Bill Maher: there's nothing worse for the environment than having a baby

well, if AGW is real(lol) then that makes sense.
Just another instance of leftists wanting to regulate the bedroom
He's right, liberals should stop reproducing.

I've been saying it for years.

The reason I do not support anti-abortion laws is because libturds should have abortions. In fact liberal women should have a hysterectomy if she is still an imbecile after the age of 25 because a frontal lobe will not develop and she will remain a libturd.

Extreme right wingers don't want anything from government.

Extreme left wingers want everything from government.

The thing is, gov't takes shit from people, in order to give regressives and dependents shit they're demanding. These parasites will flat line a polygraph if asked to affirm their entitlement to subsistence without being obligated to do ANYTHING for it.

They're programmed to believe the aristocracy is going to fund their demands and tax itself into providing trickle up free shit.

"Extreme" (defined by whom exactly?) "right wingers" who believe in independence and merit, free markets, the bill of rights (as written, not the bed wetter bong water drinking version) and national sovereignty over globalism aren't extreme at all.

We are the normal people.

They are EXTREME imbeciles.


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