Zone1 black do not want to pay child support

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
This is an unclean thread.
They shouldn't have to. Black women fart out babies from men they barely know. This provides employment to legions of welfare workers who wouldn't even have a job if black men stayed as husband's and fathers.
"Eliminating child support debt for black fathers". Well that ought to set up the next generation of black kids real nice. Im sure that with no father and now even LESS money, they will get good grades and become responsible adults. :laugh:
What’s baiting about it? It’s a legitimate news story demonstrating how a leftist state wants to excuse adult responsibility - IF the adult is black. And worse, it comes at the expense of their own children!
It's not clear to me how the child support exemption would work----does the state
pay it for the recalcitrant dad?
It's not clear to me how the child support exemption would work----does the state
pay it for the recalcitrant dad?
Maybe that’s it - which means responsible whites, who contribute most of the tax revenue, will not only continue to provide food stamps, Medicaid, TANF, and subsidized housing for the illegitimate children of black mothers, we now will effectively have to make child support payments as well. For black fathers, only.

I swear….how long can these liberals keep coming up with anti-white racist laws?!
Maybe that’s it - which means responsible whites, who contribute most of the tax revenue, will not only continue to provide food stamps, Medicaid, TANF, and subsidized housing for the illegitimate children of black mothers, we now will effectively have to make child support payments as well. For black fathers, only.

I swear….how long can these liberals keep coming up with anti-white racist laws?!
I felt like SCREAMING during the idiot speech that Biden delivered on his HOLY
NOBLE endeavor to cancel student loan liability
I felt like SCREAMING during the idiot speech that Biden delivered on his HOLY
NOBLE endeavor to cancel student loan liability
He had two idiot speeches in a row - day 1 on forbidding Harvard to give special advantages based on race, and day 2 on forbidding forcing car mechanics to pay off the loan of lawyers.

Both speeches were nauseating, and the opposite of American values.

On an aside, did you hear the racist Michelle Obama’s response when she learned blacks with worse academics wouldn’t be jumped ahead of whites and Asians? She lamented that “young people have lost an opportunity.” Well, what about the whites and Asians who now HAVE the opportunity they deserve by not being discriminated against?
THREAD LOCKED - Bait thread with the title
IF the thread title matched the linked title of the article, it would have been ok. As far as the OPs content, it needs to be worded better.
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