Black September

War is not a game of proportional actions. War objectives are to win and bring the opponents to some submission or willingness to compromise in some negotiated peace deal.
Gaza was finally brought to some negotiated deal in exchange of a ceasefire. It has taken years to bring hamas to any formal compromise, even short term. We will see how long hamas can go without breaking the ceasefire. Till now hamas was unwilling to compromise, only to make wide sweeping demands before they would recognize Israel or to talk with them. They wanted to sweep Israel and it's people off the face of the map and occupy Israel.
Hamas is not even a member of the PLO, they have no real standing as a representative of the palestinians people. They control gaza by force. They were waging war on Israel forcing it to respond.
Israel as the occupying power of the Gaza Strip has both an obligation and duty to protect civilians under its occupation. Since Gaza is not a sovereign state, Israel can not simultaneously occupy a territory and declare war upon it.

Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for a Jewish state with no more than 20% of its citizens being non-Jews; that's called ethnic cleansing anywhere except Palestine.

Israel must end its occupation of Palestine before peace between Jew and Arab has the slightest chance of becoming real, and we both know how unlikely that is.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

"defend themselves" against what ? and by what means?----by slitting the throats of infants ? by obscene
mutilations for the glory of allah?
I have rarely found you to know what you are talking about.

This, of course, is simply one more example of same.

It is difficult to refer to it as an 'invasion' if the land was purchased.

"Until the passage of the Turkish Land Registry Law in 1858,
there were no official deeds to attest to a man's legal title to a parcel
of land; tradition alone had to suffice to establish such title— and
usually it did. And yet, the position of Palestine's farmers was a
precarious one, for there were constant blood-feuds between families,
clans and entire villages, as well as periodic incursions by rapacious Bedouin tribes...

When considering Jewish land purchases and settlements, four
factors should be borne in mind:

(1) Most of the land purchases involved large tracts belonging to
absentee owners.
(Virtually all of the Jezreel Valley, for
example, belonged in 1897 to only two persons: the eastern
portion to the Turkish Sultan, and the western part to the
richest banker in Syria, Sursuk "the Greek".)

(2) Most of the land purchased had not been cultivated previously
because it was swampy, rocky, sandy or, for some other reason,
regarded as uncultivable. This is supported by the findings of
the Peel Commission Report (p. 242): "The Arab charge that
the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land
cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange
groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it
was purchased . . . there was at the time at least of the earlier
sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the re-
sources or training needed to develop the land." (1937)

(3) While, for this reason, the early transactions did not involve
unduly large sums of money, the price of land began to rise
as Arab landowners took advantage of the growing demand for
rural tracts. The resulting infusion of capital into the
Palestinian economy
had noticeable beneficial effects on the
standard of living of all the inhabitants.

(4) The Jewish pioneers introduced new farming methods which
improved the soil and crop cultivation and were soon emulated
by Arab farmers.

(According to the
Turkish census of 1875, by that time Jews already constituted a
majority of the population of Jerusalem and by 1905 comprised
two-thirds of its citizens. The Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1910
gives the population figure as 60,000, of whom 40,000 were Jews.)"
Mandate Palestine in 1948:
650,000 Jews.
1.3 million Arabs.
Therefore: Jewish state
See where this problem began yet?

No as the arab muslims did not have a legal right to the land, they lost that back in 1099 when it was taken away from them. You need to look at the state of play as it was in 1922 when the land was first given to the Jews by its legal rightful owners the LoN. They also divided the land up into 3 arab muslim plots Iraq, Syria and Jordan so the arab muslims got 78% of the land of Palestine. So why the fighting and lying when the Palestinians had been given their own nation and it was they who refused to take up the offer. If the UN had done what the LoN first decided and flooded the place with troops not one refugee would have been displaced and not one Jew would have been killed.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Are rockets being fired at Israeli children defending themselves, is murdering 3 innocent Israeli boys defending themselves. Do show how starting aggression is defending themselves, and then show what they are defending themselves against when they declared war in 1948 and have never rescinded it.

