Black September


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
"He does go a bit far at times, though. 'Most of the ugly repertoire of Modern Arab and Muslim anti-Semitism,' he writes, 'came from the Soviet Union (with only the racial-biological component added by the Nazis.'”

Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

Michael Ledeen doesn't mention the ethnic cleansing in 1948 that drove hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Palestine and into the neighboring states like Jordan, possibly for the same reasons he supported the US mission to turn the Middle East into a "cauldron?"

"Regarding the 'pre-emptive' invasion of Iraq, in 2002 Ledeen criticized the views of former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, writing:[12]

"'He fears that if we attack Iraq 'I think we could have an explosion in the Middle East. It could turn the whole region into a cauldron and destroy the War on Terror.'

"'One can only hope that we turn the region into a cauldron, and faster, please.'

"'If ever there were a region that richly deserved being cauldronized, it is the Middle East today.'

"If we wage the war effectively, we will bring down the terror regimes in Iraq, Iran, and Syria, and either bring down the Saudi monarchy or force it to abandon its global assembly line to indoctrinate young terrorists.'

"That's our mission in the war against terror.'"

Not to mention the capitali$t bonu$ that comes from maiming, murdering, incarcerating, and displacing millions of innocent Muslims from Palestine to Mosul, right?

Michael Ledeen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Here's what it's REALLY about, i.e., what the Israeli provocations of Palestinian violence have as their real motive:

Israel Announces Massive West Bank Land Grab

"JERUSALEM, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Israel announced on Sunday a land appropriation in the occupied West Bank that an anti-settlement group termed the biggest in 30 years, drawing Palestinian condemnation and a U.S. rebuke.
Some 400 hectares (988 acres) in the Etzion Jewish settlement bloc near Bethlehem were declared "state land, on the instructions of the political echelon" by the military-run Civil Administration.
"We urge the government of Israel to reverse this decision," a State Department official said in Washington, calling the move "counterproductive" to efforts to achieve a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians.
Israel Radio said the step was taken in response to the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teens by Hamas militants in the area in June."

Israel Announces Massive West Bank Land Grab

Perhaps at some future date you two will break the embrace and post comment on Black September.

Take your time.
Here's what it's REALLY about, i.e., what the Israeli provocations of Palestinian violence have as their real motive:

Israel Announces Massive West Bank Land Grab

"JERUSALEM, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Israel announced on Sunday a land appropriation in the occupied West Bank that an anti-settlement group termed the biggest in 30 years, drawing Palestinian condemnation and a U.S. rebuke.
Some 400 hectares (988 acres) in the Etzion Jewish settlement bloc near Bethlehem were declared "state land, on the instructions of the political echelon" by the military-run Civil Administration.
"We urge the government of Israel to reverse this decision," a State Department official said in Washington, calling the move "counterproductive" to efforts to achieve a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians.
Israel Radio said the step was taken in response to the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teens by Hamas militants in the area in June."

Israel Announces Massive West Bank Land Grab

Israel has never hidden its intention to rule over all the land between the River and the sea with a minimum ratio of four Jews for every Arab.

When Zionism began a hundred years ago, there were ten Arabs for every Jew; in 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to two Arabs per Jew.

Today equal numbers of Jews and Arabs live in Palestine, and Jews continue their policy of creeping annexation .

The only way the stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is to stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when selecting your congressional representatives and senators.

"Israel has come under intense international criticism over its settlement activities, which most countries regard as illegal under international law and a major obstacle to the creation of a viable Palestinian state in any future peace deal.

"Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, called on Israel to cancel the appropriation. 'This decision will lead to more instability. This will only inflame the situation after the war in Gaza,' Abu Rdainah said

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke off U.S.-brokered peace talks with Abbas in April after the Palestinian leader reached a reconciliation deal with Hamas, the Islamist movement that dominates the Gaza Strip."

