Blagojevich Says Trump is Best Defender of American Workers and Black Voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Exclusive ā€” Rod Blagojevich Explains Why He Is a ā€˜Trumpocratā€™

Blagojevich says the great irony of American politics is that Trumpā€”a Republicanā€”has done more to rectify these problems that Democrats created for black and working class Americans than any of Americaā€™s other recent presidents, in large part because Trump has ditched the ā€œtraditionalā€ GOP playbook to pursue a more solutions-oriented agenda. Upon his release from prison, Blagojevich announced he is a ā€œTrumpocratā€ā€“making him the highest profile such Democrat who has left the Democratic Party to join President Trumpā€“and here he explains his views in the most in-depth interview yet since his release.

ā€œWhen I say Iā€™m a Trumpocratā€”and hopefully a lot of others are as well, and I believe they areā€”itā€™s largely because the Democratic Party has not only left us but itā€™s abandoned traditional Democratic constituencies like working people, factory workers like my father an immigrant who came to America and spent all of his time here as a working man working in a steel factory,ā€ Blagojevich said. ā€œAnd also, the Democratic Party has for far too long taken the African American community for granted. Theyā€™ve not only abandoned them, theyā€™ve sold them out when they passed the crime bill in 1994 that President Clinton and Vice President Biden, then-Senator Biden backed and voted for. Our senator here, Sen. Durbin, voted for it. Itā€™s a bill that led to the mass incarceration of a whole new generation of African American men for nonviolent first-time drug offenses, over-sentencing them and then putting them in a position where they can have no opportunity whatsoever to begin a new life after correcting the mistakes that they made and paying their debts to society, frankly, for the crimes that they committed. President Trump, interestingly enough, is speaking to those constituencies in ways that traditional Republicans never did.ā€

Blagojevich said that whether itā€™s through his economic policies or his criminal justice reform policies or other norm-challenging fights, Trump has upended the normal political battle lines in a way that is ā€œrevolutionizing American politicsā€ and ā€œre-aligningā€ what would be considered ā€œtraditionalā€ political coalitions by zoning in on and successfully ā€œdrawing fromā€ what were considered ā€œDemocratic constituency groups.ā€

ā€œAnd I think heā€™s not only been successful politically because heā€™s done it, I think heā€™s revolutionizing American politics,ā€ Blagojevich said. ā€œHeā€™s re-aligning politics in America by drawing from those traditional Democratic constituency groups, the factory worker that used to work in a factory thatā€™s gone because of the 1994 NAFTA bill that President Clinton signed sending all those jobs away. President Trump is bringing them back in places like western Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and southern Illinoisā€”the rust belt states. One of the many frustrations I had as governor was when I would leave the Chicagoland area where Iā€™m fromā€”Iā€™m from Chicagoā€”and Iā€™d visit places like the Quad Cities or Marion, Illinois, or Franklin County, Illinois, where they used to have coal mines and people were working and that was the economic anchor of the community or youā€™d go to a place like Galesburg, Illinois, where the Maytag factory once was but has left because of NAFTA and President Clinton and the policies of the Democratic Party thatā€™s supposed to be the party that protected those people and looked out for their interests. Itā€™s hard to be able to explain to those communities that there was hope, that there was a possibility that we might be able to bring some of those economic engines back to the state. Now, at last, we have a president who not only promised to do it but heā€™s doing it. I think President Trump is making real strides in succeeding in that but more importantly heā€™s actually addressing the needs of the American worker. And with the First Step Act, heā€™s actually done something for a community that overwhelming votes for Democrats like me. We easily get 90 percent or better of the African American vote when we run against Republicans. Yet, the Democratic Party I would say cynically has taken the African American community for granted. Itā€™s almost immoral, their treatment of the African American community by sort of just keeping them dependent and in a certain place where they have to look to government for all the answers when at the same itā€™s actually government through over-sentencing and targeting African Americans that are causing a lot of the problems and conditions in these very communities.ā€

I smell a future suicide for the ex-gov.
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Exclusive ā€” Rod Blagojevich Explains Why He Is a ā€˜Trumpocratā€™

Blagojevich says the great irony of American politics is that Trumpā€”a Republicanā€”has done more to rectify these problems that Democrats created for black and working class Americans than any of Americaā€™s other recent presidents, in large part because Trump has ditched the ā€œtraditionalā€ GOP playbook to pursue a more solutions-oriented agenda. Upon his release from prison, Blagojevich announced he is a ā€œTrumpocratā€ā€“making him the highest profile such Democrat who has left the Democratic Party to join President Trumpā€“and here he explains his views in the most in-depth interview yet since his release.