Why did it start in 1948?

Why did the Israelis have to murder hundreds of innocent Palestinians in retaliation for 3 Israelis being murdered? Is that a form of justice we should employ?

If a rightwing 'Sovereign Citizen' murders two policemen, should the US government kill 500 conservative women and children?

In 1948 the arab muslims declared war on the Jews and declared they would wipe them from the face of the M.E. and destroy Israel. All because they could not control 100% of the land, just 99.9%.

The didn't they killed terrorists and militia who were firing rockets at Israeli children. Hamas was offered an out and refused to take it up until they had no weapons left and most of their fighters were dead. They had also lost their tunnels and saw massive destruction of gaza. is targeting children with illegal weapons the form of JUSTICE you want to see employed.

Wrong comparison as it is nothing like the Israel/gaza conflict. Lets say a left wing terrorist decides to kill 3 children as a warning that they are about to unleash total war on New York should the US government not kill all those intent on wiping out the inhabitants of New York.
1. you don't care to share the horrible personal experience that make you into a Jew-hater.....just thought it might be interesting.

2. Did you just accuse the Jews of violence???
The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

3. I just proved that the land, for the most part, was purchased, not stolen.
So...your post becomes an example of the sort of wasted effort associated with your neurosis.

Write soon, y'hear?
Right after you learn to read:

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

Were you born blind?
Maybe you imagine Jews bought Jaffa, does your ignorance extend that far?

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library

Did the arab muslims hold title to the land, if not why not they had been offered the chance twice to submit their claims. Were they hostile aliens and as such open to expulsion or internment. Don't forget the arab muslims, including the Palestinians , were the ones that declared war on the Jews.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Are rockets being fired at Israeli children defending themselves, is murdering 3 innocent Israeli boys defending themselves. Do show how starting aggression is defending themselves, and then show what they are defending themselves against when they declared war in 1948 and have never rescinded it.

Why did it start in 1948?

Why did the Israelis have to murder hundreds of innocent Palestinians in retaliation for 3 Israelis being murdered? Is that a form of justice we should employ?

If a rightwing 'Sovereign Citizen' murders two policemen, should the US government kill 500 conservative women and children?

Why was gaza firing a hundred mortars and rockets at Israel each day?
Why was hamas planing the kidnapping of Israeli children?
Why was hamas unwilling to talk or accept any agreements that Abbas and Israel might come to?
Why was hamas hiding rocket launchers in and around hospitals, schools, UN buildings and civilians homes?
Why was hamas building illegal tunnels into Israel and Egypt?

There is no answer to any of those questions that can justify the indiscriminate collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Not to mention the latest theft of a thousand acres of Palestinian land that the Israelis perpetrated with this latest conflict as their pretext.

There is nothing that can justify the targeting of children by hamas.

Read res 242 and the Oslo accords and see that it is legal.
1. you don't care to share the horrible personal experience that make you into a Jew-hater.....just thought it might be interesting.

2. Did you just accuse the Jews of violence???
The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

3. I just proved that the land, for the most part, was purchased, not stolen.
So...your post becomes an example of the sort of wasted effort associated with your neurosis.

Write soon, y'hear?
Right after you learn to read:

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

Were you born blind?
Maybe you imagine Jews bought Jaffa, does your ignorance extend that far?

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library

Did the arab muslims hold title to the land, if not why not they had been offered the chance twice to submit their claims. Were they hostile aliens and as such open to expulsion or internment. Don't forget the arab muslims, including the Palestinians , were the ones that declared war on the Jews.

In order to understand the Islamic POV---regarding the middle east-----and even the Indian subcontinent-----and lots of other parts of the world-----you have to understand the concept of
belief. It is simple-----any land upon which muslims conquered by virtue of murder, rape, pillage, and enslavement at any time in the entire history of the world -----

such is-----*****THE WILL OF ALLAH*******

the body of land ---now and then called "PALESTINE"
was----in the course of history----at a time---invaded and
controlled by muslims
I have rarely found you to know what you are talking about.

