Black Republican: Don’t Equate Black Rights And Gay Rights

Their rights ARE & should be the same. How is comparing them wrong?????

I think it's their STRUGGLE that's non-comparable, not their rights.

They're not struggling for the same rights that blacks struggled for in the civil rights movement so the comparison is bullshit, you can't pick one aspect and say they're entirely comparable.

It's an insult for gays to make that comparison.

No one is hosing them down.
Using dogs, attack dogs on them.
Making them eat, drink, sit, away from other people.


most importantly

No one is killing their leaders.

Only blind hacks think they could even be close to being the same.

I'm sure Harvey Milk would disagree with that, too.

Again, just what are they asking for? The right to do the same thing that the rest of us get to do, right? They simply want to live their life without being treated like criminals and denied the rights we all enjoy.

They don't want to be told they can't rent an apartment, shop in certain stores or even get married.

And they sure as hell don't want to be beaten, tortured and murdered either.

No, they're asking for gay marriage, not the same thing blacks were fighting for in the civil rights and they haven't even come close to going through what blacks have went through so its not a comparison, a better comparison would be to women rights struggles but not blacks.
Steele is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination...that is what is compared (and quite comparable).

Blacks didn't choose to be black.

What aggravates me about the goofy gays in this country is their constant whining. They chose the life they're leading they should just shut the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.
Their rights ARE & should be the same. How is comparing them wrong?????

I think it's their STRUGGLE that's non-comparable, not their rights.

They're not struggling for the same rights that blacks struggled for in the civil rights movement so the comparison is bullshit, you can't pick one aspect and say they're entirely comparable.

Yes, I can. "Equality, under the Law" is what they're struggling for.

Like I said, the struggle is not comparible. Perhaps what they're fighting for in terms of which specific rights, is not the same. But to say that "gay rights and black rights are not comparable" is stupid.
They are not the same, period. How is that concept so hard to understand? Do they deserve the same treatment under the law as the rest of us, sure. Does that mean they can compare their situation to the struggles of blacks? No! Doing so is disgracing the long and hard struggle that blacks have had to fight to get where they are today. Gay is a lifestyle, a set of acts. It is not a race and it is not something that you wear on your sleeve. There is a vast difference in the dilemmas they face today than the dilemmas that races have had to face. There was never a time when gays specifically were enslaved.
Steele is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination...that is what is compared (and quite comparable).

Blacks didn't choose to be black.

What aggravates me about the goofy gays in this country is their constant whining. They chose the life they're leading they should just shut the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.

And that assumes that 'gay' is a choice. To this date, not one heterosexual male has been able to identify to me when they 'decided' to like women. For most men, it simply happens.
Steele is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination...that is what is compared (and quite comparable).

Steele can't hide his Black on an Interview...

You can not talk about Deviant Sex during that Interview and while Employed.

It's True.

Race and Sexual Deviations are so NOT Comparible that it's Disgusting that some of you are still doing it.


Steele is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination...that is what is compared (and quite comparable).

Steele can't hide his Black on an Interview...

You can not talk about Deviant Sex during that Interview and while Employed.

It's True.

Race and Sexual Deviations are so NOT Comparible that it's Disgusting that some of you are still doing it.



What's disgusting is that you spend your life coming on message boards with inciteful words like "Deviant" not because you're passionate about it, but because you want attention and to poke at people who aren't like you. Get a life.
Their rights ARE & should be the same. How is comparing them wrong?????

I think it's their STRUGGLE that's non-comparable, not their rights.

They're not struggling for the same rights that blacks struggled for in the civil rights movement so the comparison is bullshit, you can't pick one aspect and say they're entirely comparable.

Yes, I can. "Equality, under the Law" is what they're struggling for.

Like I said, the struggle is not comparible. Perhaps what they're fighting for in terms of which specific rights, is not the same. But to say that "gay rights and black rights are not comparable" is stupid.

Bullshit, they struggling mainly for acceptance of their lifestyle and marriage is just a proxy for it. They cannot compare, when they struggle for the SAME things that blacks have struggled then they can start talking.
They're not struggling for the same rights that blacks struggled for in the civil rights movement so the comparison is bullshit, you can't pick one aspect and say they're entirely comparable.

Yes, I can. "Equality, under the Law" is what they're struggling for.

Like I said, the struggle is not comparible. Perhaps what they're fighting for in terms of which specific rights, is not the same. But to say that "gay rights and black rights are not comparable" is stupid.

Bullshit, they struggling mainly for acceptance of their lifestyle and marriage is just a proxy for it. They cannot compare, when they struggle for the SAME things that blacks have struggled then they can start talking.

You ignored my post about the struggles NOT being comparable, and responded as though I said the struggles were comparable.

Arguing with such blinded emotionalism is retarded, sorry.
Because if gays would stop having sex, they wouldn't be gay. Except in their thoughts.

They could marry women like so many "straight" conservatives and then meet men at airport restrooms, cuz that's not really gay.

I'm not arguing against their right to make a case for discrimination, I'm arguing against teir bullshit comparison to blacks.

A better comparison is that of Native Americans, but that leaves your victim card trumped.
Steele is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination...that is what is compared (and quite comparable).

Steele can't hide his Black on an Interview...

You can not talk about Deviant Sex during that Interview and while Employed.

It's True.

Race and Sexual Deviations are so NOT Comparible that it's Disgusting that some of you are still doing it.



What's disgusting is that you spend your life coming on message boards with inciteful words like "Deviant" not because you're passionate about it, but because you want attention and to poke at people who aren't like you. Get a life.

