Black lawmakers sue to dissolve cities that are too 'white'...

Out here in Northern California that mentally deranged nutcase Diane Feinstein push forward a program back in the 1990's called Busing. They forced children in the valley to be bused out to the ghetto and to go to school in Oakland, Richmond and San FransickO, while the unfortunate minority children were bused into the schools out here. People started to bring lawsuits against her and the State once their children were robbed, raped and beatin by their unfortunate minority classmates. Mentally ill liberalism at it's finest. I don't believe that they do this anymore, but nothing would suprise me with the Madman Obama in charge. ~BH

The Libs love to make the rules regarding everyone else's lives.There is no way they would ever allow the noble rules they make for every one else touch them or their families.....:eusa_hand:

Can't argue with that my friend. ~BH

Liberals do not believe laws apply to them, those laws are for the masses not the masters.

Why not the USA formed under slavery and the whole system is racist.
Here is something you can support and argue without the usual xhitian basing Islam loving and strawman stuffing This .could be interesting expect a slow start you are a little inexperienced in arguing any other way.
Suit says 'super-majority white neighborhoods' were created. :eusa_boohoo:

Why is it ok for the mexicans and blacks to have their own little "gang banging" neighborhoods? Nobody complains about that shit!

The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus filed a lawsuit Monday against the state of Georgia seeking to dissolve the city charters of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton and Chattahoochee Hills. Further, the lawmakers, joined by civil rights leader the Rev. Joseph Lowery, aim to dash any hopes of a Milton County.
Lawsuit seeks dissolution of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton, Chattahoochee Hills *|


"Rep. Lynne Riley, R-Johns Creek, called the lawsuit “frivolous” and “disrespectful to the citizens of these cities who are most satisfied with their government.”

Riley was active in creating Sandy Springs and the subsequent cities while serving as a Fulton County commissioner.

“These jurisdictions were based on geography and nothing else,” she said. “We haven’t seen any evidence of any disadvantage based on the creation of new cities. We’ve watched the Fulton County budget continue to grow … to say there was damage done by this creation, there are no facts to support that, and I would reject it.”

I wonder if "Bugs" DeLay & Rick Perry know someone's using their script, without their permission????


Too late bros. With a solid left wing majority in congress and a neo-socialist in the white house the Black revolution might have had a chance in Obama's 2nd term but now you are just another bunch of union radicals.
You've gotta do a better job of displaying your "brand".


Out here in Northern California that mentally deranged nutcase Diane Feinstein push forward a program back in the 1990's called Busing. They forced children in the valley to be bused out to the ghetto and to go to school in Oakland, Richmond and San FransickO, while the unfortunate minority children were bused into the schools out here. People started to bring lawsuits against her and the State once their children were robbed, raped and beatin by their unfortunate minority classmates. Mentally ill liberalism at it's finest. I don't believe that they do this anymore, but nothing would suprise me with the Madman Obama in charge. ~BH
Ya' know.....if you boys would grow some hair, maybe Idaho wouldn't seem so cold....and, you could have stayed there.

Suit says 'super-majority white neighborhoods' were created. :eusa_boohoo:

Why is it ok for the mexicans and blacks to have their own little "gang banging" neighborhoods? Nobody complains about that shit!

The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus filed a lawsuit Monday against the state of Georgia seeking to dissolve the city charters of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton and Chattahoochee Hills. Further, the lawmakers, joined by civil rights leader the Rev. Joseph Lowery, aim to dash any hopes of a Milton County.
Lawsuit seeks dissolution of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton, Chattahoochee Hills *|

A little late for blacks to rebel, but not for Americans of all races.

Mexicans are outbreeding all other races in the US and will soon outnumber every real American.
Yeah.....we really need more real Americans.


Suit says 'super-majority white neighborhoods' were created. :eusa_boohoo:

Why is it ok for the mexicans and blacks to have their own little "gang banging" neighborhoods? Nobody complains about that shit!

