Bill Gates under fire for saying vaccine formulas shouldn’t be shared with developing world


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Now, I don't disagree fully with his position. Private businesses need to have I.P or you won't see development. The Invisible Hand at work is a motivation I firmly believe in, within reason of course.

That said, he is once again exposed for his hypocrisy. Here is a guy who lectures the world on climate change and pretends everyone else is to blame, while Western businesses and jobs are exported to nations that pollute even worse. For this he is silent (along with many other serious global issues he is silent on).

At the very least, Western nations should sell vaccines to nations like India. Even if it comes in the form of debt, I.O.U, or promises to pay higher fees for some other product they import that offsets this. It makes no sense to not assist India, an ally of the West and the worlds largest democracy. In my opinion, the suffering in India certainly helps other nations on their border by ensuring this travesty continues there...

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has come under fire for saying vaccine formulas shouldn't be shared with developing nations.

During an interview with Sky News on Sunday, Mr Gates was asked if it “would be helpful” for intellectual property protections to be lifted and for vaccine recipes to be shared with the world.

Mr Gates flatly said “no,” before adding: “There's only so many vaccine factories in the world and people are very serious about the safety of vaccines. And so moving something that had never been done, moving a vaccine, say, from a [Johnson & Johnson] factory into a factory in India, it's novel, it's only because of our grants and expertise that can happen at all.”
Funny, he doesn't seem to mind testing it on them.

New cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine have been reported in four African countries and more children are now being paralyzed by vaccine-derived viruses than those infected by viruses in the wild, according to global health numbers...
Now, I don't disagree fully with his position. Private businesses need to have I.P or you won't see development. The Invisible Hand at work is a motivation I firmly believe in, within reason of course.

That said, he is once again exposed for his hypocrisy. Here is a guy who lectures the world on climate change and pretends everyone else is to blame, while Western businesses and jobs are exported to nations that pollute even worse. For this he is silent (along with many other serious global issues he is silent on).

At the very least, Western nations should sell vaccines to nations like India. Even if it comes in the form of debt, I.O.U, or promises to pay higher fees for some other product they import that offsets this. It makes no sense to not assist India, an ally of the West and the worlds largest democracy. In my opinion, the suffering in India certainly helps other nations on their border by ensuring this travesty continues there...

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has come under fire for saying vaccine formulas shouldn't be shared with developing nations.

During an interview with Sky News on Sunday, Mr Gates was asked if it “would be helpful” for intellectual property protections to be lifted and for vaccine recipes to be shared with the world.

Mr Gates flatly said “no,” before adding: “There's only so many vaccine factories in the world and people are very serious about the safety of vaccines. And so moving something that had never been done, moving a vaccine, say, from a [Johnson & Johnson] factory into a factory in India, it's novel, it's only because of our grants and expertise that can happen at all.”

What he means is, we shouldn't share the technology unless he gets a cut.

Doesn't he have enough money from his software?

Not much of a philanthropist if he withholds technology that could save millions.



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