Black people and liberals misinterpret


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.
We don't live in a Nation. It's a frankencountry. No not Al ; but a country of replacements. Replacements for Whites.
You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection.
I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with preferring to be with people who are like you, as long as you're not mistreating, hating, or categorizing people outside of your group. As far as the protection and self preservation, that sounds like an us-against-them mentality. Somehow we are still taught to fear the "others," like they are out to get us, and I don't believe that's true. I believe there is much more danger in our greed for material wealth and our mismanagement of earth's resources.
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.
I just had a similar thought. Studies show hiring managers don't hire the most qualified they hire who they can see themselves working with. So Black hiring managers hire blacks over whites too. Just turns out there are more white hiring managers
You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.
But maybe it should. Maybe that's the whole point.

Years ago I remember an older lady telling me I should marry someone who is "just like me." I thought about that a lot and finally asked myself what I could learn by loving and living with someone just like me. As it turned out, I married someone quite different from me in many ways - he was black, I was white - he was Catholic, I was Protestant - he was city and I was country - he was 15 years older than me - he was raised in an orphanage and I was raised in a large family. However, in the things that mattered most, like our belief in God and our passion for truth, justice, compassion, and showing the world that love conquers all, we were very much the same. But I have learned mountains of stuff I would probably not have learned from someone who was just like me in the outward superficial things.
Everything with you people is about racism, always.
OK. Name a problem black people face that has no connection to racism ?
You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.
I don't understand what your talking about.
Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.
That's not the same as racism.

Racism is not built into human nature. If it were we would see it in the Bible. There is no reason for racism to be wired into our brains by evolution: coming across people of other races was rare till the last few thousand years. Not enough time to affect evolution. Europeans did not even think of themselves as “white” till about 1500: race as we know it is a side effect of ocean travel.

Even in America blacks were made into slaves at first because of religion: they were not Christians. Race as an excuse came later, not till the 1660s.

It was only when race became an excuse for keeping blacks as slaves and taking land from the American Indians, only when society was built on skin colour, that racism began to seem part of the “natural” order of things.

If racism is so natural in human nature. Why don’t we see animals behaving in a racist manner?

If you saw white cats running around fighting “other” non white cats ?

This would not make sense to you. Or would it in your view?

You haven’t really thought this through have you???

It may be natural for everyone to see and label “others” but is it natural to believe that you are better or superior to those “others” ???

You could just as well form the belief that you were inferior to “others”.

Why not?
Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

  • dark blue: 75% to 100% white
  • medium blue: 50% to 75% white
  • light blue: 25% to 50% white
  • grey: 0% to 25% white
There is a lot more than 1% of white people in this world.

And here is a another problem with your argument.

Point out a period of history when black people oppressed anyone just because they had a different skin colour ?

No need to be scared white man. We could NEVER do to whites. What whites have done to blacks. God just did not make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

But you are right. The roots of white racism is white genetic extinction. You put all the people into a pot and mix them up. Out would pop a black person.

So the thought that white people can change this behaviour is a high level expectation. They are playing a white survival game which means they have to control everything on the planet or face possible extinction.

So the white mindset works like this :
  1. Supremacy which is a drive is for superiority and domination based on feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.
  2. Whites source of inferiority is due to their genetic inability to produce melanin.
  3. European whiteness makes them the world minority, and they are paranoid, because of real likelihood that they could be genetically wiped out by dark skinned phenotype. There was reason why the white man used to cut off a black man penis...there was a reason for that.
  4. Thus hostility and aggression toward dark skinned people develops as a defense mechanism.
Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.
The difference is that when the dominant group does it, the group that has 90% of the GDP in its hands, half as likely to be unemployed, one third as likely to be poor, still running every major institution in this society, it becomes redundant, it becomes organizing on the basis of one’s own domination, one’s own hegemony, and it’s highly unbecoming for the very same reason that it’s always unbecoming for those who run the society to say, “We need to organize to protect our interests.” or say "Why must we accommodate"

The society is there already to there to accommodate whites.
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Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.
Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.

Everything with you people is about racism, always. You never acknowledge that there is such a thing as preference, protection and self preservation.

Everybody naturally wants to be amongst their in group for survival and protection. It's only natural. Nobody wants to be the loner who is exposed.