ā€œWhen I say Iā€™m a Trumpocratā€”and hopefully a lot of others are as well, and I believe they areā€”itā€™s largely because the Democratic Party has not only left us but itā€™s abandoned traditional Democratic constituencies like working people, factory workers like my father an immigrant who came to America and spent all of his time here as a working man working in a steel factory,ā€ Blagojevich said. ā€œAnd also, the Democratic Party has for far too long taken the African American community for granted. Theyā€™ve not only abandoned them, theyā€™ve sold them out when they passed the crime bill in 1994 that President Clinton and Vice President Biden, then-Senator Biden backed and voted for. Our senator here, Sen. Durbin, voted for it. Itā€™s a bill that led to the mass incarceration of a whole new generation of African American men for nonviolent first-time drug offenses, over-sentencing them and then putting them in a position where they can have no opportunity whatsoever to begin a new life after correcting the mistakes that they made and paying their debts to society, frankly, for the crimes that they committed. President Trump, interestingly enough, is speaking to those constituencies in ways that traditional Republicans never did.ā€

Blagojevich said that whether itā€™s through his economic policies or his criminal justice reform policies or other norm-challenging fights, Trump has upended the normal political battle lines in a way that is ā€œrevolutionizing American politicsā€ and ā€œre-aligningā€ what would be considered ā€œtraditionalā€ political coalitions by zoning in on and successfully ā€œdrawing fromā€ what were considered ā€œDemocratic constituency groups.ā€

ā€œAnd I think heā€™s not only been successful politically because heā€™s done it, I think heā€™s revolutionizing American politics,ā€ Blagojevich said. ā€œHeā€™s re-aligning politics in America by drawing from those traditional Democratic constituency groups, the factory worker that used to work in a factory thatā€™s gone because of the 1994 NAFTA bill that President Clinton signed sending all those jobs away. President Trump is bringing them back in places like western Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and southern Illinoisā€”the rust belt states. One of the many frustrations I had as governor was when I would leave the Chicagoland area where Iā€™m fromā€”Iā€™m from Chicagoā€”and Iā€™d visit places like the Quad Cities or Marion, Illinois, or Franklin County, Illinois, where they used to have coal mines and people were working and that was the economic anchor of the community or youā€™d go to a place like Galesburg, Illinois, where the Maytag factory once was but has left because of NAFTA and President Clinton and the policies of the Democratic Party thatā€™s supposed to be the party that protected those people and looked out for their interests. Itā€™s hard to be able to explain to those communities that there was hope, that there was a possibility that we might be able to bring some of those economic engines back to the state. Now, at last, we have a president who not only promised to do it but heā€™s doing it. I think President Trump is making real strides in succeeding in that but more importantly heā€™s actually addressing the needs of the American worker. And with the First Step Act, heā€™s actually done something for a community that overwhelming votes for Democrats like me. We easily get 90 percent or better of the African American vote when we run against Republicans. Yet, the Democratic Party I would say cynically has taken the African American community for granted. Itā€™s almost immoral, their treatment of the African American community by sort of just keeping them dependent and in a certain place where they have to look to government for all the answers when at the same itā€™s actually government through over-sentencing and targeting African Americans that are causing a lot of the problems and conditions in these very communities.ā€

I smell a future suicide for the ex-gov.
A future suicide? Shouldnā€™t you be in a mental institution somewhere?
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Exclusive ā€” Rod Blagojevich Explains Why He Is a ā€˜Trumpocratā€™

Blagojevich says the great irony of American politics is that Trumpā€”a Republicanā€”has done more to rectify these problems that Democrats created for black and working class Americans than any of Americaā€™s other recent presidents, in large part because Trump has ditched the ā€œtraditionalā€ GOP playbook to pursue a more solutions-oriented agenda. Upon his release from prison, Blagojevich announced he is a ā€œTrumpocratā€ā€“making him the highest profile such Democrat who has left the Democratic Party to join President Trumpā€“and here he explains his views in the most in-depth interview yet since his release.

