Black People must separate from White America.!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.
Those who oppose the rights of gays to be equal with all other Americans will be seen in the light of history the same as the KKK.

If you truely think all people who have european desent are evil than you are a emotional cripple and a bigot.
I think this guy isnt real, hes likely a clone of one of the KKK people on this site.
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

Sorry... I have a job with benefits.

But I'd be happy to join you when I retire, get a nice house on the beach in Senegal... maybe?
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

Well, given that the rest are undoubtedly a lot more intelligent than you, they'll recognise you for the crackpot you are.
I am telling my black people. Look at September 11, 2000. America will be attacked again. America is Target number 1 for many global factions. This fact will not just go away.!

We as Black God fearing rightious people must separate ourselves from the White no -morals Sodomites,
Homosexual, child molester, transexual, beastialites, demons.!!!

Look at how we were treated during slavery. I tell you White people are nothing but the Scum of the Earth.!!
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I am telling my black people. Look at September 11, 2000. America will be attacked again. America is Target number 1 for many global factions. This fact will not just go away.!

We as Black God fearing rightious people must separate ourselves from the White no -morals Sodomites,
Homosexual, child molester, transexual, beastialites, demons.!!!

Look at how we were treated during slavery. I tell you White people are nothing but the Scum of the Earth.!!

Scum of the earth. That puts us several tiers above you then you whingeing self-righteous racist bastard.
I am telling my black people. Look at September 11, 2000. America will be attacked again. America is Target number 1 for many global factions. This fact will not just go away.!

We as Black God fearing rightious people must separate ourselves from the White no -morals Sodomites,
Homosexual, child molester, transexual, beastialites, demons.!!!

Look at how we were treated during slavery. I tell you White people are nothing but the Scum of the Earth.!!

Scum of the earth. That puts us several tiers above you then you whingeing self-righteous racist bastard.

Look at all the sick perverted things that you white people have done here on Earth.
Don't be upset at me, these attitudes are a result of White peoples actions.!!
This is a clone of one of the racists on this board.

We have a couple of real dishonest pieces of scum here.
I am telling my black people. Look at September 11, 2000. America will be attacked again. America is Target number 1 for many global factions. This fact will not just go away.!

We as Black God fearing rightious people must separate ourselves from the White no -morals Sodomites,
Homosexual, child molester, transexual, beastialites, demons.!!!

Look at how we were treated during slavery. I tell you White people are nothing but the Scum of the Earth.!!

Scum of the earth. That puts us several tiers above you then you whingeing self-righteous racist bastard.

Look at all the sick perverted things that you white people have done here on Earth.
Don't be upset at me, these attitudes are a result of White peoples actions.!!

Upset at you? What makes you think I care enough about you to be upset. I quite enjoy watching you make an utter dick of yourself.
I am telling my black people. Look at September 11, 2000. America will be attacked again. America is Target number 1 for many global factions. This fact will not just go away.!

We as Black God fearing rightious people must separate ourselves from the White no -morals Sodomites,
Homosexual, child molester, transexual, beastialites, demons.!!!

Look at how we were treated during slavery. I tell you White people are nothing but the Scum of the Earth.!!

We have our problems, yes... but I agree with the idea of racial separation. It would solve a LOT of problems.
This is a clone of one of the racists on this board.

We have a couple of real dishonest pieces of scum here.

You may not LIKE the idea of racial separation, but nobody advocating it is being dishonest. The dishonest ones are the ones saying "we can all get along together, kumbaya." Wrong. We have NEVER gotten along. It's been a bad marriage from the start -- first whites FORCED blacks to come here, then whites were FORCED to integrate with blacks. Ever notice that we NEVER just come together of our own free will? It always has to be forced somehow?

That is not natural.
This is a clone of one of the racists on this board.

We have a couple of real dishonest pieces of scum here.

You may not LIKE the idea of racial separation, but nobody advocating it is being dishonest. The dishonest ones are the ones saying "we can all get along together, kumbaya." Wrong. We have NEVER gotten along. It's been a bad marriage from the start -- first whites FORCED blacks to come here, then whites were FORCED to integrate with blacks. Ever notice that we NEVER just come together of our own free will? It always has to be forced somehow?

That is not natural.

Legalize marijuana. Weed will bring us all together. Trust me.

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