Bill O'Reilly Claims a Tape Exists of a Woman Being Offered $200K to Make False Claims Against Trump

Ah Bull O'Liarly, there's a credible source.

The glaring flaw here of course is the law of supply and demand. It's not necessary to offer money, let alone $200k, to make up a story. Real stories already abound. Unpaid ones. Only in a world where Rump was a celibate monk would it be anywhere near necessary to fabricate something.

O'Liarly be all like

Ah Bull O'Liarly, there's a credible source.

The glaring flaw here of course is the law of supply and demand. It's not necessary to offer money, let alone $200k, to make up a story. Real stories already abound. Unpaid ones. Only in a world where Rump was a celibate monk would it be anywhere near necessary to fabricate something.

O'Liarly be all like

unpaid? how do you know?
This tape was recorded on a phone call before the election and O'Rielly says it's also related to his situation and Hannity's...
My guess is this has been going on a while being paid for women to accuse innocent men and after their accusations bring the target down they take their money and are never heard from again...O'Rielly also said Trump is aware of the tape so I think it's only a matter of time before this hair brain democrat dirty trick blows up...
O'Rielly said to News Max he could not figure out why Trump and his team haven't brought up the tape then he speculated that the reason could be that it's under investigation at the DOJ already...
This tape was recorded on a phone call before the election and O'Rielly says it's also related to his situation and Hannity's...
My guess is this has been going on a while being paid for women to accuse innocent men and after their accusations bring the target down they take their money and are never heard from again...O'Rielly also said Trump is aware of the tape so I think it's only a matter of time before this hair brain democrat dirty trick blows up...
O'Rielly said to News Max he could not figure out why Trump and his team haven't brought up the tape then he speculated that the reason could be that it's under investigation at the DOJ already...

Poor Bill

Playing the victim.......I never abused anyone. Women get paid to make this stuff up
Sounds like the work of James O'Keefe
No what I'm hearing is it is the women herself that recorded the call and kept the recording and is in discussion with attorneys about the release...Holy mole this is going to be HUGE! someone should tell Gilibrand...BUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Ah Bull O'Liarly, there's a credible source.

The glaring flaw here of course is the law of supply and demand. It's not necessary to offer money, let alone $200k, to make up a story. Real stories already abound. Unpaid ones. Only in a world where Rump was a celibate monk would it be anywhere near necessary to fabricate something.

O'Liarly be all like

WHAT "real stories" ? You mean fairy tales ?
Like everything else America will soon grow weary of this nonsense. Both sides of it
Hopefully, not too many Alabamans will be hoodwinked, putting a bad politician in the Senate, unjustifiably. People have to be smart. Democrats are getting very tricky lately.
Bill O'reilly, fired for sexual harassment is defending a self-admitted sexual predator, both of whom are over 70 years old.

Conservatism, it is what it is.

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