I have rarely found you to know what you are talking about.

This, of course, is simply one more example of same.

It is difficult to refer to it as an 'invasion' if the land was purchased.

"Until the passage of the Turkish Land Registry Law in 1858,
there were no official deeds to attest to a man's legal title to a parcel
of land; tradition alone had to suffice to establish such title— and
usually it did. And yet, the position of Palestine's farmers was a
precarious one, for there were constant blood-feuds between families,
clans and entire villages, as well as periodic incursions by rapacious Bedouin tribes...

When considering Jewish land purchases and settlements, four
factors should be borne in mind:

(1) Most of the land purchases involved large tracts belonging to
absentee owners.
(Virtually all of the Jezreel Valley, for
example, belonged in 1897 to only two persons: the eastern
portion to the Turkish Sultan, and the western part to the
richest banker in Syria, Sursuk "the Greek".)

(2) Most of the land purchased had not been cultivated previously
because it was swampy, rocky, sandy or, for some other reason,
regarded as uncultivable. This is supported by the findings of
the Peel Commission Report (p. 242): "The Arab charge that
the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land
cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange
groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it
was purchased . . . there was at the time at least of the earlier
sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the re-
sources or training needed to develop the land." (1937)

(3) While, for this reason, the early transactions did not involve
unduly large sums of money, the price of land began to rise
as Arab landowners took advantage of the growing demand for
rural tracts. The resulting infusion of capital into the
Palestinian economy
had noticeable beneficial effects on the
standard of living of all the inhabitants.

(4) The Jewish pioneers introduced new farming methods which
improved the soil and crop cultivation and were soon emulated
by Arab farmers.

(According to the
Turkish census of 1875, by that time Jews already constituted a
majority of the population of Jerusalem and by 1905 comprised
two-thirds of its citizens. The Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1910
gives the population figure as 60,000, of whom 40,000 were Jews.)"
Your propaganda doesn't mention how much of the land in Jaffa,
1. you don't care to share the horrible personal experience that make you into a Jew-hater.....just thought it might be interesting.

2. Did you just accuse the Jews of violence???
The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

3. I just proved that the land, for the most part, was purchased, not stolen.
So...your post becomes an example of the sort of wasted effort associated with your neurosis.

Write soon, y'hear?
Right after you learn to read:

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

Were you born blind?
Maybe you imagine Jews bought Jaffa, does your ignorance extend that far?

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library

So....once you admit the facts, that the Jews bought the land from the reputed owners.....'d have to find another reason for Jew-hatred?

C'mon.....we both know you're up to the task.
You still haven't told us how much land the Jews bought in Jaffa, Tiberias, and Haifa, why is that? You're not up to posting those figments of the Zionist imagination?

"Although Arab armies from neighboring countries did not enter Palestine until May 15, Jewish forces had been active in a campaign of ethnic cleansing since passage of the partition plan the previous Nov. 29. The first effort was aimed at clearing out Palestinians living in cities designated as part of the Jewish state.

"This began in a major way on April 18, when Tiberias was captured and its 5,500 Palestinian residents put in flight. On April 22, Haifa fell to the Jewish forces and 70,000 Palestinians fled. On May 10, the 12,000 Palestinians of Safed were routed and the next day Beisan, with 6,000 Palestinians, fell.

"Preceding these conquests had been the massacre at Deir Yassin on April 9, where 254 innocent Palestinian men, women and children were killed by a combined force drawn from Irgun and from Lehi, another Jewish terrorist group known to the British as the 'Stern Gang' and headed in 1948 by a triumvirate that included Yitzhak Shamir.

