Black free speech advocate reads his hate mail...from leftists.

What did he expect after he wandered off the plantation

And it is increasingly apparently that white democrats truly believe that black people should be physically restrained/attacked/censored if they don't vote a dem ticket..and mouth pro-left platitudes.
His hate mail sounds like it comes from bode. I wonder if she sent him any sex toys? That's what she did to the guys who stood against oppression in Harney County. She thought it was pretty funny, too.
This is why the left is anti free speech. Because free speech means that people like Jon Miller can put their vile, racist garbage up for everybody to see, and it hurts their cause..which is the overthrow of our form of government and the elimination of our constitution.

That's why they wear masks too..they don't want people to know who they are, they know that they're the fascists.
His hate mail sounds like it comes from bode.

Is it the same thing over and over again and is Trumpenzies used?
No but someone did ask him if he got his brown face from sticking his head up his own ass.

That is so bode.

Yeah nothing racist about that comment at all.

Just kick Pete in the chops and move on it's too stupid to realize it's getting smacked around but others enjoy reading the beat down
I literally can't get past the dyke with the bullhorn in Philly screaming "white supremacist" in Candace Owens' face while some guy with a whistle blasted her from the other side.

Because she dared to enter a restaurant where their friends were.

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