Bigots Condemn Appointment of Lesbian Air Force Commandant


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
The bigotry and stupidity of the right just does not stop!! Not one of them can provide any sort of rational or objective reason to oppose this appointment. Even Trumps appointee as Defense Secretary is fine with it!! The woman has an impecable reputation as a leader and military officer.

She was a bomber pilot and in fact, led the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, becoming the wing's first female commander.!!

Before that, she served as the vice commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. Lt. Col. Allen Heritage, the academy's director of public affairs, said Goodwin was selected for the position based on her "outstanding service and leadership credentials." He said she will bring a "wealth of experience" from her previous assignments and will "strengthen the academy's continued drive toward excellence." Bomber pilot picked to be the Air Force Academy's commandant of cadets

Get over it people!! This is the 21st century !!

Bigots Condemn Appointment of Lesbian Air Force Commandant

Selected excerpts:

Col. Kristin Goodwin quietly made history this month when she was appointed to become the commandant of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Goodwin would be the first openly LGBT officer to occupy that position—and only the second woman to do so.

But there has been loud opposition to her historic appointment from the anti-LGBT fringe.
That biographical detail should not be controversial. Goodwin is just one of an estimated 70,000 plus service members who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual, according to a Williams Institute estimate.
One right wing religious rag wrote:

“BREAKING,” the LifeSiteNews headline declared on March 30, a full nine days after Air Force Times reported the appointment. “Lesbian with ‘wife’ and two kids selected to lead U.S. Air Force Academy.” The term “wife” never appeared outside of quotation marks in the article, which relayed the head of the Pray in Jesus Name Project’s complaints about Goodwin’s appointment.

And another wrote

And the popular far-right website WorldNetDaily trumpeted a letter from the chief of an Alabama organization called the Foundation for Moral Law—which, according to its “About” page, “exists to restore the knowledge of God in law and government”—telling President Trump’s new Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis that Goodwin “does not set a proper moral example for youth” and claiming that she “demeans the institution of marriage” because she is “a lesbian who is ‘married’ to another woman.” (Again with the scare quotes.)

Who do these people think that they are to believe that they can impose their moral and religious values on the rest of us? They clearly have have no respect for the constitution or the concept of religious freedom- or the flip side which is freedom from religion.

And what will Trump do?? Who the hell knows!!??

Trump has earned praise from the religious right for rescinding Obama’s transgender student guidance but he has been sorely criticized for keeping—or even considering the nomination of—openly LGBT officials.

Goodwin’s appointment is being perceived as a continuation of that trend. (In March, President Trump nominated Goodwin for the rank of brigadier general, which has historically been held by U.S. Air Force Academy commandants, as a Department of Defense press release noted.)

Lets hear it, what rational reason is that that this woman should not serve in this capacity? You religion is your problem and no one else's!
I was on active duty for twelve years.

My first baseman was a lesbian, and who gives a holy hoot?

Sheez, Louise, guys, let this goy.
There is no reason a woman couldn't hold a command position.
Geez, what a surprise! Female military personnel who might be lesbians.

Almost as surprising as Catholic priests who might be gay.

Move on people, it's the 21st century.
Geez, what a surprise! Female military personnel who might be lesbians.

Almost as surprising as Catholic priests who might be gay.

Move on people, it's the 21st century.
While I appreciate your sentiment that seems to be saying that the bigotry is stupid, I have to wonder why you seem to associate being a female officer with being a lesbian. It harkens back to the idea that the military is a male domain and therefor any woman who excels in that environment must be masculine. It also suggests that Lesbians are masculine which is not generally the case.

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