Zone1 Blacks should not resent other persecuted yet successful minorities but instead emulate their choices and actions that led to their success

Not a leftist (whatever that is)

And you're actually whining about the successes of Jews instead of celebrating them while simultaneously whining that Blacks aren't as successful as Jews.

You really are a malcontent aren't you?
How am I whining about the success of Jews? I am explaining how, with the correct attitudes and choices, impoverished people facing bigotry can rise above it to become successful. Jews, as a whole, are an example of that - and should be credited for it.

Hardly whining.
How am I whining about the success of Jews? I am explaining how, with the correct attitudes and choices, impoverished people facing bigotry can rise above it to become successful. Jews, as a whole, are an example of that - and should be credited for it.

Hardly whining.
And for the most part Blacks have you just are too bigoted to look past the minority of Blacks that are making all the noise.

And you are constantly whining about those Black people
Athletes are admitted for the same reasons. They generate revenue for the school. Football programs fund all other athletics with a handy surplus left over.
Very few college level sports generate revenue.
But you can still get preferred admission for participating in Crew, Track and Field, Fencing, Tennis, Golf
The Ivy League was always a club for the rich and successful and their spawn.

And that was the problem

Ivy League Schools looked at their student body and found them to be from elite prep schools, predominantly white and universally wealthy.
So they set aside positions for students from poor and disadvantaged neighborhoods, minorities and poor families
Athletes are admitted for the same reasons. They generate revenue for the school. Football programs fund all other athletics with a handy surplus left over.
It doesn’t matter, it is still an unfair admissions policy which means others don’t get in.
How am I whining about the success of Jews? I am explaining how, with the correct attitudes and choices, impoverished people facing bigotry can rise above it to become successful. Jews, as a whole, are an example of that - and should be credited for it.

Hardly whining.
No one is not crediting Jews for their successes even though you insist on reading it that away.

What is being criticized are your repeated assertions or implications that:
Blacks (as a group) resent Jews for their success (Unsupported).
Jews as a group value education (true) while Blacks as a group do not (untrue, as supported by polls and statements)
I wonder why there is not thread griping about legacy admissions but many threads and posts ranting about “waaaaacist” black admissions?

Perhaps because the point is not specifically about universities but simply using them as a well documented example of an nearly universal problem.

I mean, the Alumni System, doesn't really have much to do with say... promotions in NY state firefighters. But the universal pro-black/brown discrimination does.
Wealth accumulation is how one moves through the social tiers that do not exist in the USA.
Wealth accumulation is a factor. But there are DEGREES of "wealth". Most people have "nest eggs" not portfolios and 'large estates". And even THAT leg up is significant to the descendents.

I find it odd, that both Jews and Blacks throw their POLITICAL support to the Dem party who always have it on their to-do list to reinstate the DEATH TAX. Because forcefully TAKING after tax money from middle class farmers or business owners on their death -- HURTS those descendents to the point where the farm or business has to be liquidated to PAY a Death tax.

Most of the friction between the groups the OPoster mentioned IS political. In the words of James Carville (paraphrased) -- It's the GROUP IDENTITY politics stupid. There's MUCH LESS friction among independents and conservatives that SHUN group identity solutions for common issues.
Wealth accumulation is a factor. But there are DEGREES of "wealth". Most people have "nest eggs" not portfolios and 'large estates". And even THAT leg up is significant to the descendents.

I find it odd, that both Jews and Blacks throw their POLITICAL support to the Dem party who always have it on their to-do list to reinstate the DEATH TAX. Because forcefully TAKING after tax money from middle class farmers or business owners on their death -- HURTS those descendents to the point where the farm or business has to be liquidated to PAY a Death tax.

Most of the friction between the groups the OPoster mentioned IS political. In the words of James Carville (paraphrased) -- It's the GROUP IDENTITY politics stupid. There's MUCH LESS friction among independents and conservatives that SHUN group identity solutions for common issues.
It is not a death tax aimed at the middle class. It is an inheritance tax aimed at the upper class.
White nationalists also resent Jews and Orientals. They call me a race traitor because I like to remind them of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity.
It is not a death tax aimed at the middle class. It is an inheritance tax aimed at the upper class.

Tell that to the minority farmer who dies with 190 acres of land that hosts a dairy farm. ALL those assets are IN HIS NAME and WILL qualify for a $1mill or $2mill or over qualifier on the death tax. Farmer probably barely makes a profit some years, but his PROPERTY will have to BE SOLD to pay a death tax. Same with a small biz owner whose BIZ assets hit that mark. Like a Family run restaurant whose property, building, equipment CAN EASILY pass the qualifying mark for the death tax.

THIS HURTS THE ABILITY OF POC to CLAW their way up for their descendants.

Even in California a family home can EASILY have a $2Mill equity level on it. And the ASSETS there IN could put the estate into Death tax territory.

