Bill O'Reilly accuser being arrested

He clearly was and is a very ill individual. Mental illness does not care how rich or poor you are. For instance, we have a malignant narcissist showing early signs of dementia in the White House.
So now you are a doctor? just two minuets ago you were a prosecutor and a judge.
Maybe the NFL will take a knee this weekend for all the white males being railroaded by liberals.
What Fox had to do (I'm assuming) is pay off his contract. As long as they pay him the money whether he does the show or not, there is nothing to sue for. He could only sue Fox if they were involved in a breach of contract.
But you think that FOX is going to just let an innocent bill O'Reilly just walk over to another network?

I think (from the OP video) that he has his own show going on the internet. In fact, I'm going to check it out sometime. The only thing I ever watched on Fox was his show. When they got rid of him, I stopped watching Fox.
What a mind-numbingly stupid argument. Nobody thinks he "had" to do that, but rather he chose to do that
Are you sure? were you there? I'm just projecting myself into his position and I find the whole thing very suspect. What is mind numbingly stupid is convicting him outside of the courtroom like you seem to want to do.
"Are you sure? were you there?"

No, nor did I say i was. Do I think he drugged and raped women? Yes. Yes I do. I see too many accusations to be mere coincidence of a bunch of dishonest women, all targeting the same man. How many times have you been accused of drugging and raping women? i'll guess zero.

Maybe because he's not a multimillionaire with a national reputation to keep.
Not an O'Reilly fan but it looks like he was railroaded.
all one has to ask is where are all of the ladies that supposedly were harassed by trump? they just disappeared. It's always all made up. I believe Bill Cosby was set up. To this day!!!!!! it happened right after he gave a speech to black men on how to not listen to the left and become responsible.

Did Bill Cosby have sex with some of the women accusing him, I believe he did. But not the way they are telling the stories. NOPE not in a lick. The one lady actually went back after the encounter. She admits it. hly fk the left are haters bigly!!!!!!
Good point jc.......Yeah you are Bill freaking Cosby actor millionaire and you have to drug some skank to get laid? I don't think so. This shit has to stop and I hope O'Reilly and his attorney brings it down for good.
"Yeah you are Bill freaking Cosby actor millionaire and you have to drug some skank to get laid? "

What a mind-numbingly stupid argument. Nobody thinks he "had" to do that, but rather he chose to do that. By the stunted unlogic you wield, every rapist who ever raped only did so because he was desperate to get laid. It's embarrassing to see rational adults take leave of their senses the way you two are right now.

Any expert in rape will tell you that it's not sex---it's a power thing with them.

People with money and power don't need to do deviant things to get a woman to have sex with them. And the problem with sex allegations is that in most cases, it can't be proven like the Bill Cosby case. No videos, no audio, no trip to the hospital, no immediate legal charges. It's just word against word.
Not an O'Reilly fan but it looks like he was railroaded.
all one has to ask is where are all of the ladies that supposedly were harassed by trump? they just disappeared. It's always all made up. I believe Bill Cosby was set up. To this day!!!!!! it happened right after he gave a speech to black men on how to not listen to the left and become responsible.

Did Bill Cosby have sex with some of the women accusing him, I believe he did. But not the way they are telling the stories. NOPE not in a lick. The one lady actually went back after the encounter. She admits it. hly fk the left are haters bigly!!!!!!

I would say 95% of these rape/ sexual advancement claims are BS. Like a well known guy like Bill Cosby had to drug some girl to get a piece of ass. I mean......... come on now. If he wanted women, they would line up for him for the mere asking.

I won't be partisan about this either. I think claims made against Bill Clinton were BS as well.

We have a lot of problems with our legal system in this country. That's why we need a Loser Pays All law. You can sue anybody you like, but if you lose the case, you are financially responsible for all losses of the person you tried to sue: their lawyer fees, court fees, lost time from work, damages to reputation and so on.

That would stop a lot of this nonsense.


