black youths help white ladies-not


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
Shocking moment armed robbers hold woman at gunpoint | Daily Mail Online

Woman attacked by 5 boys in south St. Louis

not headline news...not labeled hate crime..etc
these are the criminals BLM/Obama/etc sympathize with ...if they had been shot, there would've been protests/burning/looting/etc
--especially if they shot the TEN year old CRIMINAL/thug/jackass
as linked in many other threads--black youth crime is out of control

one of the critical aspects is that in each crime--there are at least FOUR youths/young men involved !!.
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they want to be ''famous'' like MBrown, EGarner, KScott-''famous'' criminals who helped their families get $$$$$
the black culture honors criminals......their names are all over the inet/tv/etc
BLM and MSM teaches them that being a criminal is ok...the police can't touch them
Shocking moment armed robbers hold woman at gunpoint | Daily Mail Online

Woman attacked by 5 boys in south St. Louis

not headline news...not labeled hate crime..etc
these are the criminals BLM/Obama/etc sympathize with ...if they had been shot, there would've been protests/burning/looting/etc
--especially if they shot the TEN year old CRIMINAL/thug/jackass
as linked in many other threads--black youth crime is out of control

one of the critical aspects is that in each crime--there are at least FOUR youths/young men involved !!.

Dear harmonica when you don't teach people to respect, enforce and invoke the laws for their own equal empowerment, you get the opposite. I had even heard Louis Farrakhan lecture before a full stadium audience that "the Constitution doesn't apply to you" ie it is white man's laws used to control property including Blacks as property (which was BEFORE Obama rose to power and office and started changing some of that powerless mindset to more people actually wanting to vote and pay attention to politics, participate and get involved in govt as including them).

If you want people to follow laws and rules, then just like the classroom, they need to see and understand these laws IN WRITING including the procedure for violations, and agree to follow them if they want to participate. Too many young people don't learn their rights and laws until after they get arrested and thrown in jail. If that's all they know, that's all they do.

I have seen worse cases of targeting that ended up even more tragic.
locally in the Houston area (even before the hurricane that brought out looters in areas that never had crime like that before getting flooded out beyond what law enforcement could patrol) there were organized groups targeting small business owners especially Asian who would get followed from their businesses to their banks or homes because the Asians are known to carry cash.

In NY the infamous Central Park Jogger case ended up with the 5 young men falsely charged and incarcerated (even though they were committing mass vandalism which enabled the actual rapist to hide behind those larger crowd numbers and not get prosecuted in time to meet the statute of limitations) where those men were awarded $41 million in damages while the rape victim got nothing because the offender could no longer get charged. They basically blamed the system for their own false punishment for "the wrong crime" while their vandalism and mob disruption ended up obstructing justice to the rape victim.

That's one of the worst cases.

The problem is there is no consistent consequences for either law abiding or
law breaking behavior. Instead we should reward law abiding commitment with citizenship and revoke it for those who refuse to respect laws and/or who won't get help if they have some disorder or abuse/addiction issue preventing them from complying. I believe that districts should be able to screen for mental and criminal abuses, addictions and disorders similar to how police and military are supposed to be doing that but doing a poor job as well. And require people upon turning 18 to either sign agreements to follow laws or pay the costs of prosecution and incarceration in case of conviction, OR have a legal guardian sign for financial responsiblity; similar to having a learner's permit under a guardian and still requiring insurance before someone drives a car that could cause damages or costs to others.

If people get screened and show a risk of criminal behavior, then someone has to agree to pay the costs if that risks leads to crime or abuses that cost other people.
And in case of conviction for capital offenses by premeditation, why not have a policy to trade citizenship and allow an immigrant applicant on the waiting list to qualify for legal residency and/or citizenship for the length of the person's sentence if that person refuses to pay restitution and someone else agrees to work to pay that debt in order to earn citizenship. Something like that. The point is to reward citizens for taking on law abiding responsibility and to punish those who abuse their rights and freedoms to violate the rights of others. if there aren't consistent consequences enforced, if we don't teach this, and require people to learn the rules and sign agreements for financial responsibility for the costs of their actions, then how do we expect different?
This is just a black version of On The Job Training.

Preparing these fine young men to be successful in their future profession.

" he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?"

Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect
what's just as bad is the family being upset at the shooter---same as the MBrown case
I know it's natural for all families to be pissed if their loved one gets shot.....but if they are committing a crime, I feel better when a criminal is shot....he could do it to someone else

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