ā€œWhen I say Iā€™m a Trumpocratā€”and hopefully a lot of others are as well, and I believe they areā€”itā€™s largely because the Democratic Party has not only left us but itā€™s abandoned traditional Democratic constituencies like working people, factory workers like my father an immigrant who came to America and spent all of his time here as a working man working in a steel factory,ā€ Blagojevich said. ā€œAnd also, the Democratic Party has for far too long taken the African American community for granted. Theyā€™ve not only abandoned them, theyā€™ve sold them out when they passed the crime bill in 1994 that President Clinton and Vice President Biden, then-Senator Biden backed and voted for. Our senator here, Sen. Durbin, voted for it. Itā€™s a bill that led to the mass incarceration of a whole new generation of African American men for nonviolent first-time drug offenses, over-sentencing them and then putting them in a position where they can have no opportunity whatsoever to begin a new life after correcting the mistakes that they made and paying their debts to society, frankly, for the crimes that they committed. President Trump, interestingly enough, is speaking to those constituencies in ways that traditional Republicans never did.ā€

Blagojevich said that whether itā€™s through his economic policies or his criminal justice reform policies or other norm-challenging fights, Trump has upended the normal political battle lines in a way that is ā€œrevolutionizing American politicsā€ and ā€œre-aligningā€ what would be considered ā€œtraditionalā€ political coalitions by zoning in on and successfully ā€œdrawing fromā€ what were considered ā€œDemocratic constituency groups.ā€

ā€œAnd I think heā€™s not only been successful politically because heā€™s done it, I think heā€™s revolutionizing American politics,ā€ Blagojevich said. ā€œHeā€™s re-aligning politics in America by drawing from those traditional Democratic constituency groups, the factory worker that used to work in a factory thatā€™s gone because of the 1994 NAFTA bill that President Clinton signed sending all those jobs away. President Trump is bringing them back in places like western Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and southern Illinoisā€”the rust belt states. One of the many frustrations I had as governor was when I would leave the Chicagoland area where Iā€™m fromā€”Iā€™m from Chicagoā€”and Iā€™d visit places like the Quad Cities or Marion, Illinois, or Franklin County, Illinois, where they used to have coal mines and people were working and that was the economic anchor of the community or youā€™d go to a place like Galesburg, Illinois, where the Maytag factory once was but has left because of NAFTA and President Clinton and the policies of the Democratic Party thatā€™s supposed to be the party that protected those people and looked out for their interests. Itā€™s hard to be able to explain to those communities that there was hope, that there was a possibility that we might be able to bring some of those economic engines back to the state. Now, at last, we have a president who not only promised to do it but heā€™s doing it. I think President Trump is making real strides in succeeding in that but more importantly heā€™s actually addressing the needs of the American worker. And with the First Step Act, heā€™s actually done something for a community that overwhelming votes for Democrats like me. We easily get 90 percent or better of the African American vote when we run against Republicans. Yet, the Democratic Party I would say cynically has taken the African American community for granted. Itā€™s almost immoral, their treatment of the African American community by sort of just keeping them dependent and in a certain place where they have to look to government for all the answers when at the same itā€™s actually government through over-sentencing and targeting African Americans that are causing a lot of the problems and conditions in these very communities.ā€

I smell a future suicide for the ex-gov.

Wow they're going to bring Scalia's assassin out of retirement.

This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.

Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.

This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.

Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.


What's the argument here? That Trump excused his crimes to score some votes?
Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.

Guy, you are delusional.. nobody is going to vote for Trump because he commuted Blago's sentence.
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.

Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.


What's the argument here? That Trump excused his crimes to score some votes?

Can't say that for sure. I remember that trial very well and I also remember the controversy surrounding the issue of whether or not he was simply being singled out from a larger group of criminals. In addition I remember many arguments being made in his defense by some on the left who indicated that his actions were pretty much standard operating procedure. In any case whether it's right or whether it's wrong is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he has the ears of many people. So the next great big snafu will be whether or not Trump sold a pardon to Blago in return for his being a spokesman.