That's is such a dumb fucking statement to make. If you are rich and famous ALL women are just going to fall at your feet and drop their panties.

"A woman named Jessica Gober has claimed that the pop icon contacted the Savannah gym she works at after he saw her on its Instagram page.

'Did this actually just happen... lmao Justin Bieber just messaged the gym that I work at and asked who I was hahahaha WTF,' Jessica tweeted Wednesday."

"Unfortunately for Justin, Jessica replied to her original tweet with another one that featured several photos of her cozying up to her boyfriend.

'I've got everything I need right here,' she wrote with a heart emoji."

Justin Bieber is turned down by gym employee | Daily Mail Online
Not an O'Reilly fan but it looks like he was railroaded.
all one has to ask is where are all of the ladies that supposedly were harassed by trump? they just disappeared. It's always all made up. I believe Bill Cosby was set up. To this day!!!!!! it happened right after he gave a speech to black men on how to not listen to the left and become responsible.

Did Bill Cosby have sex with some of the women accusing him, I believe he did. But not the way they are telling the stories. NOPE not in a lick. The one lady actually went back after the encounter. She admits it. hly fk the left are haters bigly!!!!!!

I would say 95% of these rape/ sexual advancement claims are BS. Like a well known guy like Bill Cosby had to drug some girl to get a piece of ass. I mean......... come on now. If he wanted women, they would line up for him for the mere asking.

I won't be partisan about this either. I think claims made against Bill Clinton were BS as well.

We have a lot of problems with our legal system in this country. That's why we need a Loser Pays All law. You can sue anybody you like, but if you lose the case, you are financially responsible for all losses of the person you tried to sue: their lawyer fees, court fees, lost time from work, damages to reputation and so on.

That would stop a lot of this nonsense.
No, that's a horrible idea, as it would silence victims who fear they may lose a civil suit. Especially when those victims are individuals facing other individuals or companies with much greater resources. No, that's not just a terrible idea, it might be one of the worst.

Why? Then you could only sue if you know you have a strong enough case. In many instances, people settle out of court because court costs would exceed settlement costs. Ambulance chasers know this quite well. Legal costs can really add up.

Hey.......if you have a strong enough case (and evidence to support it) then resources don't matter.
"Then you could only sue if you know you have a strong enough case."

Bullshit. High proced lawyers are high priced for a reason. You canmot sit there with a straight face and claim that all lost civil or criminal suits were lost just because the case wasn't strong enough. They are often lost on technicalities, and procedural issues. Often, the rightfully accusatory party employs a poor lawyer who bungles the case. Also, it silences victims who evem suspect they may lose for any number of nefarious reasons.

Dude, you are treading old ground from about the 1960s. Because of people spouting the same bullshit you are spouting now, women have been afraid to come out against their abusers. Shame on you.

Yes and now they are coming out of the woodwork because they smell money. They understand that if they press the issue, it will be settled out of court because the money bags will just hand it over to them just to get it out of the way.

And that's the problem. The legal system works against the accused. In the Trayvon Martin situation, the case never made it to court before the Home Owners Association handed his mother a ton of money. Here in Cleveland, the city handed Tamir Rice's mother six million dollars, and the jury found the officer not guilty of any crime. But they didn't even wait for that. They just gave her the money to shut her up and for political expediency.

Loser Pays All would end these bogus claims. If you have a real case, then fine, sue. If you don't, then you have to understand your liability in ruining another persons life.
He clearly was and is a very ill individual. Mental illness does not care how rich or poor you are. For instance, we have a malignant narcissist showing early signs of dementia in the White House.
So now you are a doctor? just two minuets ago you were a prosecutor and a judge.
"You are a doctor"

No, nor am I insisting you agree with me. yes, a person who does what it appears Cosby did is clearly mentally ill. That seems to be more of a "common wisdom" thing, than a clinical thing. But the clinical terms for his illness do exist. Sociopathy. Narcissism. Pathological.

Or maybe none of that happened, and this is all coincidence that he was targeted by this group of women who don't know each other. That seems legit, right?