The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus filed a lawsuit Monday against the state of Georgia seeking to dissolve the city charters of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton and Chattahoochee Hills. Further, the lawmakers, joined by civil rights leader the Rev. Joseph Lowery, aim to dash any hopes of a Milton County.
Lawsuit seeks dissolution of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton, Chattahoochee Hills *|

A little late for blacks to rebel, but not for Americans of all races.

Mexicans are outbreeding all other races in the US and will soon outnumber every real American.
Yeah.....we really need more real Americans.



. It is my hope that you are forced to live in a crime infested area after some government bureaucrat decides your neighborhood is just the right place to build several thousand units of subsidized housing for the poor.
Let's see how you react.
^There is no nobility in stupidity.
Bet your home on this: During Obama's 2nd term, somewhere, someway, there will be a gov't push to make a law that places black or hispanic families into emtpy, foreclosed homes inside "white" neighborhoods, for drastically reduced mortgages, in the name of "diversity".

Can you not see the MSNBC headline? "Government not only fills empty homes with families to pay bills, but provides a family with a good home, in a good neighborhood, and promotes diversity!!!!"

It's coming to that. We have a left wing, radical in office. We tried to warn you all about his "Black Liberation Theology" church of 20 years. No one wanted to believe it.

So when can we dissolve Compton and Jonesboro, GA for being too black?
Bet your home on this: During Obama's 2nd term, somewhere, someway, there will be a gov't push to make a law that places black or hispanic families into emtpy, foreclosed homes inside "white" neighborhoods, for drastically reduced mortgages, in the name of "diversity".

Can you not see the MSNBC headline? "Government not only fills empty homes with families to pay bills, but provides a family with a good home, in a good neighborhood, and promotes diversity!!!!"

It's coming to that. We have a left wing, radical in office. We tried to warn you all about his "Black Liberation Theology" church of 20 years. No one wanted to believe it.

So when can we dissolve Compton and Jonesboro, GA for being too black?

That has been going on for years in Chicago to house the people displaced when the high rises like Cabrini Green were destroyed. It's called Section 8 housing and has threatened many a decent neighborhood because greedy politicians want the cash it will provide.
Bet your home on this: During Obama's 2nd term, somewhere, someway, there will be a gov't push to make a law that places black or hispanic families into emtpy, foreclosed homes inside "white" neighborhoods, for drastically reduced mortgages, in the name of "diversity".

Can you not see the MSNBC headline? "Government not only fills empty homes with families to pay bills, but provides a family with a good home, in a good neighborhood, and promotes diversity!!!!"

It's coming to that. We have a left wing, radical in office. We tried to warn you all about his "Black Liberation Theology" church of 20 years. No one wanted to believe it.

So when can we dissolve Compton and Jonesboro, GA for being too black?

That has been going on for years in Chicago to house the people displaced when the high rises like Cabrini Green were destroyed. It's called Section 8 housing and has threatened many a decent neighborhood because greedy politicians want the cash it will provide.

The city of Charlotte, NC city council is trying to place low income housing in affluent neighborhoods. The goal is to "spread out" low income families so get this, crime will not be concentrated in certain areas.
The plan also has other agendas. One of those is school "diversity". Early last decade a federal court ruled segregation was no longer evident in Charlotte public schools. The ruling ended court ordered busing of students.
Ever since the ruling Charlotte city leaders and the scool board have been attempting to skirt the spirit of the ruling. They have now landed on the idea of simply moving low income people out into the suburbs. Of course those who earned their way into these lower crime areas are fighting back.
Here we have another opportunity to see radical liberals ignore the law of unintended consequences. One of the issues is most low income people rely on public transportation to get to work and to shop. The areas where the city geniuses are planning on dropping the projects have NO public transportation. Brilliant!
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Why are so many people acting like this lawsuit actually stands a chance in Hell?
Suit says 'super-majority white neighborhoods' were created. :eusa_boohoo:

Why is it ok for the mexicans and blacks to have their own little "gang banging" neighborhoods? Nobody complains about that shit!

It's not about race. They just want their money.

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