Billions of tests needed yet few are saying it.

We are better off with fewer tests. Certain segments of the population freak out as the evening news releases data showing an increase in the number of diagnosed Coronavirus patients.
we are trying to save lives not prevent people from freaking out.

Calm down, pumpkin ... the world isn't coming to an end. You still have to do your homework.

Nope. I'm sure the best and brightest are working on it 24/7, but it's an insurmountable task.

Humanity done got blindsided, thanks to some Obama-era virologists studying coronavirus and SARS-infected bats in China. Those bats either escaped from that biological lab in some caves in China, or they were stupidly sold off to the wet market.

The question now is was China working on a biological warfare weapon or was it just plain incompetence that allowed this to infect the entire world?

You know, you guys gotta stop with the whole bio WMD theory. That is fear mongering and isn't helpful to anyone.

No, the virus is natural in origin.

No matter where you go online these days, there’s bound to be discussion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Some folks are even making outrageous claims that the new coronavirus causing the pandemic was engineered in a lab and deliberately released to make people sick. A new study debunks such claims by providing scientific evidence that this novel coronavirus arose naturally.
Can we test everyone for Syphilis too? It's killed a hell of a lot more people than COVID.
USA Syphilis deaths= 2
USA Corona deaths = 26,000 in first month

See why America should not be a democracy? It encourages fools to think they have something to say.

If you're only concerned with deaths in America ... why do you need Billions of tests?

Are you anticipating a lot of retakes for those who don't study?
Nope. I'm sure the best and brightest are working on it 24/7, but it's an insurmountable task.

Humanity done got blindsided, thanks to some Obama-era virologists studying coronavirus and SARS-infected bats in China. Those bats either escaped from that biological lab in some caves in China, or they were stupidly sold off to the wet market.

The question now is was China working on a biological warfare weapon or was it just plain incompetence that allowed this to infect the entire world?

You know, you guys gotta stop with the whole bio WMD theory. That is fear mongering and isn't helpful to anyone.

No, the virus is natural in origin.

No matter where you go online these days, there’s bound to be discussion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Some folks are even making outrageous claims that the new coronavirus causing the pandemic was engineered in a lab and deliberately released to make people sick. A new study debunks such claims by providing scientific evidence that this novel coronavirus arose naturally.

Trust in your Chinese friends but don't expect me to. They are claiming it's one of our biological weapons.
Does anyone at all think that maybe we have to much media, internet, television channels and other ways that corrode our senses day in and day out? And we like it!
We don't need COVID tests, we need intelligence tests.


We'll have to take the COVID-19 tests.
No we won't... Are you going to force 330 million people in the US to get tested before they go back to work or go to a ball game or out to eat.... Do they have to get tested before they go to the beach or a park? If you answer yes you are part of the problem.
Can we test everyone for Syphilis too? It's killed a hell of a lot more people than COVID.
USA Syphilis deaths= 2
USA Corona deaths = 26,000 in first month

See why America should not be a democracy? It encourages fools to think they have something to say.

If you're only concerned with deaths in America ... why do you need Billions of tests?

Are you anticipating a lot of retakes for those who don't study?

I know you were trying to be funny with the retake comment, but there are several cases where people who caught it and recovered, have caught it again. Doctors are NOT sure about immunity or how long it can last. They think that yearly shots may be required for the public.

You know, while you can't force someone to take a test if they don't want to, I'm guessing that the vast majority of this country would like to be tested to see where they are at. Some may already have antibodies and had been asymptomatic when they caught it. If we can test people, we can get them back to work SAFELY.

Until we can get a test or a vaccine, lots of the current distancing things need to stay in place. Hey, I get it, it sucks to have to stay home, but we gotta do what we gotta do. There are several stores that I need things from right now that I cannot get because they are closed.
No we won't... Are you going to force 330 million people in the US to get tested before they go back to work or go to a ball game or out to eat.... Do they have to get tested before they go to the beach or a park? If you answer yes you are part of the problem.

Afraid yes is the answer. 50 people went to a party in Westport, CT and 50 went away with Corona. That's how contagious it is. We need to test and isolate until a vaccine or something is developed.
the near minuscule mortality rate of it,

??? 26,000 dead in just one month so far and that is with extreme social distancing. Back to normal might mean millions dead-right??????
Not if we do it right....when the virus runs out of enough healthy hosts it dies....summer will also help to kill this thing....hopefully if it returns in the fall we will already have a vaccine...there are 70 different vaccines being tested now....I think we handled this very well...I'm proud of my nation today....we all or mostly all of us did the right thing....we stayed away from each other....and its working...

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