Israel Announces Massive West Bank Land Grab
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanians Civil War that began in September 1970 and ended in July of 1971. The conflict was fought between the two major components of the Jordanian population, thePalestinians represented by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat and the native Jordanians represented by the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of King Hussein.[5] At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy.[6] The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian.[3] Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.
Black September in Jordan
أيلول الأسود
Part of Cold War
ResultJordanian military victory
The Cairo Agreement
PLO driven out to Lebanon
Supported by:
Soviet Union
Supported by:
United States
Commanders and leaders
Yasser Arafat
Khalil al-Wazir
Abu Ali Iyad
George Habash
Hafez al-Assad
King Hussein
Field Marshal Habis al-Majali
General Zaid ibn Shaker
Brigadier Zia-ul-Haq
30,000 - 40,000[1]
Casualties and losses
3,400–20,000 Palestinians killed[3][4]
600+ Syrians killed[1]
82 killed
The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanians Civil War that began in September 1970
Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanians Civil War that began in September 1970 and ended in July of 1971. The conflict was fought between the two major components of the Jordanian population, thePalestinians represented by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat and the native Jordanians represented by the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of King Hussein.[5] At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy.[6] The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian.[3] Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.
Black September in Jordan
أيلول الأسود
Part of Cold War
ResultJordanian military victory
The Cairo Agreement
PLO driven out to Lebanon
Supported by:
Soviet Union
Supported by:
United States
Commanders and leaders
Yasser Arafat
Khalil al-Wazir
Abu Ali Iyad
George Habash
Hafez al-Assad
King Hussein
Field Marshal Habis al-Majali
General Zaid ibn Shaker
Brigadier Zia-ul-Haq
30,000 - 40,000[1]
Casualties and losses
3,400–20,000 Palestinians killed[3][4]
600+ Syrians killed[1]
82 killed
The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanians Civil War that began in September 1970
Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia seems that the two apologists for savagery, the two above yours , aren't ready to call evil evil.

Must be Liberals.

So let's add more fuel to this fire:

2. "After settling the score with Jordan, [the savages] turned their attention to the true enemies of the Palestinian people, the Zionists of Israel.
In May 1972, Black September hijacked a Sabena airlines jet and forced it to land at Israel 's Lod Airport. A few days later, terrorists from the Japanese Red Army, acting on Black September's behalf, attacked passengers in the arrival hall at Lod with machine-gun fire and hand grenades, killing twenty-seven people. Letter bombs were mailed to Israeli diplomats and prominent Jews across Europe.

But Sabri's greatest terrorist triumph was still to come. Early on the morning of September 5, 1972, two years after the expulsion from Jordan, six Palestinian terrorists scaled the fence at the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, and entered the apartment building at Connollystrasse 31, which housed members of the Israeli Olympic team. Two Israelis were killed in the initial assault. Nine others were rounded up and taken hostage.

For the next twenty hours, with 900 million people around the world watching on television, the German government negotiated with the terrorists for the release of the Israeli hostages. Deadlines came and went, until finally, at 10:10 P.M., the terrorists and the hostages boarded two helicopters and took off for Furstenfeldbruck airfield. Shortly after arriving, West German forces launched an ill-conceived and poorly planned rescue operation. All nine of the hostages were massacred by the Black Septembrists. Jubilation swept the Arab world"
Daniel Silva, Op. Cit.

Prince of Fire Silva Daniel - RuLIT.Net - 16
Now justify the Evil that was al-Nakba:

"The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in late 1947 led to civil war, the end ofMandatory Palestine, and the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. With nationhood, the ongoing civil war was transformed into a state conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

"Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, invaded Palestine. They took control of the Arab areas, and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.

"The fighting was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"Only one third of the population consisted of native Jordanians, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority."

Jews drove hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, businesses, and farms in 1948, and tens of thousands resettled in squalid refugee camps in Jordan.

The violence that has followed and is yet to come stems directly from the crime of ethnic cleansing committed by Jews in 1948; crimes that continue to this very day in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Now justify the Evil that was al-Nakba:

"The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in late 1947 led to civil war, the end ofMandatory Palestine, and the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. With nationhood, the ongoing civil war was transformed into a state conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

"Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, invaded Palestine. They took control of the Arab areas, and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.

"The fighting was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"Only one third of the population consisted of native Jordanians, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority."

Jews drove hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, businesses, and farms in 1948, and tens of thousands resettled in squalid refugee camps in Jordan.

The violence that has followed and is yet to come stems directly from the crime of ethnic cleansing committed by Jews in 1948; crimes that continue to this very day in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No problem.