"Reports of the savagery of the attack had spread throughout the Palestinian community and caused widespread dread at the advance of Jewish forces. 2

"The capture of Jaffa differed from the earlier conquests in that under the U.N. plan it was supposed to remain as a Palestinian enclave between neighboring Tel Aviv and areas to the south and east designated as part of the Jewish state.

"Its capture demonstrated that the future Israelis were not going to observe the limits set on their state by the United Nations.

"Why did the residents of Jaffa flee?"

Because greedy Jews were busy negotiating the sale of their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts.

See if you can keep up.

Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel s Creation in 1948 1994 April-May Washington Report Archives 1994-1999 WRMEA Archives

This, of course, is simply one more example of same.

It is difficult to refer to it as an 'invasion' if the land was purchased.

"Until the passage of the Turkish Land Registry Law in 1858,
there were no official deeds to attest to a man's legal title to a parcel
of land; tradition alone had to suffice to establish such title— and
usually it did. And yet, the position of Palestine's farmers was a
precarious one, for there were constant blood-feuds between families,
clans and entire villages, as well as periodic incursions by rapacious Bedouin tribes...

When considering Jewish land purchases and settlements, four
factors should be borne in mind:

(1) Most of the land purchases involved large tracts belonging to
absentee owners.
(Virtually all of the Jezreel Valley, for
example, belonged in 1897 to only two persons: the eastern
portion to the Turkish Sultan, and the western part to the
richest banker in Syria, Sursuk "the Greek".)

(2) Most of the land purchased had not been cultivated previously
because it was swampy, rocky, sandy or, for some other reason,
regarded as uncultivable. This is supported by the findings of
the Peel Commission Report (p. 242): "The Arab charge that
the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land
cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange
groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it
was purchased . . . there was at the time at least of the earlier
sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the re-
sources or training needed to develop the land." (1937)

(3) While, for this reason, the early transactions did not involve
unduly large sums of money, the price of land began to rise
as Arab landowners took advantage of the growing demand for
rural tracts. The resulting infusion of capital into the
Palestinian economy
had noticeable beneficial effects on the
standard of living of all the inhabitants.

(4) The Jewish pioneers introduced new farming methods which
improved the soil and crop cultivation and were soon emulated
by Arab farmers.

(According to the
Turkish census of 1875, by that time Jews already constituted a
majority of the population of Jerusalem and by 1905 comprised
two-thirds of its citizens. The Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1910
gives the population figure as 60,000, of whom 40,000 were Jews.)"
Your propaganda doesn't mention how much of the land in Jaffa,
1. you don't care to share the horrible personal experience that make you into a Jew-hater.....just thought it might be interesting.

2. Did you just accuse the Jews of violence???
The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

3. I just proved that the land, for the most part, was purchased, not stolen.
So...your post becomes an example of the sort of wasted effort associated with your neurosis.

Write soon, y'hear?
Right after you learn to read:

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

Were you born blind?
Maybe you imagine Jews bought Jaffa, does your ignorance extend that far?

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library

So....once you admit the facts, that the Jews bought the land from the reputed owners.....'d have to find another reason for Jew-hatred?

C'mon.....we both know you're up to the task.
You still haven't told us how much land the Jews bought in Jaffa, Tiberias, and Haifa, why is that? You're not up to posting those figments of the Zionist imagination?

"Although Arab armies from neighboring countries did not enter Palestine until May 15, Jewish forces had been active in a campaign of ethnic cleansing since passage of the partition plan the previous Nov. 29. The first effort was aimed at clearing out Palestinians living in cities designated as part of the Jewish state.

"This began in a major way on April 18, when Tiberias was captured and its 5,500 Palestinian residents put in flight. On April 22, Haifa fell to the Jewish forces and 70,000 Palestinians fled. On May 10, the 12,000 Palestinians of Safed were routed and the next day Beisan, with 6,000 Palestinians, fell.

"Preceding these conquests had been the massacre at Deir Yassin on April 9, where 254 innocent Palestinian men, women and children were killed by a combined force drawn from Irgun and from Lehi, another Jewish terrorist group known to the British as the 'Stern Gang' and headed in 1948 by a triumvirate that included Yitzhak Shamir.