Last edited:
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.

Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.


What's the argument here? That Trump excused his crimes to score some votes?

Can't say that for sure. I remember that trial very well and I also remember the controversy surrounding the issue of whether or not he was simply being singled out from a larger group of criminals. I also remember many arguments being made in his defense by some on the left who indicated that his actions were pretty much standard operating procedure. In any case whether it's right or whether it's wrong is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he has the ears of many people.


Right or wrong is always relevant .
Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.

Guy, you are delusional.. nobody is going to vote for Trump because he commuted Blago's sentence.

Says you.

This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.

Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.


What's the argument here? That Trump excused his crimes to score some votes?

Can't say that for sure. I remember that trial very well and I also remember the controversy surrounding the issue of whether or not he was simply being singled out from a larger group of criminals. I also remember many arguments being made in his defense by some on the left who indicated that his actions were pretty much standard operating procedure. In any case whether it's right or whether it's wrong is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he has the ears of many people.


Right or wrong is always relevant .

Right or wrong doesn't exist in politics.
Effective and ineffective does.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.

Yes well he's just one of the ones that got caught. There is certainly nothing unusual about what he as a politician did especially in Illinois. Unfortunately for lefty however he still connects with a large number of Democrats who feel he was unfairly treated. He could possibly swing a fair percentage of votes by being a vocal spokesman. Trying to smear him now at this point is pretty much useless.


What's the argument here? That Trump excused his crimes to score some votes?

Can't say that for sure. I remember that trial very well and I also remember the controversy surrounding the issue of whether or not he was simply being singled out from a larger group of criminals. I also remember many arguments being made in his defense by some on the left who indicated that his actions were pretty much standard operating procedure. In any case whether it's right or whether it's wrong is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he has the ears of many people.


Right or wrong is always relevant .

Right or wrong doesn't exist in politics.
Effective and ineffective does.


It's sad people think this way. It's why things are such a mess.
I remember that trial very well and I also remember the controversy surrounding the issue of whether or not he was simply being singled out from a larger group of criminals. In addition I remember many arguments being made in his defense by some on the left who indicated that his actions were pretty much standard operating procedure. In any case whether it's right or whether it's wrong is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he has the ears of many people. So the next great big snafu will be whether or not Trump sold a pardon to Blago in return for his being a spokesman.
Meh, politicians will do things like that just for some pay back.

Trump didnt have to buy a damned thing.

Buggyyanobitch never had to be bought.
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.
.....but you people LOVE violent criminals that attack cops/ burn/loot/protest for violent least he served some time
This guy got knee capped by a vengeful Democrat Party Chicago machine, and for what I dont know.
Maybe they just decided he was too embarrassing, or too quick to fire from the lip.
Well, he is certainly firing away now.

Maybe you should read up on Blago and what he did.

In addition to trying to sell President Obama's Senate Seat, he shook down a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for campaign donations.

It wasn't a vengeful Democratic Machine that kneecapped him, it was a Republican US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who investigated him and his vote to be removed from office was bipartisan, with a 114-1* vote in the Illinois House to impeach him and a 59-0 vote in the Illinois Senate to remove him.

(* - the only vote to not remove him in the house came from his Sister-in-Law, Deborah Mell)

This was a case where justice was done, but Trump, just as corrupt as Blago, commuted his sentence.
.....but you people LOVE violent criminals that attack cops/ burn/loot/protest for violent least he served some time

5 years I think....

.....but you people LOVE violent criminals that attack cops/ burn/loot/protest for violent least he served some time

These would be the cops who shoot kids when they have their hands up or are lying on the ground and get shot 16 times? Those cops?

No, there's really no excuse for what Blago did... but the Trump cult being the Trump cult, you'll excuse him.

5 years I think....


More like 7. He was supposed to serve 14.
Meanwhile, Plugs and the Bag Lady maintain control over criminal cartels that would make El Chappo blush with shame. Selling access, pay-for-play, shaking down countries... it's a two-tiered system to all except the most ardent of Obammy dick lickers.

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