Of course the woman is black and of course the left wing media automatically believed her.

I mean of course. The BLACK privilege woman went on "The View" and spewed out her lies and of course they never did any sort of background check on the BLACK woman.

Durham dirtbag anyone. Remember the innocent white Duke LaCrosse team? Remember CNN automatically believing the BLACK woman?

Black privilege

oh, well then, clearly the numerous other cases settled with cash were all false as well.

So Obama settling suits of those accusing him of rape mean he is also guilty?

Stupid fucktard.. Many celebrities pay off people to end the BS law suits and to force a gag injunction.. they do this to take it out of the news and out of public view.. the cost is much less than fighting it in court with the biased media circus..

Your ignorance is no longer stunning, its bordering on fanatically stupid..

Of course the woman is black and of course the left wing media automatically believed her.

I mean of course. The BLACK privilege woman went on "The View" and spewed out her lies and of course they never did any sort of background check on the BLACK woman.

Durham dirtbag anyone. Remember the innocent white Duke LaCrosse team? Remember CNN automatically believing the BLACK woman?

Black privilege

oh, well then, clearly the numerous other cases settled with cash were all false as well.

So Obama settling suits of those accusing him of rape mean he is also guilty?

Stupid fucktard.. Many celebrities pay off people to end the BS law suits and to force a gag in junction.. they do this to take it out of the news and out of public view.. the cost is much less than fighting it in court with the biased media circus..

Your ignorance is no longer stunning, its bordering on fanatically stupid..

I didn't say settling suits automatically makes someone guilty. Nor did i deny that people settle even when innocent, because it is cheaper. Sloooooow down
What in the world has mainstream media evolved into? Once upon a time there used be ethics and responsible journalism, now what we have is sensationalism based on unsubstantiated or fabricated nonsense.
This is nothing new. They've been doing it since the invention of politics. Hell, Thomas Jefferson even accused John Adams of being a hermaphrodite.
who don't know each other
You assume too much. How do you know there is no connection?
There are so many, all over the country. It would be more absurd to assume it as anything but extremely likely (no connection). They say so themselves You disagree? Possible secret conspiracy? Sweet, let's hear it! I'll have a few questions, then.

Of course the woman is black and of course the left wing media automatically believed her.

I mean of course. The BLACK privilege woman went on "The View" and spewed out her lies and of course they never did any sort of background check on the BLACK woman.

Durham dirtbag anyone. Remember the innocent white Duke LaCrosse team? Remember CNN automatically believing the BLACK woman?

Black privilege

oh, well then, clearly the numerous other cases settled with cash were all false as well.

We'll have to check with Slick Willie Clinton on that one.

Why? Willie = one settlement, O'Reilly = 5. Clearly O'Reilly has more experience and wisdom to share.

How many?
Bill Clinton Sex Allegations: 17 Claims of Rape & Affairs

Of course the woman is black and of course the left wing media automatically believed her.

I mean of course. The BLACK privilege woman went on "The View" and spewed out her lies and of course they never did any sort of background check on the BLACK woman.

Durham dirtbag anyone. Remember the innocent white Duke LaCrosse team? Remember CNN automatically believing the BLACK woman?

Black privilege

Political correctness makes people stupid
Not an O'Reilly fan but it looks like he was railroaded.
all one has to ask is where are all of the ladies that supposedly were harassed by trump? they just disappeared. It's always all made up. I believe Bill Cosby was set up. To this day!!!!!! it happened right after he gave a speech to black men on how to not listen to the left and become responsible.

Did Bill Cosby have sex with some of the women accusing him, I believe he did. But not the way they are telling the stories. NOPE not in a lick. The one lady actually went back after the encounter. She admits it. hly fk the left are haters bigly!!!!!!
Yeah, and Herman Cain as well. The very day he polled at like 20% or something. He was actually in the lead during the primaries in 2012.

