Black Monday


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
To paraphrase a statement by Franklin Roosevelt, Monday March 22, 2010 will be a day that will live in infamy, the day the Democratic controlled congress sold out the American people, voting in a health care bill that a majority of the American people have said over and over they didn't want.

We no longer have a representative government; we essentially have a dictatorship that is willing to force their will on us regardless of what we want. This is the most despicable act ever perpetrated on the American public by the most dishonorable congress we've ever had.

They don't even know what's in the bill they just passed, and when those chickens start coming home to roost, I only hope the public remembers who made it law.
I know that I will.

I have always had unfailing faith in the American ability to persevere; to bounce back and overcome almost anything, but people, this health care bill will change America into something that will resemble a police state.

Now I know that's a drastic statement, but just wait, before this is over, there will be a single-payer health care system run by the government, Americans will be forced to buy health insurance, businesses will be forced to participate in government programs they can't afford and you will see more and more industry moved out of the country which means more permanent loss of jobs.

All these measures will be strictly enforced by agencies of the federal government. The I.R.S. is already going to monitor our lives to make sure we have government-approved insurance with the passage of this bill, and that will just be the beginning. 16,000 new I.R.S. agents will be hired to oversee this.

Obama claims this program will actually cut the budget but anybody with a brain in their heads knows that it will not only not cut the budget but will cost trillions of dollars that we just don't have, adding catastrophic amounts to the national debt.

When has a government program not cost way more than they told us it would?

In other words we will have debt we cannot possibly pay taxes will go through the door, resulting in more jobs lost and more investment capital being moved out of the country.

There will be billions of dollars cut from the Medicare program and many doctors and hospitals will simply stop taking Medicare patients, while at the same time the program will dump some 30 million or so new patients on a system that can't handle the load now which will certainly lead to rationing of health care which is something else Obama said won't happen.

You will see health care paying for the abortion of innocent babies. I know, I know, Obama signed an executive order saying this won't happen under this bill, but you just wait and see.

I believe that a huge amount of doctors will simply stop practicing and that many young people who had planned to go into medicine will simply opt for another profession.

And think about this people, if the Democrats can pass health care, what else are they willing to push down our throats?

The sorry answer is, as long as they are a majority, anything they want to; amnesty for illegal aliens is just around the corner.

America is on it's way to becoming the largest banana republic on earth.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels
It is not a good thing, but it is not the end of the world.

A republic takes a good bit of killing before it goes away
And I see it as only a good start. Our present health care system is broke. Twice as expensive as most democratic industrial nations, with third world results.

Time to change.
And I see it as only a good start. Our present health care system is broke. Twice as expensive as most democratic industrial nations, with third world results.

Time to change.

We are.
We are working on becoming a second world nation as fast as we can.
Been working on it for around 30 years and I figure we have maybe 20 at most to complete the task.
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My 2¢ is that carrying out two unfunded wars, a $400 billion unfunded expansion of entitlement programs, tax cuts made possible by signing the names of future generations to government I.O.U.'s - well - one didn't have to be Nostradamus six years ago to see the end coming to the American Century.
To paraphrase a statement by Franklin Roosevelt, Monday March 22, 2010 will be a day that will live in infamy, the day the Democratic controlled congress sold out the American people, voting in a health care bill that a majority of the American people have said over and over they didn't want.

We no longer have a representative government; we essentially have a dictatorship that is willing to force their will on us regardless of what we want. This is the most despicable act ever perpetrated on the American public by the most dishonorable congress we've ever had.

They don't even know what's in the bill they just passed, and when those chickens start coming home to roost, I only hope the public remembers who made it law.
I know that I will.

I have always had unfailing faith in the American ability to persevere; to bounce back and overcome almost anything, but people, this health care bill will change America into something that will resemble a police state.

Now I know that's a drastic statement, but just wait, before this is over, there will be a single-payer health care system run by the government, Americans will be forced to buy health insurance, businesses will be forced to participate in government programs they can't afford and you will see more and more industry moved out of the country which means more permanent loss of jobs.

All these measures will be strictly enforced by agencies of the federal government. The I.R.S. is already going to monitor our lives to make sure we have government-approved insurance with the passage of this bill, and that will just be the beginning. 16,000 new I.R.S. agents will be hired to oversee this.

Obama claims this program will actually cut the budget but anybody with a brain in their heads knows that it will not only not cut the budget but will cost trillions of dollars that we just don't have, adding catastrophic amounts to the national debt.

When has a government program not cost way more than they told us it would?

In other words we will have debt we cannot possibly pay taxes will go through the door, resulting in more jobs lost and more investment capital being moved out of the country.

There will be billions of dollars cut from the Medicare program and many doctors and hospitals will simply stop taking Medicare patients, while at the same time the program will dump some 30 million or so new patients on a system that can't handle the load now which will certainly lead to rationing of health care which is something else Obama said won't happen.

You will see health care paying for the abortion of innocent babies. I know, I know, Obama signed an executive order saying this won't happen under this bill, but you just wait and see.

I believe that a huge amount of doctors will simply stop practicing and that many young people who had planned to go into medicine will simply opt for another profession.

And think about this people, if the Democrats can pass health care, what else are they willing to push down our throats?

The sorry answer is, as long as they are a majority, anything they want to; amnesty for illegal aliens is just around the corner.

America is on it's way to becoming the largest banana republic on earth.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

I'm sure all those who died on Dec 7th, 1941 appreciate the exactitude of your comparison.
Well he plays a mean fiddle, there was a time when that meant something.
And I see it as only a good start. Our present health care system is broke. Twice as expensive as most democratic industrial nations, with third world results.

Time to change.

Who said it was broke and who told a minority of Marxists to fix it? The arrogance of this government is outrageous! If I wanted to live in France I would fucking move to France but instead I want to live in a free country the last free country in the world called the USA. If you want us to be more like Canada then move there. the MAJORITY of this country doesn't want to live like that. The citizens of the USA didn't know they were voting for the radical Marx lover but they they should have. He didn't hide it.
And I see it as only a good start. Our present health care system is broke. Twice as expensive as most democratic industrial nations, with third world results.

Time to change.

Who said it was broke and who told a minority of Marxists to fix it? The arrogance of this government is outrageous! If I wanted to live in France I would fucking move to France but instead I want to live in a free country the last free country in the world called the USA. If you want us to be more like Canada then move there. the MAJORITY of this country doesn't want to live like that. The citizens of the USA didn't know they were voting for the radical Marx lover but they they should have. He didn't hide it.

You need to make up your mind, you know.
And I see it as only a good start. Our present health care system is broke. Twice as expensive as most democratic industrial nations, with third world results.

Time to change.

Who said it was broke and who told a minority of Marxists to fix it? The arrogance of this government is outrageous! If I wanted to live in France I would fucking move to France but instead I want to live in a free country the last free country in the world called the USA. If you want us to be more like Canada then move there. the MAJORITY of this country doesn't want to live like that. The citizens of the USA didn't know they were voting for the radical Marx lover but they they should have. He didn't hide it.

You need to make up your mind, you know.
having trouble following logic and common sense?

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