"Reports of the savagery of the attack had spread throughout the Palestinian community and caused widespread dread at the advance of Jewish forces. 2

"The capture of Jaffa differed from the earlier conquests in that under the U.N. plan it was supposed to remain as a Palestinian enclave between neighboring Tel Aviv and areas to the south and east designated as part of the Jewish state.

"Its capture demonstrated that the future Israelis were not going to observe the limits set on their state by the United Nations.

"Why did the residents of Jaffa flee?"

Because greedy Jews were busy negotiating the sale of their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts.

See if you can keep up.

Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel s Creation in 1948 1994 April-May Washington Report Archives 1994-1999 WRMEA Archives

Say, Gaza George, do you have anything about this from a regular encyclopedia (the ones you used when you were in an American school supposedly learning and had to write reports)? Somehow something which shows up on a site started by an Ali something or other is kind of suspicious so we need an unsuspicious, neutral site to verify what the site is stating..
in order to understand Georgie-----you have to understand that
according to both shariah law and the Justinian code----and the
Nuremburg laws----jews cannot own or BUY land. Land purchases by jews ----in Palestine-----were illegal in accordance to the law codes to which Georgie adheres and
THEREFORE invalid. As to JAFFA all of it is 'MUSLIM"
LAND in shariah law
1. you don't care to share the horrible personal experience that make you into a Jew-hater.....just thought it might be interesting.

2. Did you just accuse the Jews of violence???
The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

3. I just proved that the land, for the most part, was purchased, not stolen.
So...your post becomes an example of the sort of wasted effort associated with your neurosis.

Write soon, y'hear?
Right after you learn to read:

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

Were you born blind?
Maybe you imagine Jews bought Jaffa, does your ignorance extend that far?

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library

Did the arab muslims hold title to the land, if not why not they had been offered the chance twice to submit their claims. Were they hostile aliens and as such open to expulsion or internment. Don't forget the arab muslims, including the Palestinians , were the ones that declared war on the Jews.
"Although Arab armies from neighboring countries did not enter Palestine until May 15, Jewish forces had been active in a campaign of ethnic cleansing since passage of the partition plan the previous Nov. 29.

"The first effort was aimed at clearing out Palestinians living in cities designated as part of the Jewish state.

"This began in a major way on April 18, when Tiberias was captured and its 5,500 Palestinian residents put in flight.

"On April 22, Haifa fell to the Jewish forces and 70,000 Palestinians fled.

"On May 10, the 12,000 Palestinians of Safed were routed and the next day Beisan, with 6,000 Palestinians, fell."

Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel s Creation in 1948 1994 April-May Washington Report Archives 1994-1999
Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."
Last edited:
1. you don't care to share the horrible personal experience that make you into a Jew-hater.....just thought it might be interesting.

2. Did you just accuse the Jews of violence???
The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

3. I just proved that the land, for the most part, was purchased, not stolen.
So...your post becomes an example of the sort of wasted effort associated with your neurosis.

Write soon, y'hear?
Right after you learn to read:

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

Were you born blind?
Maybe you imagine Jews bought Jaffa, does your ignorance extend that far?

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library

Did the arab muslims hold title to the land, if not why not they had been offered the chance twice to submit their claims. Were they hostile aliens and as such open to expulsion or internment. Don't forget the arab muslims, including the Palestinians , were the ones that declared war on the Jews.
"Although Arab armies from neighboring countries did not enter Palestine until May 15, Jewish forces had been active in a campaign of ethnic cleansing since passage of the partition plan the previous Nov. 29.

"The first effort was aimed at clearing out Palestinians living in cities designated as part of the Jewish state.

"This began in a major way on April 18, when Tiberias was captured and its 5,500 Palestinian residents put in flight.