Want to know what a big threat is to the establishment? Establishment consists of the RINOS and ALL the democrats along with ALL of the world GLOBALISTS. The big threat is a BLACK MAN that is a true CONSERVATIVE and worked his way from the street, like Herman Cain.

They did the same thing to him. They really could not get away with that with Dr Ben Carson. Instead, they convinced their stupid people that Dr Ben Carson is an idiot. Get that? One of the most accomplished BRAIN SURGEONS, is an idiot. Why? Cause he believes in God.

Anyway, this is a tactic. It is not just simply "wrong." There is something far more than simply wrong. There is treason going on. I would say TREASON too. Shaping our thoughts and how many people are brainwashed? Take a look around.
As I heard on the radio this morning from Burgess Owens ex football player, the demlosers are evil people he has a new book out :

"Liberalism or How to turn good men into Whiners, Wieners and Wimps."

I will look to read it.
Not an O'Reilly fan but it looks like he was railroaded.
Does this mean he has a suit against Fox for firing him?
"Does this mean he has a suit against Fox for firing him?"

Of course not, because then the facts would come out in court. And we both know Papa Bear don't want that. She was not arrested for falsely accusing Bill O'Reilly.
no she wasn't, what she showed is she has propensity for lying, adding the piece about Lawrence Fishburne shows that she referred to herself as 'hot chocolate' in 2012 before she knew O'Reilly. Now ask yourself, how would he know she had used that saying earlier in her life and say to her hey 'hot chocolate'. LOL. can you say liar? It's called credibility. Which she has none of. Her lawyer was like but, but, but. Hilarious and sad at the same time. And O'Reilly stated, more to come. I can't wait to see the other lies.
"Does this mean he has a suit against Fox for firing him?"

Of course not, because then the facts would come out in court. And we both know Papa Bear don't want that. She was not arrested for falsely accusing Bill O'Reilly.

No because you can't sue somebody for firing you unless that somebody broke the law such as discrimination.

What Fox had to do (I'm assuming) is pay off his contract. As long as they pay him the money whether he does the show or not, there is nothing to sue for. He could only sue Fox if they were involved in a breach of contract.
It could have ended up in court, but O'Reilly agreed to amemd his contract to a settlement amount. He could have demanded he get every penny. Why didn't he?
Economics. The same reason corporations pay off nuisance claims. It's cheaper.
Every settlement exists because it's cheaper to settle? Okay,not sure I agree, but I will say that yes, I am sure it is often cheaper for the guilty party, in terms of all economic costs, to settle a lawsuit. Your comment does nothing to absolve "the settler" of wrongdoing.
it is cheaper.
Not an O'Reilly fan but it looks like he was railroaded.
all one has to ask is where are all of the ladies that supposedly were harassed by trump? they just disappeared. It's always all made up. I believe Bill Cosby was set up. To this day!!!!!! it happened right after he gave a speech to black men on how to not listen to the left and become responsible.

Did Bill Cosby have sex with some of the women accusing him, I believe he did. But not the way they are telling the stories. NOPE not in a lick. The one lady actually went back after the encounter. She admits it. hly fk the left are haters bigly!!!!!!
Good point jc.......Yeah you are Bill freaking Cosby actor millionaire and you have to drug some skank to get laid? I don't think so. This shit has to stop and I hope O'Reilly and his attorney brings it down for good.
"Yeah you are Bill freaking Cosby actor millionaire and you have to drug some skank to get laid? "

What a mind-numbingly stupid argument. Nobody thinks he "had" to do that, but rather he chose to do that. By the stunted unlogic you wield, every rapist who ever raped only did so because he was desperate to get laid. It's embarrassing to see rational adults take leave of their senses the way you two are right now.
you have no idea he did anything any of those women said he did. They were looking for him to get them a break in hollywood. Period. and they more than likely slept with him. Again, I'm not saying he didn't have sex with them, I'm saying why they did it isn't what they're claiming. Why go back and try again then? I mean if someone was raped, I doubt the next logical step is to go back to that person's house. Just saying that one disturbs me to no end.

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