Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

State senator: 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

Posted: August 07, 2009
12:30 am Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's lawmakers would force the public disclosure of all President Obama's birth documents held by the Hawaii Department of Health, including President Obama’s long-form original birth certificate.

Espero told WND his bill is aimed at "giving citizens access to birth records" under a standard of government transparency which would permit journalists to request in writing the public disclosure of vital birth records including long-form birth certificates of all persons born in Hawaii. He said it would include the release of birth records on those previously born in Hawaii.

"My decision to file the legislation was primarily a result of the fuss over President Obama's birth records and the lingering questions," Espero said.

Espero told WND that he believes President Obama was born in Hawaii.

"My motivation is strictly to promote transparency," he said. "When I found out that Hawaii birth records were not available to the public my first thought was, 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'

"As far as I am concerned, records regarding whether a person was born here or not should be in the public domain," he said.

Asked specifically about Obama's birth records, including the original long-form birth certificate, Espero said, "Whatever birth records regarding President Obama that the Hawaii Department has on file should be made public."

Story continues here...

A state senator passing a bill to trump federal law (HIPAA)?

Good luck with that.

BTW, if Jerome Corsi says it, it's most likely distorted.
Scared aren't ya? Scared that just maybe your little lop eared messiah DOESN'T meet the requirements as a "natural born citizen."

Too bad. The heat is on and we're going to get to the bottom of this. No matter how vehemently YOU object, or try to deflect, practically half the nation wants to see this supposed, purported, real birth certificate.

What baffles the shit out of me is, WHY YOU DON'T. Well... that's not true. I know that you and all the other obamabots in the obama ass licking club are just a little more than apprehensive at this point that your messiah might, just might, get his ass thrown out of office via Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison.

A lot seems to "baffle the shit" out of you.

You have really lost it. You can forget running for office. You are certifiably mentaly incompitant.

What baffles me is what your end game is. You do realize that this is a monumental waste of time..right?
I'm sure some do...but that group is getting smaller and smaller and moving to the fringe too.

That is a lie, and you know it. Every time a vote is put to the public over pervert, homo agendas, you lose, every time. Homosexuality is disgusting to the vast majority, and it will always be that way. It's normal, and you can't change it.

So, I guess, just like the reality of Obama being a natural born American citizen, you want to ignore the reality that more and more states (how many now?) recognize gay marriage. What was that # 10 years ago? 20 years ago? 30 years ago?

Sorry, but our reality is bulldozing right over your fantasies. Maybe that's the source of your anger....reality.

But on the flip side of that, the number of people wanting obama to release his birth certificate is growing by leaps and bounds. Those of you who want to dismiss it and spit your insults at the growing number of those who don't, soon will be the MINORITY.

The ONLY reason you perverts are allowed to marry is because of liberal activist judges that legislate from the bench. What I said was 100% correct. WHEN EVER YOUR HOMO AGENDAS ARE PUT TO A REFERENDUM V0TE, YOU LOSE, and you know it. You even lost in your own state of fruits and nuts, kullyfornia. So your lies won't hold water here.
A state senator passing a bill to trump federal law (HIPAA)?

Good luck with that.

BTW, if Jerome Corsi says it, it's most likely distorted.
Scared aren't ya? Scared that just maybe your little lop eared messiah DOESN'T meet the requirements as a "natural born citizen."

Too bad. The heat is on and we're going to get to the bottom of this. No matter how vehemently YOU object, or try to deflect, practically half the nation wants to see this supposed, purported, real birth certificate.

What baffles the shit out of me is, WHY YOU DON'T. Well... that's not true. I know that you and all the other obamabots in the obama ass licking club are just a little more than apprehensive at this point that your messiah might, just might, get his ass thrown out of office via Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison.

A lot seems to "baffle the shit" out of you.

You have really lost it. You can forget running for office. You are certifiably mentaly incompitant.

What baffles me is what your end game is. You do realize that this is a monumental waste of time..right?

I realize you're the president of the obamabot, bat shit crazy, ass licking club.

I take absolutely nothing you say seriously, because 99.999999% of it is worthless crap and diatribe.
Look - if you want to act like a fool and refuse to accept any of the documentation, testimony, rulings, etc ... that have put this issue to rest, that is certainly your right. But don't get your panties all in a bunch when everyone else says you are acting like a fool.

If the shoe fits ..........
Again...those who choose to ridicule, what concerns you about asking Obama to release his long form birth certificate?

Truthfully, nothing about this silliness concerns me. But I am having a bit of fun.

So if it doesn't concern you, why ridicule people who are only asking that Obama release his records?

He it the President of transparency, is he not?

All I am asking is he live up to his promise.
Now - giving this issue all the serious attention it deserves .... how come he hasn't produced the coconut foot imprint??????????
Do I insult people? You fuckin' A I do.

So I WAS right on target, huh?
Did I ever deny it? No. Are you such a fucking moron as to NOT have noticed here yet that just about EVERYONE GETS insulted or INSULTS OTHERS? Look the fuck around ya DUMB ASS. Holy flying FUCK!

Now grow a sack with a pair in it and quit your fucking WHINING!

And your complaint with what you acknowledge to be an accurate assessment is ..................
Are you a HYPOCRITE? You most assuredly are.
Pale Rider is right on this issue

He needs to work with the republican strategists to make sure that this issue is front and center when they run against Obama again.
Better yet, they need to nominate a birther as their next presidential could they lose?
Anyone who is still pushing the agenda that he is not a citizen of this country actually does more harm to his chosen political party that good.
Honestly those who continue to push this agenda are viewed (even by most in their own party) as .....
They are placed in the same category as foil heads, 9/11, JFK assassination and Apollo landings conspiracy theorists and that is where they belong.
The lunatic fringe.