First, let's agree that you remain an apologist for a barbarism that is long past its time.

Now, let's define terms such as al-Nakba:

" The Nakba is the heart of the Palestinians’ backward-looking national narrative, which depicts the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 as the original sin that dispossessed the land’s native people. Every year, on the anniversary of Israel’s independence, more and more Palestinians (including Arab citizens of Israel) commemorate the Nakba with pageants that express longing for a lost paradise.

Every year, the legend grows of the crimes committed against the Palestinians in 1948, crimes now routinely equated with the Holocaust. Echoing the Nakba narrative is an international coalition of leftists that celebrates the Palestinians as the quintessential Other, the last victims of Western racism and colonialism."
The Nakba Obsession by Sol Stern City Journal Summer 2010

In actuality, we are talking of an obfuscation that covers the need to kill and murder their neighbors.

Certainly you agree......don't you?
The Nakba-day or The Naksa*-day Something pretty new along with many other stupid occasions are only intend to create another 'Intifada' and make some noise, hurting Israelis and causing damage to Israel is the bonus.
Most of the efforts are tend to attrition war over history, consistently attempting to make every memory even of the good things, as Palestinian-suffer, in the end it is only a poor attempt to draw the attention of the common gullible, counter-productive to the peace process, and de-legitimize Israel and Israelis over fairy tales - demonize*

World War Z With Brad Pitt Strikes a Nerve With Pro-Palestinians Jewish Israel News
It would be interesting to find the barbarism of the seventh century relegated to CineMax or some museums.....

.....unfortunately it is on view each and every day.

On view, yet there are apologists who find it eminently acceptable.

They, savages, as well.

3. Using Israel as the excuse the haters forget the facts leading up to the latest events.....

Nowhere is the imprint of the death cult more evident than Palestinian culture, and, in fact, is the only credible explanation for the astounding dismissal of the offer of 95% of their demand, made by Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak at the Camp David talks of 2000: murdering Jews was a Muslim obligation, far more important than any settlement of the problems with Israel. "The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death." -- Afghan jihadist Maulana Inyadullah

4. When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire.
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108 Again, irrigating the earth with human blood.

a. Outlined by Dr. Hans-Peter Raddatz, Orientalist, and frequent critic of Islam, this blood-lust was the explanation of Iran’s demand for a truce: when it was learned that Iraq planned to kill the waves of Iranians with Tabun and Sarin nerve gas, which would not cause blood to flow, well, then what was the need for the holy war? Glazov, “United in Hate,” p. 107-108.

b. "Shortly after assuming power, Khomeini began calling for Islamic revolutions across the Muslim world, including Iran's Arab neighbor Iraq, the one large state besides Iran with a Shia majority population."

1980 April 8 – Broadcast call by Khomeini for the pious of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein and his regime. Al-Dawa al-Islamiya party in Iraqi is the hoped for catalyst to start rebellion.
From: Mackey, The Iranians, (1996), p.317

The need for blood.....the definition of savagery.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Palestinians were the offensive, not defense. The aggressor. They fired the first shots.
Palestinians would have been settled or have had their statehood if not for their terrorism and aggression. Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Israel are all victims of palestinian attacks.
Other terrorist group have followed on their model of bombings, assassinations, kidnapping, hijackings, attempted coups, large scale theft, bank robbery, massacres, brutality, destruction......
"....ISIS executioner Jihadi John taunts President as he beheads second US journalist,..."
Steven Sotloff beheading video released by ISIS Mail Online

Different day, same stuff.....

Where does the blood cult begin?
Lest any believe that this savagery is of recent origin......

5. Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad ("Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

And so begins the blood cult.......

a. "The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

b. “Our hatred for the Jews dates from God's condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet."
He added "that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty." November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia's King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson. Official British document, Foreign Office File No. 371/20822 E 7201/22/31;
Elie Kedourie, Islam in the Modern World, pp. 69-72.

There is only one way for this to end.

Only one.
6. "On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres."
Edwin Black, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

Who can view this litany of merciless barbarity and believe that education, or diplomacy, or any benign response will end this?