People who BELIEVE the farce that it targets only the rich aren't LISTENING to farmers an small biz owners.
Tell that to the minority farmer who dies with 190 acres of land that hosts a dairy farm. ALL those assets are IN HIS NAME and WILL qualify for a $1mill or $2mill or over qualifier on the death tax. Farmer probably barely makes a profit some years, but his PROPERTY will have to BE SOLD to pay a death tax. Same with a small biz owner whose BIZ assets hit that mark. Like a Family run restaurant whose property, building, equipment CAN EASILY pass the qualifying mark for the death tax.

THIS HURTS THE ABILITY OF POC to CLAW their way up for their descendants.

Even in California a family home can EASILY have a $2Mill equity level on it. And the ASSETS there IN could put the estate into Death tax territory.

People who BELIEVE the farce that it targets only the rich aren't LISTENING to farmers an small biz owners.

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), federal estate tax returns are only required for estates with values exceeding $11.7 million in 2021 and $12.06 million in 2022. If the estate passes to the spouse of the deceased person, no estate tax is assessed.

Anyone know of what has happened with Biden’s ridiculously named “American Families Act“? They proposed to lower the Estate Tax Exemption all the way down to $1 million, and also reduce the amount of your own money you could give to someone of your choosing to $10,000 a year without paying tax.

I haven’t heard any more about this, so I’m hoping that the “Biden Kill the Middle Class Act” was met with such horror that it was quiet shelved. But even the fact that they were going to start taxing the middle class at $1 million - which is a retiree‘s paid off house and regular 401k contributions over his career - tells you just how badly they are gunning for middle America.

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), federal estate tax returns are only required for estates with values exceeding $11.7 million in 2021 and $12.06 million in 2022. If the estate passes to the spouse of the deceased person, no estate tax is assessed.

That's because those LIMITS on qualifying income were RAISED that high back in IIRC the GW Bush Admin. You lefties are missing the BURNING DESIRE to GO BACK to the $1Mill or $2Mill levels. That's what makes you so oblivious to what YOUR OWN PARTY wants to do.

How long the federal estate tax won’t affect the middle-class was put into play in mid-2021 with Biden’s proposed American Families Plan (AFP). If enacted it would expand the number of Americans vulnerable to the death tax by ending a longstanding tax exemption for investment appreciation when a taxpayer dies. This exemption is known as the “step-up in basis,” and changing it could raise taxes at death significantly for millions of Americans who run family-owned businesses and farms as well as those who paid off their mortgages and stayed in their homes for years.

Under Biden’s AFP, the untaxed gains on investments held at death, like a stock, a residence or real estate, would likely be taxed at a top rate of 39.6%, above an exemption of $1 million per individual, plus $250,000 more for a residence. For married couples, the exemption rises to $2.5 million of appreciation.

Forcing minority families who inherit estates THAT SMALL can't be argued out of fairness. It's DENYING THEM the ability to pass businesses, homes, farms and other FAMILY ASSETS which were bought "after-tax" without INSTANTLY paying the taxes on "appreciation".

That's a WEALTH tax. Not an income tax.
That's because those LIMITS on qualifying income were RAISED that high back in IIRC the GW Bush Admin. You lefties are missing the BURNING DESIRE to GO BACK to the $1Mill or $2Mill levels. That's what makes you so oblivious to what YOUR OWN PARTY wants to do.

How long the federal estate tax won’t affect the middle-class was put into play in mid-2021 with Biden’s proposed American Families Plan (AFP). If enacted it would expand the number of Americans vulnerable to the death tax by ending a longstanding tax exemption for investment appreciation when a taxpayer dies. This exemption is known as the “step-up in basis,” and changing it could raise taxes at death significantly for millions of Americans who run family-owned businesses and farms as well as those who paid off their mortgages and stayed in their homes for years.

Under Biden’s AFP, the untaxed gains on investments held at death, like a stock, a residence or real estate, would likely be taxed at a top rate of 39.6%, above an exemption of $1 million per individual, plus $250,000 more for a residence. For married couples, the exemption rises to $2.5 million of appreciation.

Forcing minority families who inherit estates THAT SMALL can't be argued out of fairness. It's DENYING THEM the ability to pass businesses, homes, farms and other FAMILY ASSETS which were bought "after-tax" without INSTANTLY paying the taxes on "appreciation".

That's a WEALTH tax. Not an income tax.
Seems reasonable

You avoid paying taxes on increased wealth because you have not withdrawn that wealth

Now, when you die, your children get a free pass on paying those taxes
Seems reasonable

You avoid paying taxes on increased wealth because you have not withdrawn that wealth

Now, when you die, your children get a free pass on paying those taxes
The taxpayer has already been taxed on that wealth at least once when it was earned. Why should wealth gained by saving and judicious spending be taxed again upon the death of the taxpayer?
The taxpayer has already been taxed on that wealth at least once when it was earned. Why should wealth gained by saving and judicious spending be taxed again upon the death of the taxpayer?
Democrats want to discourage savings. How else will they get middle-class people dependent on government assistance if they work toward self-sufficiency?

And dropping it to $1 million is ridiculous. It doesn’t take that much to accrue a net worth of $1 million by retirement: half can easily be equity in your home, and the other half by saving $3500 a year. Very doable for the middle class.

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