Black people: imagine you had really small numbers and you were surrounded by a sea of white people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't exactly be good for you, would it?

Hispanics: imagine you had really small numbers, and you were surrounded by white or black people, like 1% vs. 99%. That wouldn't be good, right?

So why do you deny that to white people? Why is it whites that must always accommodate? It doesn't make sense.

But you keep on saying, get over your preference, get over your preference, etc. Nobody will do that. No rich person is going to hang around poor people. No young person is going to hang around old people. No fit people are going to hang around fat people. Nobody who speaks english is going to hang around people speaking spanish or chinese. Etc. etc.

You have this utopian vision of everybody freely associating with each other and that's never the case.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.

You're so full of shit that you should be a human toilet.

No black ever freed another black person from slavery. Whites were the ones who had to fight a civil war and work to get legislation passed to end it. Same with civil rights. MLK and a few other activists started the movement but it took whites to grant them rights and privileges.

I'm a self-employed small business person so I don't have to follow the rules. I hired some black guys on one of my businesses a few years ago but they turned out to be the laziest and most unmotivated, worthless individuals I ever met. One of them broke into my car and stole tools.

Ever since then I make sure I only hire the best ones for the job who have clean records and have a willingness to work instead of laze around or steal for a living. That's why my staff consists of zero blacks.
This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.

You're so full of shit that you should be a human toilet.

No black ever freed another black person from slavery. Whites were the ones who had to fight a civil war and work to get legislation passed to end it. Same with civil rights. MLK and a few other activists started the movement but it took whites to grant them rights and privileges.

I'm a self-employed small business person so I don't have to follow the rules. I hired some black guys on one of my businesses a few years ago but they turned out to be the laziest and most unmotivated, worthless individuals I ever met. One of them broke into my car and stole tools.

Ever since then I make sure I only hire the best ones for the job who have clean records and have a willingness to work instead of laze around or steal for a living. That's why my staff consists of zero blacks.

Really? No blacks ever freed any other blacks from slavery?

Ever hear of Harriet Tubman?
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This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.

This is dumb. Whites have forced all of us to accommodate, not the reverse. Whites made laws denying others from things while giving themselves rights to have them. You don't get to deny opportunities under the laws of this nation. This OP is just another example of the psychosis that exists in a segment of the white community.

Whites are the ones who gave blacks and other minorities their liberty.

If it wasn't for Lincoln and many white liberals, the blacks would have remained slaves, still be segregated, or even shipped back to Africa.

What specific laws in existence deny your people from having equal opportunity? There are none. You're just feeling sorry for yourself and your race like usual.

Whites enslaved blacks, enslaved. Slaves built the White House, Smithsonian, in fact most important buildings in DC, plus the railroads, and much much more in the nation. Nobody "gives" freedom, it is an inherent right.

Who do you think freed the slaves, smarty? Here's a remedial history lesson for you, it wasn't the black people.

On the same note who do you think drafted civil rights legislation in the 1960s, passed it and signed it into law? It was mostly white liberals.

Blacks freed blacks. And blacks made it so that whites had to pass civil rights.

Laws written on books don't mean a damn thing if they are not followed and people who call themselves proud white american generally don't follow those laws therefore shut the hell up.

You're so full of shit that you should be a human toilet.

No black ever freed another black person from slavery. Whites were the ones who had to fight a civil war and work to get legislation passed to end it. Same with civil rights. MLK and a few other activists started the movement but it took whites to grant them rights and privileges.

I'm a self-employed small business person so I don't have to follow the rules. I hired some black guys on one of my businesses a few years ago but they turned out to be the laziest and most unmotivated, worthless individuals I ever met. One of them broke into my car and stole tools.

Ever since then I make sure I only hire the best ones for the job who have clean records and have a willingness to work instead of laze around or steal for a living. That's why my staff consists of zero blacks.

You do have to follow the law if you get government money. And of course we get the lie of how you employed some blacks and they all were lazy but you've never hired a lazy white or no white had ever stile from you. Shut the fuck up. I've heard this lie 1,000 times or more. Whites did not fight civil war for slavery, whites did not fight slavery personally and blacks did force the federal government to end segregation in schools and public accommodations as well as getting civil rights. Whites get no credit for being forced to correct wrongs they created.

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