Black Americans Have Never Had it As Good as They Have it Today

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
As Muhammad Ali said during his trip to the African continent: Thank God my ancestors were sold into slavery, thus getting me out of THIS shithole! (paraphrased). I find the level of ungratefulness exhibited by black Americans over how much we have done for them to be shocking. We fought a hugely divisive and bloody civil war for them. We (the GOP, not the Democrats) fought for them to have equal rights with all Americans. We gave them all sorts of public support and hiring/admissions preferences and set-asides to "level the playing field". We even elected a half-black guy as President of the United States. Now the silly bastards in California are talking about "reparations".

I am not saying that America is perfect on race relations. Racial prejudice still exists. It will always exist to some degree, everywhere in the world. Blacks are even racial prejudiced against each other based upon "degree of blackness" (LOL!), against Asians, and against Mexicans. But nowhere else in the world do you have the legal and social apparatus to push back on racial prejudice like exists in the USA. There is absolutely nothing keeping any man or woman from going to college and making something out of their lives. And if you choose to be a fucking bum and lay on your ass all day playing video games and smoking pot, well then, the government will apparently pay for you to do that too. America is a lazy person's paradise today, for lazy shit-bags of all ethnicity.

It is objectively clear that black Americans have got it pretty damned good today. Even if they get fucked due to racism, then there are mechanisms to swiftly deal with it. What more could they want? The problem is the race hustlers and leftists that are keeping the lie alive that white people want to put blacks back in chains. The hustlers do it to make money. The leftists do it to sew seeds of social discontent. Not all blacks buy into it. Some blacks buy into this victimology, along with a LOT of young white chicks and the beta cucks who desperately want to get their dicks wet. Remember the BLM protests in the summer of 2020? Some of those demonstrations were whiter than a fucking Klan rally. A few are hippy senior citizens and communists. But it is important to note that, based upon my experience, the run of the mill, middle class black guy does not buy into it. He just wants to be left alone to live his life and earn a living. He knows that BLM is a scam and that Democrats are using blacks (while Dems do not give a fuck about them).

So I really do not blame blacks for the false racism narratives being pimped today in America. The advocates are only a small group of discontents. They succeed in stirring shit to a certain degree, enough to cause people to get pissed and commit mass shootings of white people, or to mow them down while they are parading. I love black Americans and I wish them all the success and prosperity in their lives possible. But this continued victimology and re-writing of American history...that is not OK. It is not ok because the cause of these lies is the Marxists who are trying to destroy our republic.

As Muhammad Ali said during his trip to the African continent: Thank God my ancestors were sold into slavery, thus getting me out of THIS shithole! (paraphrased). I find the level of ungratefulness exhibited by black Americans over how much we have done for them to be shocking. We fought a hugely divisive and bloody civil war for them. We (the GOP, not the Democrats) fought for them to have equal rights with all Americans. We gave them all sorts of public support and hiring/admissions preferences and set-asides to "level the playing field". We even elected a half-black guy as President of the United States. Now the silly bastards in California are talking about "reparations".

I am not saying that America is perfect on race relations. Racial prejudice still exists. It will always exist to some degree, everywhere in the world. Blacks are even racial prejudiced against each other based upon "degree of blackness" (LOL!), against Asians, and against Mexicans. But nowhere else in the world do you have the legal and social apparatus to push back on racial prejudice like exists in the USA. There is absolutely nothing keeping any man or woman from going to college and making something out of their lives. And if you choose to be a fucking bum and lay on your ass all day playing video games and smoking pot, well then, the government will apparently pay for you to do that too. America is a lazy person's paradise today, for lazy shit-bags of all ethnicity.

It is objectively clear that black Americans have got it pretty damned good today. Even if they get fucked due to racism, then there are mechanisms to swiftly deal with it. What more could they want? The problem is the race hustlers and leftists that are keeping the lie alive that white people want to put blacks back in chains. The hustlers do it to make money. The leftists do it to sew seeds of social discontent. Not all blacks buy into it. Some blacks buy into this victimology, along with a LOT of young white chicks and the beta cucks who desperately want to get their dicks wet. Remember the BLM protests in the summer of 2020? Some of those demonstrations were whiter than a fucking Klan rally. A few are hippy senior citizens and communists. But it is important to note that, based upon my experience, the run of the mill, middle class black guy does not buy into it. He just wants to be left alone to live his life and earn a living. He knows that BLM is a scam and that Democrats are using blacks (while Dems do not give a fuck about them).

So I really do not blame blacks for the false racism narratives being pimped today in America. The advocates are only a small group of discontents. They succeed in stirring shit to a certain degree, enough to cause people to get pissed and commit mass shootings of white people, or to mow them down while they are parading. I love black Americans and I wish them all the success and prosperity in their lives possible. But this continued victimology and re-writing of American history...that is not OK. It is not ok because the cause of these lies is the Marxists who are trying to destroy our republic.

It was a Democratic President that signed the Civil Rights Act into law!
You're correct. If their ancestors weren't slaves that would probably have dirtyballs and be going hungry right now.

Now a days almost all racism in America is directly attributed to blacks, the rest is the fault of progressive white people. They want everything to be about race, they force it to be an issue even when it isn't, they draw false parallels and create fake outrage. If it weren't for progressive whites and most blacks it wouldn't be an issue.

They have it good in America. They can lounge around and bitch and complain with a roof over their head and food in their stomach and a smartphone in hand and a tv to watch. Broke ass ghetto blackies have amazing lives compared to blacks in a lot of other countries, but they choose to squander it.

But that's most black Americans for you, ungrateful. You'd think they would be happy to live in America but they have no ambition except to sit around and blame their life problems on others.

If blacks hate America so much they should go somewhere else.
Pretty sure most all Americans never had it so good as today either. Looking at the cesspool of Europe in the 16th century, I'm damn glad my ancestors left that shithole. Life was cruel and we killed many natives in the name of our God and we had slaves. Now, fast forward to today all that's left are the remnants of those things.
You're correct. If their ancestors weren't slaves that would probably have dirtyballs and be going hungry right now.

Now a days almost all racism in America is directly attributed to blacks, the rest is the fault of progressive white people. They want everything to be about race, they force it to be an issue even when it isn't, they draw false parallels and create fake outrage. If it weren't for progressive whites and most blacks it wouldn't be an issue.

They have it good in America. They can lounge around and bitch and complain with a roof over their head and food in their stomach and a smartphone in hand and a tv to watch. Broke ass ghetto blackies have amazing lives compared to blacks in a lot of other countries, but they choose to squander it.

But that's most black Americans for you, ungrateful. You'd think they would be happy to live in America but they have no ambition except to sit around and blame their life problems on others.

If blacks hate America so much they should go somewhere else.

They should go home.
And Republicans who backed him into a corner where he was forced to.
And it was the Southern former Confederate constituency who voted against giving black americans equal rights just 59 years ago. Southern whites have always been incredibly racist and have never given that racism up. Who do southern whites vote in overwhelming majority for today?
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