have a computer at the time, but he was on TV so much I thought he was a talk show host. According to him the American people wanted whatever Clinton wanted. In truth, perverts, degenerates, and top Democrats wanted it. That was my first clue the American people were not the same as the Democrat people.

Incidentally, when Schumer was a Congressman he voted against impeaching Clinton. After he moved over to the Senate he voted not guilty at Clinton’s trial. If that’s not a dubious distinction I don’t know what is.

Biden is in a class by himself. I wanted to puke whenever I heard him speak for the American people. That bum would betray this country —— THE AMERICAN PEOPLE —— to the United Nations, the International community, and probably Communist China faster than greased lightning.

In any event, I always tried to be precise. For instance I would say: “A majority of the American people oppose Hillarycare II” while Democrats were saying “The American people want universal healthcare, blah, blah, blah.” Invariably, they buttressed their lies with a medical horror story. Presumably, the horror stories made the lies true.

The same technique was used in everything else even though the horror stories never quite matched medical horrors. After all, effective horror stories are hard to come by when selling crap like “the America people” believe it takes a village to raise a child.

Today, Democrats and talking heads tell us the American people want to give amnesty to twenty million illegal aliens, or is it the majority of Americans. I am not clear on that distinction.

Finally, I’ve been pointing out the Democrat game for so long I do believe they changed tact because of me in that my lone voice worked its way up the idiom food chain. If I’m correct I deserve blame not praise. I should have let them go on lying.
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