"On April 22, Haifa fell to the Jewish forces and 70,000 Palestinians fled.

"On May 10, the 12,000 Palestinians of Safed were routed and the next day Beisan, with 6,000 Palestinians, fell."

Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel s Creation in 1948 1994 April-May Washington Report Archives 1994-1999

Was a state of war in place, a state of war declared by the arab muslims. If so then Israel was within its legal rights to attack any enemy objective to minimise the risk of internal enemies. So you see georgie the Jews were carrying out International Law, the arab muslims were just being terrorists
Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Have you read this from someone who was actually there

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

He was in the hotel at the time and stated that hamas was firing rockets from the press hotel. Game set and match
Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Have you read this from someone who was actually there

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

He was in the hotel at the time and stated that hamas was firing rockets from the press hotel. Game set and match

I think by now, Phoenall, that we are all aware of Pallywood and the lies coming from the Palestinian Arabs. After all, so many of those corpses moving when they are supposed to be dead is laughable. Don't forget how the reporters who finally left the area were free to tell the truth about a lot of what went on since they were not being intimidated by Hamas.
a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

I was at the Cairo Sheraton at the time. It was the first time I had seen anyone consuming human blood, but not the last time.
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Are rockets being fired at Israeli children defending themselves, is murdering 3 innocent Israeli boys defending themselves. Do show how starting aggression is defending themselves, and then show what they are defending themselves against when they declared war in 1948 and have never rescinded it.

Why did it start in 1948?

Why did the Israelis have to murder hundreds of innocent Palestinians in retaliation for 3 Israelis being murdered? Is that a form of justice we should employ?

If a rightwing 'Sovereign Citizen' murders two policemen, should the US government kill 500 conservative women and children?

Why was gaza firing a hundred mortars and rockets at Israel each day?
Why was hamas planing the kidnapping of Israeli children?
Why was hamas unwilling to talk or accept any agreements that Abbas and Israel might come to?
Why was hamas hiding rocket launchers in and around hospitals, schools, UN buildings and civilians homes?
Why was hamas building illegal tunnels into Israel and Egypt?

There is no answer to any of those questions that can justify the indiscriminate collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Not to mention the latest theft of a thousand acres of Palestinian land that the Israelis perpetrated with this latest conflict as their pretext.

There is nothing that can justify the targeting of children by hamas.

Read res 242 and the Oslo accords and see that it is legal.
"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children
132 Israeli children and 2,045 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Jews kill Arab children deliberately while Hamas kills Jewish children by accident.

End the occupation and let all the children live.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed
All the Leftist and anti-Semites ringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians....they ignore the fact that the same group has fomented the same chaos before, always with mayhem and murder...and then claiming to be victims.

Here it is September......Time to recall a similar scenario.....Black September

1. "For some time, King Hussein of Jordan had been concerned about the growing power of the Palestinians living in his midst. The western portion of his country had become a virtual state within a state, with a chain of refugee camps ruled by heavily armed Fatah militants who openly flouted the authority of the Hashemite monarch. Hussein, who had lost half his kingdom already, feared he would lose the rest unless he removed the Palestinians from Jordanian soil. In September 1970 he ordered his fierce Bedouin soldiers to do precisely that.

Arafat's fighters were no match for the Bedouin. Thousands were massacred, and once more the Palestinians were scattered, this time to camps in Lebanon and Syria. Arafat wanted revenge against the Jordanian monarch and against all those who had betrayed the Palestinian people. He wanted to carry out bloody and spectacular acts of terrorism on the world stage-acts that would place the plight of the Palestinians before a global audience and quench the Palestinian thirst for revenge. The attacks would be carried out by a secret unit so the PLO could maintain the charade that it was a respectable revolutionary army fighting for the liberation of an oppressed people. Abu Iyad [Salah Mesbah Khalaf], Arafat's number two, was given overall command, ....
The unit would be called Black September to honor the Palestinian dead in Jordan.