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:19-20

"....he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36

A Sig Sauer sword.
Now justify the Evil that was al-Nakba:

"The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in late 1947 led to civil war, the end ofMandatory Palestine, and the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. With nationhood, the ongoing civil war was transformed into a state conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

"Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, invaded Palestine. They took control of the Arab areas, and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.

"The fighting was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"Only one third of the population consisted of native Jordanians, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority."

Jews drove hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, businesses, and farms in 1948, and tens of thousands resettled in squalid refugee camps in Jordan.

The violence that has followed and is yet to come stems directly from the crime of ethnic cleansing committed by Jews in 1948; crimes that continue to this very day in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No problem.

First, let's agree that you remain an apologist for a barbarism that is long past its time.

Now, let's define terms such as al-Nakba:

" The Nakba is the heart of the Palestinians’ backward-looking national narrative, which depicts the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 as the original sin that dispossessed the land’s native people. Every year, on the anniversary of Israel’s independence, more and more Palestinians (including Arab citizens of Israel) commemorate the Nakba with pageants that express longing for a lost paradise.

Every year, the legend grows of the crimes committed against the Palestinians in 1948, crimes now routinely equated with the Holocaust. Echoing the Nakba narrative is an international coalition of leftists that celebrates the Palestinians as the quintessential Other, the last victims of Western racism and colonialism."
The Nakba Obsession by Sol Stern City Journal Summer 2010

In actuality, we are talking of an obfuscation that covers the need to kill and murder their neighbors.

Certainly you agree......don't you?
I agree stealing the homes, businesses, farms and bank accounts of 700,000 Arabs was a crime against humanity that Israel will one day account for:

"If words have any meaning, it is certainly accurate to describe the outcome of the 1948 war as a catastrophe for the Palestinians.

"Between 600,000 and 700,000 men, women, and children—even more, depending on who is telling the story—left their homes. Palestinian civil society disintegrated.

"At the war’s end, the refugees dispersed to the Jordanian-occupied West Bank, the Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip, and neighboring Arab countries.

"Many lived in tents, eking out a bare subsistence, and were then denied the right to return to their homes by the new State of Israel."

Why would greedy Jews steal all that property and then act surprised when their victims protest?

The Nakba Obsession by Sol Stern City Journal Summer 2010
6. "On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres."
Edwin Black, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

Who can view this litany of merciless barbarity and believe that education, or diplomacy, or any benign response will end this?

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:19-20

"....he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36

A Sig Sauer sword.

Here I think this guy know a hell of a lot more about it that the crap your spreading'

6. "On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres."
Edwin Black, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

Who can view this litany of merciless barbarity and believe that education, or diplomacy, or any benign response will end this?

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:19-20

"....he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36

A Sig Sauer sword.

Here I think this guy know a hell of a lot more about it that the crap your spreading'

Have you bother to ask yourself how come that among the Israelis people tend to be positive to the Palestinians and on the other side the Palestinians are completely against Israel? EVEN in the Holocaust some Jews accepted their fate and some even embraced the Nazism, but in Gaza there is not a SINGLE Palestinian pro-Israeli? Hmm this is strange.
When there are no radicalism it means something is very wrong.
6. "On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres."
Edwin Black, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

Who can view this litany of merciless barbarity and believe that education, or diplomacy, or any benign response will end this?

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:19-20

"....he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36

A Sig Sauer sword.

Here I think this guy know a hell of a lot more about it that the crap your spreading'

You know, Penelope, you are like a one-person band. I am beginning to think that maybe the IS has sent one of their slaves to do your housecleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping. After all, this is the Middle East forum, and for some reason you seem loathe to post anything that your new buddies are doing to others. By the way, I am sure that most of the viewers have seen that video so many times before that it is not a stretch for anyone with even a few brains cells to realize where you get most of your information. Let's just hope that Penelope doesn't become another Jihad Jane and that she keeps sitting quietly behind her computer and isn't harming anyone.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Palestinians were the offensive, not defense. The aggressor. They fired the first shots.
Palestinians would have been settled or have had their statehood if not for their terrorism and aggression. Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Israel are all victims of palestinian attacks.
Other terrorist group have followed on their model of bombings, assassinations, kidnapping, hijackings, attempted coups, large scale theft, bank robbery, massacres, brutality, destruction......

They were invaded.

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