Blackface now also after 1st


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2019
South Central KY
Virginia Dems Introduce Anti-Free Speech Legislation to Make Criticizing Them Illegal

After the Senate approved a series of gun control measures, the Democrat-led Virginia State House is now pushing legislation that will make it a Class 1 Misdemeanor to criticize the government with the ability for Richmond authorities to charge any citizen of the state with the crime.
The bill, titled “HB 1627 Threats and harassment of certain officials and property; venue,” would make it a crime for citizens to offer “harassment by computer,” and allow Richmond police to pursue such crimes anywhere in the state................

“Atty. General Herring — another blackface-wearing statewide office holder in Virginia probably supports this bill too. “

Bell considers the bill to be an affront to the First Amendment.

“These three stooges at the top of Virginia’s government are nothing more than communists masquerading as Democrats. Today they want to ban certain speech. Tomorrow they’ll want to ban ideas.”

Bell concluded, “For a bunch of people who say they don’t like guns, it’s ironic they keep pushing more bad laws they’ll have to enforce using the business end of a firearm.”

The outrage over the bill comes only days after the massive Lobby Day gun rights rally in Richmond, and one day after Democrats in the Virginia senate advanced stringent red flag law legislation.

Tags: First AmendmentJarome BellNick FreitasVirginia

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