.... The Jordanian prime minister, on a visit to Cairo, was gunned down in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel. More attacks followed in quick succession. The car of the Jordanian ambassador was ambushed in London. Jordanian aircraft were hijacked and Jordanian airline offices were firebombed. In Bonn, five Jordanian intelligence officers were butchered in the cellar of a house."
From the novel "Prince of Fire, " by Daniel Silva

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists.
“As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.
Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b.Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

That's not when it started. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Are rockets being fired at Israeli children defending themselves, is murdering 3 innocent Israeli boys defending themselves. Do show how starting aggression is defending themselves, and then show what they are defending themselves against when they declared war in 1948 and have never rescinded it.

Why did it start in 1948?

Why did the Israelis have to murder hundreds of innocent Palestinians in retaliation for 3 Israelis being murdered? Is that a form of justice we should employ?

If a rightwing 'Sovereign Citizen' murders two policemen, should the US government kill 500 conservative women and children?

Why was gaza firing a hundred mortars and rockets at Israel each day?
Why was hamas planing the kidnapping of Israeli children?
Why was hamas unwilling to talk or accept any agreements that Abbas and Israel might come to?
Why was hamas hiding rocket launchers in and around hospitals, schools, UN buildings and civilians homes?
Why was hamas building illegal tunnels into Israel and Egypt?

There is no answer to any of those questions that can justify the indiscriminate collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Not to mention the latest theft of a thousand acres of Palestinian land that the Israelis perpetrated with this latest conflict as their pretext.

There is nothing that can justify the targeting of children by hamas.

Read res 242 and the Oslo accords and see that it is legal.
"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children
132 Israeli children and 2,045 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Jews kill Arab children deliberately while Hamas kills Jewish children by accident.

End the occupation and let all the children live.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

I think that Gaza George should be made an honorary member of Hamas.
Did you all catch what he said? "Jews kill Arab children deliberately while Hamas kills Jewish children by accident." Notice he will never make mention of Hamas using the children as human shields and that is why many of them have died. If his new friends weren't trying to destroy Israel all the time, these Palestinians children would be home safely in their beds by now.. Meanwhile, Gaza George has not shown any sympathy for the over 10,000 children killed by his new friends. These children don't count to him because he can't drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Regardless, I certainly hope that Gaza George scrapes together a few bucks to send to a relief organization who are helping the refugee children in camps, put their by Gaza George's new friends murdering helter skelter in Syria and Iraq.
Notice how Ha$bara $al never provides documented proof of her constant allegation of Hamas using human shields?

Maybe she's Jewi$h?

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin.

"The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17]

"Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

"In 2003, Israeli soldiers also employed human shields when trying to subdue a stone-throwing protest in Hebron.[19] One of the 'human shields', a 32-year-old, told he was pulled from the barber's chair and forced to stand in front of soldiers along with two other men, also human shields, while soldiers fired rubber bullets on Palestinian protesters.

"He told he was beat up when he tried to cover his ears to protect them from the loud noise of the guns.[19]

"The Israeli military committed to stopping the practice but Israeli human rights groups said the army only ended the practice selectively and were in breach of court orders.[19]

Must really suck to constantly apologize for an illegal occupation, right $al?

Human shield - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Let's puncture another one of your fabrications:

"Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Confession is good for the soul.....

...just admit you favor another holocaust.
I don't favor murdering children in order to steal the land their families live on.
How' bout Jew?

"As they played on and around a jetty in the late-afternoon sun, a blast hit a nearby shack. One boy was killed instantly. The others ran. There was a second blast, and three more bodies littered the sand. One was charred, missing a leg, and another lay motionless, his curly head intact, his legs splayed at unnatural angles."

Have you read this from someone who was actually there

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

He was in the hotel at the time and stated that hamas was firing rockets from the press hotel. Game set and match

the Jews always cover their wicked ways with their newspapers. How sweet the IDF boy kissing his mom before going out to kill kids. They are nothing but animals.

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