You're Inability to Counter the FACT that Race is not the same as Sexual Deviations Illustrates that I am Correct in my Conclusion.


Steele can't hide his Black on an Interview...

You can not talk about Deviant Sex during that Interview and while Employed.

It's True.

Race and Sexual Deviations are so NOT Comparible that it's Disgusting that some of you are still doing it.



What's disgusting is that you spend your life coming on message boards with inciteful words like "Deviant" not because you're passionate about it, but because you want attention and to poke at people who aren't like you. Get a life.

You're Inability to Counter the FACT that Race is not the same as Sexual Deviations Illustrates that I am Correct in my Conclusion.



Um, no.

It's not deviation, in my book, so the question thus has a false premise, in my book - which illustrates nothing of your "conclusion."

Further, of course it's retarded to compare the struggles of gay versus race. I already said as much, try reading for comprehension, toots.
This type of marriage “necessarily involves (the) degradation” of conventional marriage, an institution that “deserves admiration rather than execration.”

“When people (like this) marry, they cannot possibly have any progeny,” wrote an appeals judge in a Missouri case. “And such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid their marriages.”

What were they talking about?
Steele is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination...that is what is compared (and quite comparable).

Blacks didn't choose to be black.

What aggravates me about the goofy gays in this country is their constant whining. They chose the life they're leading they should just shut the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.

And that assumes that 'gay' is a choice. To this date, not one heterosexual male has been able to identify to me when they 'decided' to like women. For most men, it simply happens.

Males are instinctively drawn to females for the simple need to reproduce.
Fucking bullshit, you gays would get more respect from us blacks if you would quit disrespecting our history of struggle by trying to ride our coattails. Your simplistic "discrimination is discrimination" comparison is bullshit, for example, is a man who kills tons of chickens for a meal the same as man who kills tons of people? I mean both men have resorted to killing, so by your reasoning killing is killing so they can be compared, see how simplistic your bullshit reasoning is?

Gays just want to get married, they're not asking for even a third of what my father's ancestors had to fight for and have not had to go through the same shit, take off your emotional blinders and realize that comparing your gay struggle for marriage to the black civil rights movement is fucking insult to those blacks who were lynched, beat up on and denied justice for just looking like what we are, not for what we willfully do behind closed doors, just stop the bullshit simplistic comparisons and fuck off.

I'm quite certain Matthew Shepard would disagree with you.

Matthew Shepard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just what are they asking for? The right to do the same thing that the rest of us get to do, right? They simply want to live their life without being treated like criminals and denied the rights we all enjoy.

They don't want to be told they can't rent an apartment, shop in certain stores or even get married.

And they sure as hell don't want to be beaten, tortured and murdered either.

That was a horrible crime but gays were never systematically treated that way so you can't use that to make a bullshit simplistic comparison.

You're kidding, right?

What about anti-sodomy laws?

Laws prohibiting homosexual behavior are commonly called "sodomy laws." They have taken many forms in different jurisdictions. Some criminalize certain behavior by opposite-gender as well as same-gender couples. It would not be much of an exaggeration to say that every sexual act except sexual intercourse between a married couple using the missionary position in the dark has been criminalized in at least one U.S. state at one time during its history.

U.S. Laws criminalizing homosexual behavior

Inspired by the African American Civil Rights Movement, homosexuals in America began to organize themselves and to fight for the equality and the justice they did not have yet. With the rise of gay rights activists, gay-rights opponents appeared, and the issue about homosexuals' rights turned into a controversial, legal battle, which today is still fought with neither party entirely winning.

History has also shown that gay people have always been discriminated against. Not only were gay people denied of equal treatment in court ("de jure"), but they also have been victims of violence and harassment in our own society on the base of their sexual orientation ("de facto"). Homosexuality was labeled a felony crime in the past, existing "Sodomy Laws" which prohibit oral and anal sexual intercourse, even between consenting adults, were primarily used to target homosexuals, and the current federal government denies openly gays employment to federal institutions like the CIA, FBI, the army -- nation's biggest employer in the United States -- or the National Security Agency. The government even regularly removes openly gay officials from public positions, and so do a lot of other employers in the private sector (Mohr 6).

In individual cases, homosexuals are often harassed, insulted, kicked, punched, and thrown at by fellow classmates, coworkers, and even family members just for being gay. These discriminations base on prejudices and stereotypes that society has of the gay community.

Among the most common stereotypes are those which carry fear and ignorance. Gays are said to be "child molesters" and "sex-crazed maniacs". They are considered extremely "immoral" because they do not follow social customs, "unnatural" because homosexuality violates the basic functions of genitals and contradicts the nature.

Religious leaders reason that Jesus asks the mankind in the Bible "to go out and have children." Since homosexuals are not able to reproduce children, homosexuality is, therefore, from their prospective an act of sin.

Civil Rights - The History of Gay Rights
Blacks didn't choose to be black.

What aggravates me about the goofy gays in this country is their constant whining. They chose the life they're leading they should just shut the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.

And that assumes that 'gay' is a choice. To this date, not one heterosexual male has been able to identify to me when they 'decided' to like women. For most men, it simply happens.

Males are instinctively drawn to females for the simple need to reproduce.

which is his point.
Nobody is comparing race and sexual orientation. Nobody is comparing the struggles of the African American community with the struggles of the gay and lesbian community. What is compared is the discrimination faced by both groups.

Do we really need to be lynched and beat up more in order to be recognized as a group being discriminated against? That's pretty sick.

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