I agree - but nutjobs are not going to suddenly wake up and say, "gee, ya know - I've been talking idiocy." They are just going to keep trying to convince others of the legitimacy of their pyschosis - they;ve sort of dug themselves into that hole and now the rest of us get to chuckle as they squirm around down there.
Psychological studies have actually been done on this phenomenon. Essentially people who participate in these conspiracy theories want to be part of the group that "has the correct explanation", i.e. they want to feel that they and their beliefs are relevant. It gives them a sense of empowerment.
So if it doesn't concern you, why ridicule people who are only asking that Obama release his records?

Because he has - it has all been verified by non-partisans and all the appropriate authorities. People who do stupid things get ridiculed - it happens.
Look - if you want to act like a fool and refuse to accept any of the documentation, testimony, rulings, etc ... that have put this issue to rest, that is certainly your right. But don't get your panties all in a bunch when everyone else says you are acting like a fool.

If the shoe fits ..........



Until then, you're so far out to lunch how can we take you seriously?
Did I ever deny it? No. Are you such a fucking moron as to NOT have noticed here yet that just about EVERYONE GETS insulted or INSULTS OTHERS? Look the fuck around ya DUMB ASS. Holy flying FUCK! Now grow a sack with a pair in it and quit your fucking WHINING!

ummmmm - I'm not the one whining......
if the shoe fits ......

It's been provided and attested to by the proper authorities repeatedly.
You just dismiss all the verifications because you are hell-bent on acting foolishly - and then whining like a jilted hairdresser when people point out to you that you are acting foolishly .....
Anyone who is still pushing the agenda that he is not a citizen of this country actually does more harm to his chosen political party that good.
Honestly those who continue to push this agenda are viewed (even by most in their own party) as .....
They are placed in the same category as foil heads, 9/11, JFK assassination and Apollo landings conspiracy theorists and that is where they belong.
The lunatic fringe.


I agree - but nutjobs are not going to suddenly wake up and say, "gee, ya know - I've been talking idiocy." They are just going to keep trying to convince others of the legitimacy of their pyschosis - they;ve sort of dug themselves into that hole and now the rest of us get to chuckle as they squirm around down there.
Psychological studies have actually been done on this phenomenon. Essentially people who participate in these conspiracy theories want to be part of the group that "has the correct explanation", i.e. they want to feel that they and their beliefs are relevant. It gives them a sense of empowerment.

And this liberal, obamabot ass kissing club TURD you just laid in here is proof of where obama was born? Oh... no... it's just more SHIT from the OBAMA ASS KISSING CLUB.

Try proving where he was born muttonhead.

Try explaining WHY obama is HIDING his birth certificate.

It's been provided and attested to by the proper authorities repeatedly.
You just dismiss all the verifications because you are hell-bent on acting foolishly - and then whining like a jilted hairdresser when people point out to you that you are acting foolishly .....

It has? Show me. Get the fucking proof and show me or STFU.
To the obamabot ass kissing club, with nothing more to say worth while... YOU FAIL... EPIC FAIL!
Have your day in court. Until then, continue to piss and moan. No one cares.
This is where you expose yourself as the partisan hack that you are... "tohell." "The day in court is coming," and that has your knickers in a bundle.

"No one cares, really?" Then why did the last poll show 47.8% of all those asked think obama should show a valid birth certificate that actually has information on it that can be confirmed? Huh? Seems to me you're just a little more than full of shit. But there's always one... one person that just will not, CAN not, ADMIT the facts of an issue, and you're it. No problem. Whether you admit the truth of this issue or not is NOT relevant to any part of it. The fact of the matter is obama has NEVER PROVEN WHERE HE WAS BORN, TO ANYONE. That is a FACT, and the debate about it is OVER. It's an ESTABLISHED FACT. Now obama is spending HORDES of CASH to keep ANYTHING that may verify where he was born HIDDEN, and the people that think that's all fine and dandy, LIKE YOU, have to be the most IGNORANT SONS A BITCHES to walk the face of the earth.

Well it won't continue. Not for much longer. The more people hear about this, the more they want obama to PROVE where he was born. How can he do that? Well, for starters, he could release this supposed real birth certificate. Why he doesn't is a ABSOLUTE MYSTERY. If it would PROVE he was born in Hawaii, THEN WHY DOESN'T HE RELEASE IT? A question NO ONE here has EVER answered with ANYTHING worth listening to. It's all been insults and party line bull shit of no consequence... like YOUR bull shit.

And keep throwing those hail marys. This is what? Number 4000 for you all?
Keep protecting your messiah. Keep purporting we should ignore the constitution and just say piss on it. Keep spewing the obama ass kissing clubs talking points, deflections and insults. You and your agenda to protect obama are perfectly transparent in your efforts. You're not fooling anyone. I take PLEASURE in THROWING IT IN YOUR FACE, ALL THE PROGRESS MADE to FORCE obama to PROVE WHERE HE WAS BORN. GET USED TO IT, because it won't be over until he does.

Deal with it.

Oh dear lord. Look, if you want to go through life as a bonehead, that's your perrogative.

Screw this rhetorical circle jerk.

I am going to go day drink with a crew of beautiful women.

Enjoy your Friday afternoon everyone.

Birthers, don't forget to restock on your tin-foil.

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